7 research outputs found

    Methylxanthines accumulation in Ilex species - caffeine and theobromine in erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis) and other Ilex species

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    Ilex paraguariensis St.Hil. is an important crop used commonly at the meridional South America as a source of a stimulant beverage, called maté, prepared by infusion of its processed leaves and twigs. We describe herein the methylxanthines analyses in the leaves of I. paraguariensis and other Ilex species reported as maté adulterants. The methylxanthines content determined by HPLC were 0.65% for caffeine and 0.12% for theobromine from I. paraguariensis var. paraguariensis, and 0.003% for caffeine and 0.22% (estimated) for theobromine from I. paraguariensis var. vestita. It was not detected any methylxanthines from I. brevicuspis, I. dumosa and I. microdonta. Considering the results, simultaneous caffeine and theobromine accumulation seems hitherto to be a particular characteristic of I. paraguariensis. In addition to taxonomical significance, these data suggest that it should be possible to trace adulterations of the genuine I. paraguariensis using the methodology described herein

    Chemical constituents and pharmacology properties of aristolochia triangularis: A south Brazilian highly-consumed botanical with multiple bioactivities

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    Aristolochia triangularis Cham., is one of the most frequently used medicinal plant in Southern Brazil. Preparations containing the leaves and/or stems are traditionally used as anti-inflammatory, diuretic, as well as antidote against snakebites. This study screened A. triangularis extracts, fractions and isolated compounds for different bioactivities. A weak antiproliferative activity against human lung cancer cell line (A549) was observed only for chloroform fraction obtained from stems (CFstems - CC50: 2.93 µg/mL). Also, a moderate antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus was detected just for chloroform fraction obtained from leaves (CFleaves -13-16 mm inhibition zone). Additionally, two semi-purified fractions (CFstems-4 and CFleaves-4) selectively inhibited HSV-1 replication (IC50 values of 0.40 and 2.61 µg/mL, respectively), while only CFleaves showed promising results against Leishmania amazonensis. Fractionation of extracts resulted in the isolation of one neolignan (-) cubebin and one lignan (+) galbacin. However, these compounds are not responsible for the in vitro bioactivities herein detected. The presence of aristolochic acid I and aristolochic acid II in the crude ethanol extract of stems (CEEstems) and leaves (CEEleaves) was also investigated. The HPLC analysis of these extracts did not display any peak with retention time or UV spectra comparable to aristolochic acids I and II. © 2019, Academia Brasileira de Ciencias. All rights reserved

    Overview on Phyto-based Treatment for Anxiety

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