14 research outputs found

    One World, One Health Challenge: The Holistic Understanding of Rickettsiosis Integrating Multi-Criteria Analysis Techniques and Spatial Statistics

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    Among the human diseases caused by etiological agents transmitted by ticks in Brazil, the most prevalent and public health interest is that one caused by species of Rickettsia—Spotted Fever (SF). We applied the concept “One World, One Health” to achieve a proper understanding of SF and determine risk scenarios for human infection by pathogenic Rickettsia in the state of Rio de Janeiro (RJ). Multi-criteria decision analysis and spatial statistics were performed on data encompassing epidemiology, health care, biotic determents, and socioeconomic and demographic variables. The construction of multi-criteria descriptors used 33 indicators ordered in 12 sub criteria of 5 major categories: public health, environmental health, acarology, veterinary health, and microbiology. SF happened nonrandomly in RJ and the risk was heterogeneous in the weight of indicators contribution mainly associated with the criteria acarology (35.11%), microbiology (33.25%), and veterinary medicine (23.96%). Spatially, and according to the PROMETHEE algorithm, ticks from Amblyomma sculptum class and dogs are determinants for the occurrence of human cases of SF in RJ. To define indicators of SF and plan health actions, the “One World, One Health” concept proved to be applicable at three levels: (i) the local or possible areas of infection, (ii) the population or municipality, and (iii) the ecosystem or state. The model of study is flexible according to the reality of the endemic areas and also demonstrates its applicability from a national to a local (home) scale

    Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii - Pathogenicity of environmental isolates correlated to virulence factors, susceptibility to fluconazole and molecular profile

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    The pathogenicity of Cryptococcus neoformans is heterogeneous and is associated with the expression of virulence factors. This study aimed to correlate the pathogenicity of C. neoformans var. grubii in BALB/c mice with in vitro virulence factors, fluconazole minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) and molecular profiles, before and after animal passage. Ten environmental isolates and one ATCC strain of C. neoformans var. grubii mating type α were evaluated. Most isolates (91%) killed 50% or more of the infected animals by day 24 postinfection and were recovered from the lungs and brains of surviving animals on days 7 and 14 postinfection. The burden of yeast in the lungs was more variable than that in the brain. The differences in the expression of virulence factors (growth at 37ºC, presence and size of the capsule and production of melanin, urease, proteinase and phospholipase) by most isolates pre and postpassage in animals were not statistically significant. The fluconazole MICs in postpassaged lines differed by a one-dilution from the MIC of the corresponding prepassaged line for six isolates. Using molecular typing [polymerase chain reaction-fingerprinting with (GACA)4 and M13], eight isolates were identified as VNI and three as VNII. We concluded that different isolates with the same molecular and phenotypic profiles, including isolates that are markedly hypervirulent, span a wide range of virulence and there were no changes in virulence factors in the postpassaged lines when compared with the corresponding nonpassaged lines

    The isolation and characterization of virulence factors of Cryptococcus spp. from saprophytic sources in the city of Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil

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    Yeasts of the Cryptococcus genus are distributed in nature associated to animal and vegetal organic residues. Occasionally, species other than C. neoformans may be responsible for infectious diseases in human and animals. This study aims to determine the occurrence of Cryptococcus species in the atmosphere and bird droppings in the city of Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil, and to evaluate three virulence factors: capsule formation, growth at 37 degrees C and melanin production. We analyzed 86 environmental samples (54 droppings and 32 air). Of the 41 strains isolated, 15 were C. neoformans var. neoformans (12 droppings and 3 air), 15 C. albidus (12 droppings and 3 air), 9 C. laurentii (7 droppings and 2 air) and 2 C. uniguttulatus (from droppings). Capsules were produced by 93.3% of C. neoformans var. neoformans, 66.7% of C. albidus, 88.9% of C. laurentii and 50% (1/2) of C. uniguttulatus. All, strains of C. neoformans, 20% of C. albidus and 44.4% of C. laurentii were able to grow at 37 degrees C. The melanin production on DOPA agar was verified in C. neoformans (93.3%), C. albidus (26.7%) and C. laurentii (66.7%). We concluded that different Cryptococcus species coexist in the same ecological niche and they are able to produce virulence factors. (C) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES

    Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii - Pathogenicity of environmental isolates correlated to virulence factors, susceptibility to fluconazole and molecular profile

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    The pathogenicity of Cryptococcus neoformans is heterogeneous and is associated with the expression of viru- lence factors. This study aimed to correlate the pathogenicity of C. neoformans var. grubii in BALB/c mice with in vitro virulence factors, fluconazole minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) and molecular profiles, before and after animal passage. Ten environmental isolates and one ATCC strain of C. neoformans var. grubii mating type α were evaluated. Most isolates (91%) killed 50% or more of the infected animals by day 24 postinfection and were recovered from the lungs and brains of surviving animals on days 7 and 14 postinfection. The burden of yeast in the lungs was more variable than that in the brain. The differences in the expression of virulence factors (growth at 37º C, presence and size of the capsule and production of melanin, urease, proteinase and phospholipase) by most isolates pre and postpassage in animals were not statistically significant. The fluconazole MICs in postpassaged lines differed by a one-dilution from the MIC of the corresponding prepassaged line for six isolates. Using molecular typing [polymerase chain reaction-fingerprinting with (GACA)4 and M13], eight isolates were identified as VNI and three as VNII. We concluded that different isolates with the same molecular and phenotypic profiles, including isolates that are markedly hypervirulent, span a wide range of virulence and there were no changes in virulence factors in the postpassaged lines when compared with the corresponding nonpassaged lines

    Variability in UVB Tolerances of Melanized and Nonmelanized Cells of Cryptococcus neoformans and C-laurentii

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    Solar radiation is one of the major factors responsible for the control of fungus populations in the environment. Inactivation by UVA and UVB radiation is especially important for the control of fungi that disperse infective units through the air, including fungi such as Cryptococcus spp. that infect their vertebrate hosts by inhalation. Cryptococcus neoformans produces melanin in the presence of certain exogenous substrates such as l-3,4 dihydroxyphenylalanine and melanization may protect the fungus against biotic and abiotic environmental factors. In the present study, we investigated the effect of exposure to an UVB irradiance of 1000 mW m(-2) (biologically effective weighted irradiance) on the survival of melanized and nonmelanized cells of four strains of C. neoformans and four strains of C. laurentii. The relative survival (survival of cells exposed to radiation in relation to cells not exposed) of cells grown 2, 4, 6 or 8 days on medium with or without L-dopa was determined after exposure to UVB doses of 1.8 and 3.6 kJ m(-2). Both the irradiance spectrum and the intensities of those doses are environmentally realistic, and, in fact, occur routinely during summer months in temperate regions. Differences in tolerance to UVB radiation were observed between the C. neoformans and C. laurentii strains. The C. neoformans strains were more susceptible to UVB radiation than the C. laurentii strains. In C. neoformans, differences in tolerance to radiation were observed during development of both melanized and nonmelanized cells. For most treatments (strain, time of growth and UVB dose), there were virtually no differences in tolerances between melanized and nonmelanized cells, but when differences occurred they were smaller than those previously observed with UVC. In tests with two strains of C. laurentii, there was no difference in tolerance to UVB radiation between melanized and nonmelanized cells during 8 days of culture; and in tests with four strains for less culture time (4 days) there were no significant differences in tolerance between melanized and nonmelanized cells of any strain of this species.The State of Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)[03/07702-9]Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)[47.6990/2004-1

    Different culture media containing methyldopa for melanin production by Cryptococcus species

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    INTRODUCTION: Melanin production by species of Cryptococcus is widely used to characterize C. neoformans complex in mycology laboratories. This study aims to test the efficacy of methyldopa from pharmaceutical tablet as a substrate for melanin production, to compare the production of melanin using different agar base added with methyldopa, and to compare the melanin produced in those media with that produced in Niger seed agar and sunflower seed agar by C. neoformans, C. laurentii, and C. albidus. Two isolates of each species, C. neoformans, C. laurentii, and C. albidus, and one of Candida albicans were used to experimentally detect conditions for melanin production. METHODS: The following media were tested: Mueller-Hinton agar (MHA), brain and heart infusion agar (BHIA), blood agar base (BAB), and minimal medium agar (MMA), all added with methyldopa, and the media Niger seed agar (NSA) and sunflower seed agar (SSA). RESULTS: All isolates grew in most of the culture media after 24h. Strains planted on media BAB and BHIA showed growth only after 48h. All isolates produced melanin in MMA, MHA, SSA, and NSA media. CONCLUSIONS: Methyldopa in the form pharmaceutical tablet can be used as a substrate for melanin production by Cryptococcus species; minimal medium plus methyldopa was more efficient than the BAB, MHA, and BHIA in the melanin production; and NSA and SSA, followed by MMA added with methyldopa, were more efficient than other media studied for melanin production by all strains studied