4 research outputs found

    Valor e variações da freqüência fundamental no choro de dor de recém-nascidos

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    OBJETIVO: estudar o valor da freqüência fundamental e suas variações presentes no choro de dor de recém-nascidos. MÉTODOS: foram gravadas as emissões de 111 recém-nascidos de termo e saudáveis, com idade de 24 a 72 horas durante procedimento da punção venosa periférica. A análise acústica foi realizada por meio dos softwares VOXMETRIA 1.1 com extração do valor da freqüência fundamental e GRAM 5.7 para verificar a ocorrência de variações da freqüência fundamental como quebras, bitonalidade e freqüência hiperaguda. A escala de dor NIPS foi realizada no momento da punção. A análise estatística é descritiva com extração dos valores de média, desvio-padrão e freqüência de ocorrência dos eventos. RESULTADOS: os recém-nascidos apresentaram 100% de suas emissões com variações de freqüência, ou seja, quebras e bitonalidade. A freqüência hiperaguda foi encontrada em 34,2% dos recém-nascidos. CONCLUSÃO: por meio do choro, o recém-nascido comunica sua dor. A emissão de dor do recém-nascido é tensa e estridente, com freqüência fundamental aguda e variações encontradas no traçado espectrográfico, como quebras, bitonalidade e freqüência hiperaguda. Tais características são importantes para chamar a atenção do adulto no pronto atendimento ao recém-nascido e auxiliar na avaliação de dor durante um procedimento.PURPOSE: to study the value of fundamental frequency and its variations found in newborn pain cry. METHODS: emissions of 111 healthy and term newborns were recorded, whose lifetime varied from 24 to 72 hours, during venepuncture procedures. The acoustic analysis was realized with VOXMETRIA 1.1 software, with an extract from the fundamental frequency value and GRAM 5.7, in order to verify the occurrence of fundamental frequency variations such as breaks, double harmonic breaks and higher fundamental frequency. The NIPS scale was carried out during venepuncture. The statistical analysis is descriptive with extract from the mean values, standard deviation and frequency of event occurrence. RESULTS: the newborns showed 100% of their emissions with frequency variations, in other words, breaks and double harmonic breaks. The higher fundamental frequency was found in 34.2% of the newborns. CONCLUSION: the newborn communicates pain through cry. The newborn pain emission is tense and strident with higher fundamental frequency and variations founds at the spectrographic tracing such as breaks, double harmonic breaks and higher fundamental frequency. Such characteristics are important to attract adult attention concerning as for a fast support to the newborns and to help in the evaluation of pain during a procedure

    The newborn pain cry: Descriptive acoustic spectrographic analysis

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    Introduction: Study the characteristics of pain vocal emission of newborns during venepuncture through acoustic analysis and relate it to NIPS pain scale and some variables of the newborns.Methods: Emissions of 111 healthy term newborns were recorded, whose lifetime varied from 24 to 72 h. The acoustic analysis was realized with GRAM 5.7 software verifying the occurrence of tense strangled voice quality, sounds, concentration of acoustic energy, breaks, double harmonic breaks and frequency instability, type of phonation, vocal attack and cough. The NIPS scale was realized during venepuncture and descriptive statistical analysis and correlation through Spearman test.Results: Hundred percent of the emissions had guttural sounds, vowels, hard vocal attack, frequency, breaks, double harmonic breaks and tense strangled voice quality; 34.2% higher fundamental frequency; 62.2% periods of emission absence and 100% occurrence of tracing instability, concentration of acoustic energy, inspiratory and expiratory phonation. The cough occurred in 14.4%. The signs of vocal tract constriction associated with all. The parameters. There was a negative correlation between the higher fundamental frequencies and the weight of newborns and positive correlation between cough and NIPS score.Conclusions: the newborn pain emission is tense and strident, the modifications of frequency and spectrographic tracing and the presence of sounds show laryngeal and vocal tract participation. The smaller the newborn weight, the bigger the presence of higher fundamental frequency with tense strangled voice quality and the bigger the NIPS score, the more frequent the cough. Such characteristics make pain crying peculiar, helping in the evaluation of pain during a procedure. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved