33 research outputs found

    Some vector borne parasites in Swedish reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus L).

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    A review presented at the Fifth European Regional Meeting of the Society for Vector Ecology, September 2.-6. 1990, Uppsala, Sweden. The clinical and pathological manifestations as well as some meat hygienic aspects of Megatrypanum trypanosomes, Babesia divergens, Setaria tundrae, Onchocerca tarsicola and Lappnema auris infections in reindeer are reported on.Vektorburna parasiter hos svensk ren.Abstract in Swedish / Sammanfatting: En oversikt presenterad vid «the Fifth European Regional Meeting of the Society for Vector Ecology», September 2.-6. 1990, Uppsala, Sverige. Kliniska och patologiska manifestationer liksom i viss utsträckning livsmedelshygieniska aspekter diskuteras med avseende på infektioner med Vektorburna parasiter hos svensk ren. trypanosomer, Babesia divergens, Setaria tundrae, Onchocerca tarsicola och Lappnema auris

    The use of laboratory animals in the third world countries

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    Stressfaktorernas innverknad

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    Två undersökningar avseende stress hos ren référeras. Mental stress förorsakad av den hantering djuren utsättes för, då framför allt manuell hantering, synes vara av stor betydelse hos ren. I samtliga hjordar som utsatts för drivning och manuell hantering förelåg skador, vilka kunna relateras till stress, i form av blödningar i löpmagsslemhinnan, muskel-sönderfall och förändringar i blodbilden. De funna skadorna och förändringarna har statistiskt kunnat korreleras till den stress djuren utsatts för. Manuell hantering och inskränkning av djurens rörelsesfrihet (silsystem) befanns vara en av de dominerande stress¬faktorerna, liksom även använding av motorfordon (främst helikopter, men även scooter) vid drivning. Det forelåg ävenledes starka indikationer på en kumulativ effekt av upprepad stress.  &nbsp

    Management stress in reindeer

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    The general mechanism and biological effects of stress are dealt with. Investigations performed on semidomesticated reindeer concerning the stress response under different herding and management conditions are presented and discussed. The findings indicate that: Reindeer are susceptible to management stress and that their degree of tameness plays an important role in the development of stress lesions such as muscular and myocardial degeneration and abomasal haemorrhages, etc. The animals are not favoured by rests between events of stress exposure as the effects produced tend to be cumulative. Depletion of muscular glycogen stores, increased catabolism of muscular protein, muscular degeneration and increased blood-urea levels can not be excluded as a cause of an altered and bad taste of the meat, i.e. a bad meat quality. Thus prolonged and repeated manual handling and transportation of live animals should be avoided. The use of helicopters or other motor vehicles must be correlated to the tameness of the animals and to environmental conditions. Stress due to incorrect management methods may, by means of stress induced lesions, severly affect the productivity of reindeer

    Advantages of Health Monitoring?

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    The defined laboratory animal and health monitoring

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    There is a definite need to set standard for health monitoring in order to obtain defined animals. Currently few laboratories can provide health monitoring schemes. However methods and operationalprocedures vary.GV-SOLAS has listed and published recommended methods to detect some pathogens. In the US, ILAR will publish a book with information on how diseases can affect research results. The FELASA working group on health monitoring isworking to achieve recommendations, which could be widely accepted.Health monitoring methods used were regarded as too variable, and some types of reports difficult to read. If health monitoring is practised in user units it is in most cases only limited Most users rely on services of specialized laboratories or on breaders’ reports. Transparency of all relevant information concerning animals and methods used for health monitoring (SOst) is vital.While standard textbooks in laboratory animal science use diseases as an example of a variable readily appreciated by scientists, it probably applies to clinical diseases only. However, there is ample evidence that this also holds true for subcIinical diseases.The cost of health monitoring appears high, and hence there is a need to set a minimum standard. One way to define an animal could be through identification of significant organisms regarded to interfere with a certain study. The detection ofsignificant organisms should result in due action. Health monitoring is a specialized field, which requires expertise, trained staff and established and periodically revised methods. In order to achieve international standardization in this field reference centers are preferable. To meet these demands WHO has appointed four ”WHO Collaborating Centres for Defined Laboratory Animals” (USA, Germany, USSR, Japan). Furthermore, ICLAS is currently revising its international ”Reference and Monitoring System for Laboratory Animals”

    The localization of the larvae of the nostril fly (Cephenemyia trompe L) in the pharynx of reindeer in an earlier unknown tonsil tissue

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    The localization of the larvae of the reindeer nostril fly (Cephenemyia trompe L) in the pharynx was investigated in 21 reindeer, 11 months old, during April, and in 5 animals during November. In reindeer, without the presence of larvae, no preformed pharyngeal pouch was found at the predilection site, dorsomedially in the pharynx, but an unpaired tronsil, tentatively named Tonsilla pharyngis dorso-medialis. In 12 of the animals investigated during April, a puch containing larvae of C. trompe was found at the predilection site, i.e. the site of the dorsomedially located tonsil. Histologically remnants of tonsil tissue was present at the opening of the pouch. In 3 animals a pouch, containing larvae, was found in the left lateral wall and in 2 animals in the right lateral wall of the pharynz between the opening of Tuba auditiva and the tonsil. In one animal 2 pouches were found, one in the tonsil tissue and one located in the right lateral wall of pharynx. In serial sections from two animals investigated during November, 1 :st instar larvae of Cephenomyia trompe were found in the crypts of the tonsills. The fact that the tonsil tissue is a predilection site for C. trompe larvae may be due to the mechanical protection the 1st instar larvae can find in the crypts. Larvae may, however, also attach to other parts of the pharyngeal mucosa. During their development the larvae penetrate the mucosa forming a pouch. The wall of this pouch consists of a naked acute granulation tissue heavily infiltrated with eosinophilic leucocytes. In connection with the healing process, starting when the larvae have left, a pouch may remain, characterized by walls of chronic granulation tissue covered by a mucous membrane. This pouch could well be misinterpreted as a preformed pouch.Lokalisationen av svalgkormflugans (Cephenemyia trompe L) larver i svalget på ren i en tidigare okänd tonsillvävnad (Tonsilla pharyngis dorso-medialis).Abstract in Swedish / Sammanfattning: Lokalisationen av svalgkormflugans (Cephenemyia trompe L) larver i svalget på ren undersøktes. Resultaten av undersokningen visade att någon preformerad svalgficka inte forekommer hos ren, utan att på den plats dår fickor innehållande larver vanligtvis påvisas år belågen en oparig tonsillvåvnad, forslagsvis kallad Tonsillapbaryngis dorsomedialis. Hos djur infekterade med svalgkormlarver forelåg i april de fiesta fickbildningarna i anslutning till tonsillvåvnaden men fickor forekom också hoger- och vånstersidigt i svalgslemhinnan. I ett fall påvisades två fickor, en i tonsillvåvnaden och en hogersidigt i svalgslemhinnan. Fickornas vågg utgjordes vid denna årstid av en akut ej slemhinneforsedd granulationsvåvnad rikligt infiltrerad med eosinofila leukocyter. Hos novemberrenarna påvisades lsta stadiets larver av C. trompe i tonsillens kryptor. Hos en åldre ren forelåg omedelbart vid sidan av tonsillen en fickbildning, vars vågg besto av kronisk granulationsvåvnad beklådd med slemhinna. Tonsillvåvnadens roll som predilektionsplats for larvernas utveckling diskuteras

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    Linguatula serrata in Swedish reindeer (Rangifer tarandus L)

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    A high prevalence (24,2%) of the tongue-worm Lingutula serrata was found in reindeer yearlings. Apparently the high incidence found in this material indicates that the parasite is well adapted to reindeer; the reaction of the nasal mucosa is very mild. The abscence of clinical manifestations and the hidden localization in sinuses which are rarely inspected at slaughter or autopsy is most probably the reason why L. serrata is seldom observed.Tungmask (Linguatula serrata) hos svensk skogsren.Abstract in Swedish / Sammandrag: En hög frekvens(24,2%) av tungmask (Linguatula serrata) påvisades hos årskalv av skogsren. Den ringa våvnadsreaktion som forelag antyder att L serrata troligen ar val anpassad till ren. Att endast ett fåtal rapporter om forekomst av L serrata hos ren foreligger torde bero på att parasiten inte ger några kliniska symptom samt dess i huvudsak gomda lokalisation i overkåkshåligheterna vilka sållan inspekteras vid slakt eller obduktion. L serrata år dårfor sannolikt vanligare hos svenska renar ån man tidigare antagit

    Sven Skjenneberg Doctor Honoris Causa

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    In August 28, 1993, Sven Skjenneberg was conferred the degree of Veterinary Medical Doctor Honoris Causa at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden