12 research outputs found

    Detection and characterization of DNA damage

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    The DNA molecule is constantly subjected to endogenous and exogenous sources of damage which if left unrepaired can lead to genotoxic and cytotoxic outcomes. These lesions have been implicated in the development of numerous diseases, carcinogenesis, and aging. This research focuses on the formation of such lesions, and unlike current research, demonstrates the potential of combining multiple analytical techniques to characterize a potential damage detection system

    The pseudo-mitochondrial genome influences mistakes in heteroplasmy interpretation

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    BACKGROUND: Nuclear mitochondrial pseudogenes (numts) are a potential source of contamination during mitochondrial DNA PCR amplification. This possibility warrants careful experimental design and cautious interpretation of heteroplasmic results. RESULTS: Here we report the cloning and sequencing of numts loci, amplified from human tissue and rho-zero (Ļ(0)) cells (control) with primers known to amplify the mitochondrial genome. This paper is the first to fully sequence 46 paralogous nuclear DNA fragments that represent the entire mitochondrial genome. This is a surprisingly small number due primarily to the primer sets used in this study, because prior to this, BLAST searches have suggested that nuclear DNA harbors between 400 to 1,500 paralogous mitochondrial DNA fragments. Our results indicate that multiple numts were amplified simultaneously with the mitochondrial genome and increased the load of pseudogene signal in PCR reactions. Further, the entire mitochondrial genome was represented by multiple copies of paralogous nuclear sequences. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that mitochondrial genome disease-associated biomarkers must be rigorously authenticated to preclude any affiliation with paralogous nuclear pseudogenes. Importantly, the common perception that mitochondrial template "swamps" numts loci precluding detectable amplification, depends on the region of the mitochondrial genome targeted by the PCR reaction and the number of pseudogene loci that may co-amplify. Cloning and relevant sequencing data will facilitate the correct interpretation. This is the first complete, wet-lab characterization of numts that represent the entire mitochondrial genome

    Up-to-date catalogues of yeast protein complexes

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    Gold standard datasets on protein complexes are key to inferring and validating proteinā€“protein interactions. Despite much progress in characterizing protein complexes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, numerous researchers still use as reference the manually curated complexes catalogued by the Munich Information Center of Protein Sequences database. Although this catalogue has served the community extremely well, it no longer reflects the current state of knowledge. Here, we report two catalogues of yeast protein complexes as results of systematic curation efforts. The first one, denoted as CYC2008, is a comprehensive catalogue of 408 manually curated heteromeric protein complexes reliably backed by small-scale experiments reported in the current literature. This catalogue represents an up-to-date reference set for biologists interested in discovering protein interactions and protein complexes. The second catalogue, denoted as YHTP2008, comprises 400 high-throughput complexes annotated with current literature evidence. Among them, 262 correspond, at least partially, to CYC2008 complexes. Evidence for interacting subunits is collected for 68 complexes that have only partial or no overlap with CYC2008 complexes, whereas no literature evidence was found for 100 complexes. Some of these partially supported and as yet unsupported complexes may be interesting candidates for experimental follow up. Both catalogues are freely available at: http://wodaklab.org/cyc2008/

    Facile whole mitochondrial genome resequencing from nipple aspirate fluid using MitoChip v2.0

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mutations in the mitochondrial genome (mtgenome) have been associated with many disorders, including breast cancer. Nipple aspirate fluid (NAF) from symptomatic women could potentially serve as a minimally invasive sample for breast cancer screening by detecting somatic mutations in this biofluid. This study is aimed at 1) demonstrating the feasibility of NAF recovery from symptomatic women, 2) examining the feasibility of sequencing the entire mitochondrial genome from NAF samples, 3) cross validation of the Human mitochondrial resequencing array 2.0 (MCv2), and 4) assessing the somatic mtDNA mutation rate in benign breast diseases as a potential tool for monitoring early somatic mutations associated with breast cancer.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>NAF and blood were obtained from women with symptomatic benign breast conditions, and we successfully assessed the mutation load in the entire mitochondrial genome of 19 of these women. DNA extracts from NAF were sequenced using the mitochondrial resequencing array MCv2 and by capillary electrophoresis (CE) methods as a quality comparison. Sequencing was performed independently at two institutions and the results compared. The germline mtDNA sequence determined using DNA isolated from the patient's blood (control) was compared to the mutations present in cellular mtDNA recovered from patient's NAF.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>From the cohort of 28 women recruited for this study, NAF was successfully recovered from 23 participants (82%). Twenty two (96%) of the women produced fluids from both breasts. Twenty NAF samples and corresponding blood were chosen for this study. Except for one NAF sample, the whole mtgenome was successfully amplified using a single primer pair, or three pairs of overlapping primers. Comparison of MCv2 data from the two institutions demonstrates 99.200% concordance. Moreover, MCv2 data was 99.999% identical to CE sequencing, indicating that MCv2 is a reliable method to rapidly sequence the entire mtgenome. Four NAF samples contained somatic mutations.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We have demonstrated that NAF is a suitable material for mtDNA sequence analysis using the rapid and reliable MCv2. Somatic mtDNA mutations present in NAF of women with benign breast diseases could potentially be used as risk factors for progression to breast cancer, but this will require a much larger study with clinical follow up.</p