25 research outputs found

    Ultra-high accuracy optical testing: creating diffraction-limitedshort-wavelength optical systems

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    Since 1993, research in the fabrication of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) optical imaging systems, conducted at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), has produced the highest resolution optical systems ever made. We have pioneered the development of ultra-high-accuracy optical testing and alignment methods, working at extreme ultraviolet wavelengths, and pushing wavefront-measuring interferometry into the 2-20-nm wavelength range (60-600 eV). These coherent measurement techniques, including lateral shearing interferometry and phase-shifting point-diffraction interferometry (PS/PDI) have achieved RMS wavefront measurement accuracies of 0.5-1-{angstrom} and better for primary aberration terms, enabling the creation of diffraction-limited EUV optics. The measurement accuracy is established using careful null-testing procedures, and has been verified repeatedly through high-resolution imaging. We believe these methods are broadly applicable to the advancement of short-wavelength optical systems including space telescopes, microscope objectives, projection lenses, synchrotron beamline optics, diffractive and holographic optics, and more. Measurements have been performed on a tunable undulator beamline at LBNL's Advanced Light Source (ALS), optimized for high coherent flux; although many of these techniques should be adaptable to alternative ultraviolet, EUV, and soft x-ray light sources. To date, we have measured nine prototype all-reflective EUV optical systems with NA values between 0.08 and 0.30 (f/6.25 to f/1.67). These projection-imaging lenses were created for the semiconductor industry's advanced research in EUV photolithography, a technology slated for introduction in 2009-13. This paper reviews the methods used and our program's accomplishments to date

    The soft x-ray instrument for materials studies at the linac coherent light source x-ray free-electron laser

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    This content may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This material originally appeared in Review of Scientific Instruments 83, 043107 (2012) and may be found at https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3698294.The soft x-ray materials science instrument is the second operational beamline at the linac coherent light source x-ray free electron laser. The instrument operates with a photon energy range of 480–2000 eV and features a grating monochromator as well as bendable refocusing mirrors. A broad range of experimental stations may be installed to study diverse scientific topics such as: ultrafast chemistry, surface science, highly correlated electron systems, matter under extreme conditions, and laboratory astrophysics. Preliminary commissioning results are presented including the first soft x-ray single-shot energy spectrum from a free electron laser

    Reflectance measurements on clean surfaces for determination of optical constants of silicon in the extreme ultraviolet-soft-X-ray region

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    The refractive index n ϭ 1 Ϫ ␦ ϩ i␤ of Si in the energy range 50 -180 eV is investigated with angledependent reflectance measurements. The optical constants ␦ and ␤ are both determined by fitting to the Fresnel equations. The results of this method are compared with the values in the atomic tables derived from experimental data for ␤ and implementation of the Kramers-Kronig relations for ␦. The samples were prepared by UV irradiation and HF:ethanol dipping to H passivate the surface. It is found that the values of ␦ in the atomic tables are 8 -15% too high in the region 50 -90 eV. This is attributed to missing oscillator strength in the tabulated absorption coefficient for Si. The measured values of ␤ for crystalline Si exhibit structure below the L 2,3 edge ͑99.8 eV͒, as was previously observed in transmission measurements of Si͑111͒. It is also found that the method of least-squares fitting reflectance data to obtain optical constants is most effective for energies well below the edge, where ␦ Ͼ ␤, while for a range of energies around and above the edge, where ␦ Ͻ ␤, the optical constants are determined with large uncertainties. This behavior is not unique to the Si L 2,3 edge

    A Special Section on

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    New method for the determination of photoabsorption from transmittance measurements in the extreme ultraviolet

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    International audienceWe have developed a new method for the determination of photoabsorption at extreme ultraviolet wavelengths longer than 20 nm, where reliable refractive index values are sparse or non-existent. Our method overcomes the obstacle of multiple reflections that occur inside thin films in this spectral range, which up until now has prevented the accurate determination of photoabsorption from transmittance measurements. We have derived a mathematical expression that is independent of internal reflection amplitudes, while taking advantage of the transmittance oscillations stemming from such reflections. The method is validated on measurements of aluminum thin films. This advance will enable accurate refractive index values for many important materials for optical instrumentation, thus facilitating high-priority research on topics including coherent light sources, planetary and solar physics, and semiconductor manufacturing