25 research outputs found

    The influence of primary soil tillage on soil weed seed bank and weed incidence in a cereal-grass crop rotation

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    Abstract A field experiment was carried out at Vėžaičiai Branch of Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry during the period 2008-2011. The study was aimed to determine the effects of various soil tillage methods: deep ploughing (20-25 cm), shallow ploughing (10-12 cm), shallow ploughless tillage (8-10 cm) and soil fertility improvement measures (plant residues, plant residues + straw, green manure 1 st cut + straw, green manure 2 nd cut + straw, farmyard manure 40 t ha -1 + straw) on the soil weed seed bank and weed incidence in a cereal-grass crop rotation. The soil of the experimental site is Dystric-Epihypogleyic Albeluvisol (ABg-p-w-dy) with a texture of sandy loam. In all experimental years, primary soil tillage had a significant influence on weed incidence in the crops of the rotation and on soil weed seed bank. The greatest amount of weeds, both in numbers and dry mass, in the crops of winter triticale and spring rape was determined in the shallow ploughless tillage treatment, in the crops of spring barley in the shallow ploughing treatment, and in the sward of red clover in deep and shallow ploughing treatments. All soil fertility improvement measures and their interaction with soil tillage methods did not have any substantial influence on the weed incidence in the rotation crops. The soil weed seed bank was 1.5 and 2.2 times greater in the shallow ploughing and shallow ploughless tillage treatments, compared with the conventional tillage treatment (deep ploughing). The influence of soil tillage methods manifested itself not only directly, but also through its interaction with soil fertility improvement measures. Regardless of the chosen soil fertility improvement measure, in all the treatments of shallow ploughless tillage, the soil weed seed bank was significantly greater, compared with the conventional soil tillage treatments. In the shallow ploughing and shallow ploughless tillage treatments there were found 25.5% and 41.5% more weed seed species in the soil, compared with the conventional tillage treatment. The seeds of Chenopodium album L., Persicaria lapathifolia L., Fallopia convolvulus L. and Viola arvensis Murray were found in all tillage treatments. The distribution of F. convolvulus L., P. lapathifolia L. seeds was significantly influenced by soil tillage only, that of V. arvensis Murray by soil tillage and its interaction with soil fertility improvement measures, and that of Ch. album L. by soil fertility improvement measures only

    Soil Seed Bank in a Pre-Erosion Cereal-Grass Crop Rotation

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    Soil erosion by water is a serious environmental problem. It is very important to form agrophytocenosis, which is productive on hilly terrain and could effectively protect the soil from erosion. The aim of the study was to examine the impact of a hilly relief on the changes of seeds in a soil of pre-erosion cereal-grass crop rotation. The study included different parts of the hill (summit, midslope, and footslope). The southern exposition slope’s soil was slightly eroded Eutric Retisol (loamic) (RT-eu.lo), and the steepness of the slope was 9–11°. The seed bank was investigated at the depths of 0–5 and 5–15 cm. The number of seeds in the soil seed bank during autumn was 20.4% higher than in the spring. The highest number of seeds in the autumn was determined on the summit (40.6 thousand seeds m–2). The highest count during the spring was determined on the midslope of the hill (36.4 thousand seeds m–2). In general, in the soil seed bank of the midslope of the hill, the number of seeds was by 7.8% and 42.4% higher compared to the summit and footslope parts. The highest seed reserve was found in the soil at a 0–5 cm depth (59.4% of the total seed number)

    Daugiamečių žolių kaip žaliosios trąšos įtaka dirvožemio agrocheminiams rodikliams ir vasariniams miežiams

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    Field experiments were carried out at the Vėžaičiai Branch of the Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture on an Albi-Endohypogleyic Luvisol (LVg-n-w-ab). The study was aimed to explore the residual effect of phytomass of differently-managed perennial grasses, as green manure, on the improvement of soil properties and on the productivity and phytopathological condition of spring barley grown in a crop rotation in the second year of effect. The greatest amounts of plant residues were found to be left in the soil after differently-managed lucerne (19.48 and 17.29 t ha-1) and red clover of the 2nd year of use (13.06 t ha-1). With phytomass, the soil received 294.6, 262.6 and 228.2 kg ha-1 of nitrogen, 31.0, 26.5 and 24.8 kg ha-1 of phosphorus, and 154.2, 133.6 and 129.3 kg ha-1 of potassium, respectively. The C:N ratio of the aboveground mass of perennial grasses was the lowest and more favourable for a more rapid decomposition (10.0–14.0) than in the residues (roots and stubble) (20.0–36.0). Nutrients, released during mineralization of phytomass of perennial grasses of the second year of use, had a positive effect on spring barley grown in the second year of effect after green manure incorporation. [...

    The effect of perennial grasses used as green manure on the productivity of winter triticale and winter rye

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    2002–2006 m. Lietuvos žemdirbystės instituto Vėžaičių filiale atlikti tyrimai siekiant išaiškinti skirtingų daugiamečių ankštinių žolių fitomasės, naudojamos kaip žalioji trąša, įtaką javų agrocenozių produktyvumui. Nustatyta, kad daugiausia augalų liekanų dirvožemyje paliko įvairiai naudojamos mėlynžiedės liucernos (20,8 ir 18,6 t ha-1) ir raudonieji dobilai (14,3 t ha-1). Su jomis į dirvožemį pateko atitinkamai azoto (N) 303,6, 271,2 ir 236,2 kg ha-1, fosforo (P2O5) 74,0, 62,5 ir 59,3 kg ha-1 bei kalio (K2O) 199,9 173,5 ir 167,8 kg ha-1. Mineralizuojantis ankštinių augalų liekanoms, palaipsniui atsijungdamas azotas turėjo teigiamą įtaką po jų augintų žieminių javų derlių formuojantiems elementams. Raudonieji dobilai sąlygojo palankesnes dirvožemio savybes vystytis rugiams, o baltieji dobilai ir mėlynžiedės liucernos – žieminiams kvietrugiams. Geriausiai žieminiai kvietrugiai ir rugiai derėjo po mėlynžiedžių liucernų, kai kaip žalioji trąša užartos jų liekanos ir atolas. Taip auginant javus (be mineralinių trąšų ir be mėšlo) gautas didžiausias (vidutiniškai 2,94 t ha-1) grūdų derlius, arba 35,0 % daugiau nei po raudonųjų ar baltųjų dobilų. Sukauptas didesnis javų apykaitos energijos kiekis rodo, kad daugiamečių žolių potencialą geriau išnaudojo rugiaiField experiments were conducted at the Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture’s Vėžaičiai Branch during the period 2002–2006 and were designed to ascertain the effects of phytomass of different legume pre-crops used for green manure on the productivity of cereal agrocenoses. It was found that the greatest amounts of plant residues were left in the soil by variously-managed lucerne (20.8 and 18.6 t ha-1) and red clover (14.3 t ha-1). With lucerne, the soil received 303.6, 271.2 and 236.2 kg ha-1 of nitrogen (N), 74.0, 62.5 and 59.3 kg ha-1 of phosphorus (P2O5), and 199.9, 173.5 and 167.8 kg ha-1 of potassium (K2O). With mineralization of legume residues, gradually released nitrogen exerted a positive effect on the yield forming elements of winter cereals. Red clover determined more favourable soil conditions for the development of winter rye, while white clover and lucerne – for winter triticale. Winter triticale and rye yielded best after lucerne, when its aftermath had been ploughed in as green manure. This practice of cereal cultivation (without mineral fertilisers and farmyard manure) resulted in the highest (on average 2.94 t ha-1) grain yield or 35 % higher compared with that after red or white clover. The highest metabolizable energy content accumulated suggests that the potential of perennial grasses was best exploited by ryeVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Changes in the weed communities as affected by different primary soil tillage and deep loosening

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    Long-term soil cultivation at the same depth affects soil characteristics and crop productivity. The aim of the study was to investigate the impact of a long-term different intensity soil tillage methods and deep loosening on weed number, weed agrobiological group and soil seed bank changes in till Bathygleyic Dystric Glossic Retisol soil under the climatic conditions of the Western Lithuania (geographical coordinates 55°43′38″N, 21°27′43″E). The study included different soil tillage methods (conventional ploughing, shallow ploughing and shallow ploughless tillage) and deep loosening. During investigational years, the greatest weed number in crops and the greatest weed seed number in the seed bank were determined in the soil reduced tillage (shallow ploughing and shallow ploughless tillage). The weed number in crops of conventional ploughing soil was 35.8% lover compared to reduced tillage soil. The weed seed number in the seed bank of conventional ploughing was 49.6% lover compared to reduced tillage Decreasing soil tillage intensity resulted in weed seeds concentration in the upper topsoil. A one-time deep loosening had a significant effect during the crop rotation: the weed number in crops and weed seed number in the seed bank were determined to have increased by 26.6% and 51.6% in conventional ploughing soil and by 11.9% and 23.2% shallow ploughless soil respectively. However, after deep loosening, the number of Poa annua in crops decreased 2.9 times in plots of conventional ploughing and 1.7 times – in plots of shallow ploughing soil

    Semi-natural grasslands application to Moorish lawns

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    The use of semi-natural meadows of the Nemunas delta has changed with the changes in economic conditions of Lithuania. Two stages could be distinguished: 1) 1960-1989, active reclamation and restoration, which dramatically altered the unique landscape of the region and 2) since 1990, extensive use (discontinued grass meal production, meadows are less or not fertilised at all, not grazed and not cut) leads to the occurrence of re-naturalization process. Because of the changes in land use it is necessary to assess the state of semi-natural meadows, taking into account the history of their use and to envisage future prospects. For research (2009-2012) three semi-natural grasslands of NATURA 2000 covering all parts of the Nemunas River Delta floodplain – the riverbed, central and mainland, were selected. The research aim – to assess the extensively used of the Nemunas delta floodplain grassland plant species composition and environmental conditions (humidity regime, soil chemical composition), adapting these grasslands for Moorish lawns. Nemunas River Delta floodplain – the riverbed (Tulkiaragė polder, Šilutė distr.). The soil of the experimental site is Areni- Calcicaric Fluvisol (FLc-ar). The agrochemical characteristics were as follows: pHKCl – 6.9, mobile P2O5 and K2O – 154 and 69 mg kg-1 soil, respectively, Ntotal – 0.261 %, Corg. – 2.53 % and a humus layer of 1 meter and deeper. During the vegetation period the depth to ground water was 1.5 m. Flood period is short 10–20... [to full text

    Comparison of Productivity and Agro-Biological Traits of Alfalfa Populations Resistant to Mobile Al Grown on Acidic and Neutral Soils

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    To evaluate the agro-biological traits and select the promising populations of alfalfa under pedoclimatic conditions, field experiments were carried out in two locations of the Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry (western Lithuania 55°70′ N, 21°49′ E and central Lithuania 55°23′ N, 23°51′ E). Eleven populations were established in acidic soil with a pH of 4.0 (experimental site I) and neutral soil with a pH of 7.0 (experimental site II). The productivity and agro-biological traits: fresh matter yield, dry matter yield, seed yield, stem thickness, and stem, leaf, and inflorescence weight of alfalfa populations were evaluated from 2019 to 2021. In the acidic soil, the populations 3056, 3132, 3130, and 3058 yielded more fresh and dry matter compared to the standard cultivar Birutė in the period from 2019 to 2021. In the acidic soil, populations 3131 and 3057 had a higher seed yield compared to the cultivar Birutė in 2019 and 2020, respectively. The 3086 population significantly differed in leaf weight compared to the cultivar Birutė. The cultivar Birutė and population 3132 were similar in stem thickness and fresh matter yield. In the neutral soil, population 3056 yielded more fresh matter compared to the cultivar Birutė

    Plant root morphology and soil biological indicators under primary development of various swards

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    Plant nutrition conditions are limited in naturally acidic soil due to harmful hydrogen and aluminium ions. More favourable conditions for plant nutrition (soil liming) will affect root qualitative and quantitative parameters and influence ecosystem stability. Four legume–grass swards were cultivated. The swards were a combination of one species of legume and two species of grasses: Trifolium pratense L., Trifolium repens L., Trifolium hybridum L., Medicago sativa L. (each of 50%) with Phleum pratense L. (35%) and Poa pratensis L. (15%). The aim of this study is to evaluate the root morphological and soil biological indicators of legume–grass swards under the first two years of development in soils with different pH levels. Sward ecosystem development depends on the pH of the soil, sward species composition and soil biota. During the first year of sward development, soil pH had a significant influence on the morphology of root system. Sward‘s root mass and total root length was 2.4 and 2.2 times bigger in naturally acidic soil. This resulted in a change of biological parameters. In the second year of sward development, soil pH had no significant influence on sward‘s root mass. However, under the impact of different soil pH, various sward‘s root systems were formed and the root C:N ratio had changed. It is observed that, regardless of the sward species composition and the year of development, at higher root C:N ratio soil microbial biomass was higher and CO2 emissions were lower in swards in naturally acidic soils. Regardless of soil pH, different types of clover–grass swards promoted organic carbon immobilization in microbial biomass and, at the same time, stabilized the sward ecosystem in the top soil layer (soil respiration in 0–10 and 10–20 cm layers was lower) more effectively than the alfalfa–grass sward

    Soil acidity effect on agrocenoses with perennial grasses

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    To determine the influence of soil acidity on growth of perennial grasses and soil biological properties, experiments were performed with variable soil acidity: naturally highly acidic (pHKCl 3.9) and medium acidic (pHKCl 5.0). Four perennial grasses mixtures were cultivated. The mixtures where composed of one variety of legume and two grasses: Trifolium pratense L., Trifolium repens L., Trifolium hybridum L., Medicago sativa L. (each of 50%) with Phleum pratense L. (35%) and Poa pratensis L. (15%). The aim of this study was to assess the impact of soil acidity on different perennial grass mixtures’ growth and development, and on soil biological properties. Root distribution in the soil profile was determined by the plant species. The negative effect of highly acidic soil was shown on the mixture with Trifolium hybridum L., where the amount of roots at 0-10 cm soil depth was lower by 44.2% (P<0.01) in the second year of development. In the mixture with Trifolium repens L., roots developed better in highly acidic soil; the total amount of roots was 2.5 (P<0.01) times higher than in medium acidic soil. Although differences were found in root development, the total aboveground mass of perennial grass mixtures showed better growth in medium acidic soilLietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centro filialas Žemdirbystės institutasLietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centro filialas Žemdirbystės instituto Vėžaičių filiala