8 research outputs found

    The Relationship between Mental Health and the Quality of Life of Polish Nurses with Many Years of Experience in the Profession: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background: In their professional work, nurses struggle repeatedly with difficult situations that are causes of stress. Another issue is the low prestige of the nursing profession compared with other professions, which results in dissatisfaction, increased frustration, and lack of precision when performing professional tasks. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between mental health and quality of life and satisfaction with life in nurses with many years of experience in the profession. Methods: The study was conducted in a group of 523 randomly selected professionally active nurses aged over 40 years old from the Podlaskie Voivodeship. Standardized questionnaires were used, including WHOQOL-BREF, a short version of a questionnaire assessing quality of life, the general health questionnaire (GHQ-28), and the satisfaction with life scale (SWLS). Results: The mental health component was found to be significantly affected by financial situation (p = 0.005). Among respondents describing their financial status as bad, the assessment of negative mental health symptoms was higher. The remaining studied variables—work experience, nature of work, place of residence, age, material status, having a partner, and having children—did not affect the respondents’ mental health status. The co-occurrence of chronic diseases affected (p = 0.008) the intensification of negative mental health symptoms such as somatic symptoms, anxiety, insomnia, and social dysfunction. The intensification of negative mental health symptoms was not connected with absence from work. Conclusions: The financial situation of the respondents significantly determined their quality of life as well as influencing mental health components. Nurses’ satisfaction with life was correlated with all studied domains of quality of life

    The Impact of an Individual Educational Program on the Quality of Life and Severity of Symptoms of Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome

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    Background: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of the most common functional diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. A typical symptom is changed bowel patterns: diarrhea, constipation, or alternation of the two. Abdominal pains vary in intensity and location, with periods of exacerbation and remission, causing disorganization in everyday life and work. Educational intervention could be one strategy to improve the well-being of IBS patients. Only a few trials have examined this hypothesis. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of an educational program combined with elements of behavioral therapy, individualized for each patient, on quality of life (QOL) and severity of pain of patients with IBS. Methods: In total, 150 IBS patients and 100 healthy persons in the control group were included. QOL (36-Item Short Form Health Survey, SF-36) and pain severity (Visual Analogue Scale) were measured at baseline and six months after education of IBS patients. Results: At baseline, patients with IBS showed highly significantly worse QOL. In the IBS group, significantly higher physical component summary (PCS) and mental component summary (MCS) scores were noted for 35- to 50-year-old patients compared to other patients. Six months after education and behavioral therapy, significant improvement in QOL and a significant decrease in the subjective perception of pain severity were noted compared to values before therapeutic education. Conclusion: An educational program combined with elements of behavioral therapy, individualized for patients with IBS, is an important part of therapy for these patients

    Quality of Life after Bariatric Surgery—A Systematic Review

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    Background: Most studies analyzing the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) after bariatric treatment ceased at five years post-surgery or even earlier, and it is unclear whether the HRQOL benefit persists for a longer time. This paper reviews sparse evidence regarding HRQOL in patients who underwent bariatric surgery at least nine years prior. Materials and Methods: A of PubMed, Scopus and Google Scholar between 2007–2021 was carried out for the studies investigating HRQOL as an outcome measure in patients after bariatric surgery of any type and having at least a 9-year follow-up. Inconsistent reporting of weight loss or postgraduate study results unrelated to QoL were not included in the study. The study used the PICO procedure. Results: The review of 18 identified publications demonstrated that bariatric treatment seems to provide a persistent benefit in terms of HRQOL, especially its physical component score. Due to psychological predispositions, some patients appear to be less likely to benefit from bariatric treatment, whether in terms of HRQOL or bodyweight reduction. Inconsistent and imprecise studies may limit the evidence included in a review. Conclusions: The early identification of such patients and providing them with holistic care, including psychological intervention, would likely further improve the outcomes of bariatric treatment

    The opinions of doctors, nurses, patients and students about euthanasia

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    Wstęp. Projekt eutanazji jest obecnie przedmiotem powszechnej dyskusji w Polsce. Środowisko medyczne jako pierwsze będzie zobligowane do opowiedzenia się ,,za” lub ,,przeciw” legalizacji eutanazji. Celem przeprowadzonych badań była ocena opinii lekarzy, pielęgniarek i pacjentów oraz studentów pielęgniarstwa wobec problemu eutanazji. Materiał i metody. Badania przeprowadzono w Białymstoku. Objęto nimi 300 osób, wśród których było 100 studentów Wydziału Pielęgniarstwa (grupa A), 100 lekarzy i pielęgniarek (grupa B) oraz 100 pacjentów (grupa C). Zastosowano metodę kwestionariusza ankiety składającego się z 23 pytań. Wyniki. Ankietowani z wszystkich grup prawidłowo wyjaśnili istotę eutanazji. Prawie połowa (41%) pracowników ochrony zdrowia, 27% pacjentów i 31% studentów zdecydowanie odrzuciła akceptację legalizacji prawnej eutanazji. Połowa ankietowanych w każdej z 3 badanych grup przyznała prawo przeprowadzania eutanazji specjalnie powołanemu zespołowi lekarzy. Na możliwość zmniejszenia zaufania do placówek ochrony zdrowia zwróciło uwagę 40% pracowników medycznych i po 30% osób z pozostałych grup. Do najważniejszych czynników uzasadniających konieczność wykonywania eutanazji grupa studentów i pacjentów uznała: wypełnienie woli pacjenta oraz ból, cierpienie i lęk, a pracownicy medyczni: śmierć mózgową (42%), godną śmierć i względy humanitarne (40%). Wnioski. Należałoby zwrócić większą uwagę na objęcie opieką psychologiczną i duchową pacjentów nieuleczalnie chorych, cierpiących. Należy prowadzić powszechniejszą kampanię informacyjną wśród społeczeństwa na temat dostępnych form opieki nad osobami ciężko i nieuleczalnie chorymi. Gerontol. Pol. 2011; 19, 2: 99–106Background. The draft concerning legalization of euthanasia in Poland is currently widely discussed. The medical environment is bound to be the first to have to express their opinion “for” or “against” legalization of euthanasia. The aim of the conducted research was to evaluate the opinions that doctors, nurses, patients and nursing students have about euthanasia. Material and methods. The research was conducted in Białystok, and 300 persons were covered by it, including 100 students of the Division of Nursing (group A), 100 doctors and nurses (group B) and 100 patients (group C). The method of a survey questionnaire, comprising 23 questions, was applied. Results. Respondents from all these groups correctly explained the nature of euthanasia. Nearly half (41%) of the health care workers, 27% of the patients and 31% of the students absolutely rejected granting approval for legalization of euthanasia. The half of the respondents in every three groups under consideration allowed a specially-appointed doctors’ team the right to conduct euthanasia. A possible decrease of trust towards health care centres highlighted 40% of health care workers and 30% persons from each of the remaining groups. The group of patients and students regarded fulfilling the patient’s will, as well as untreatable patients’ pain, suffering and fear as the most significant factors justifying the necessity of conducting euthanasia. As for the health care workers, they pointed out brain death (42%), a dignified end of life and humanitarian considerations (40%). Conclusions. Greater attention should be given to providing psychological and spiritual care for untreatable, suffering patients. The information campaign concerning available forms of providing care for severely and incurably ill patients should be conducted on a larger scale in the society. Gerontol. Pol. 2011; 19, 2: 99–10

    Prevalence nutritional disorders among patients hospitalised for stroke and discopathy in the neurology department

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    Introduction: Nutritional disorders pose a huge health problem worldwide. In Poland, symptoms of malnutrition are found on admission to hospital in approximately 30% of patients. Among neurological disorders that predispose to malnutrition, brain injuries are the most frequent. The disease leads to difficulties with self-care, disorientation, reduced intellectual capacity, and dysphagia. Acute spinal pain syndromes affect weight loss because of persistent severe pain, and frequent dizziness and headaches accompanying cervical discopathy. Aim of the research: To assess the degree of malnutrition in patients with stroke and discopathy hospitalised in the neurology ward. Material and methods : The study group consisted of 141 patients, including 90 with stroke and 51 with discopathy, hospitalised in the neurology ward. Research material was collected based on medical records and a proprietary questionnaire. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated and assessed for each patient on admission and after hospitalisation. Results and conclusions: The study sample consisted of a similar group of women (49%) and men (51%) aged from 30 to over 70 years. Ischaemic stroke was diagnosed more often in women (66.2%), whereas discopathy was more common in men (43.4%). The differences in BMI present on admission and after hospitalisation in men and women indicated a falling tendency. A slightly greater drop in BMI was found in women after hospital stay (from 24.1 to 23.3 kg/m 2 ). The lowest BMI on admission was observed in students and pensioners. Long-term hospitalisation significantly affected weight reduction – the longer the patients were hospitalised, the lower their BMI was. Preliminary assessment of the nutrition status on admission to a hospital ward and customising individual diets may help reduce the effects of malnutrition

    Students’ knowledge about allergy and occupational asthma risk factors in the medical places

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    Wstęp. W środowisku pracy personelu medycznego występuje wiele czynników wywołujących alergię kontaktową lub astmę zawodową. Cel pracy. Celem niniejszej pracy była ocena poziomu wiedzy studentów na temat czynników ryzyka alergii i astmy zawodowej w pracy pielęgniarek. Określono źródła ich wiedzy oraz oczekiwania w zakresie edukacji na ten temat. Materiał i metody. Badania przeprowadzono wśród 115 studentów kierunku pielęgniarstwo Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Białymstoku pracujących zawodowo. Dane zebrano za pomocą kwestionariusza ankiety konstrukcji własnej. Wyniki. Poziom wiedzy studentów na temat astmy jako czynnika ryzyka zawodowego bezpośrednio po zakończeniu zajęć z przedmiotu interna i pielęgniarstwo internistyczne jest zadowalający. Większość ankietowanych ocenia swój poziom wiedzy na temat astmy jako czynnika ryzyka astmy zawodowej na ocenę dobrą lub dostateczną. Studenci oczekują uzupełnienia wiedzy na temat: czynników ryzyka astmy zawodowej wśród pracowników ochrony zdrowia, profilaktyki astmy zawodowej, postępowania w stanie astmatycznym oraz metod leczenia astmy. Głównym źródłem wiedzy o astmie zawodowej było piśmiennictwo medyczne. Wnioski. Znajomość czynników ryzyka alergii i astmy zawodowej przez pracowników medycznych może się przyczynić do zwiększenia przestrzegania przepisów bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy, a w sposób pośredni do ograniczenia częstości występowania alergii oraz astmy zawodowej. Problemy Pielęgniarstwa 2010; 18 (3): 310-315Introduction. In the medical personnel environment occurs many factors causing contact allergy or occupational asthma. Aim of the study. The research purpose was to evaluate students’ knowledge about allergy and occupational asthma risk factors on the nurse job. The source of their knowledge and expectations in the educational field was defined. Material and methods. The research conducted among 115 students of Health Science Department, Medical University in Bialystok, professionally active. The data was gathered with help of self constructed questionnaire form. Results. The level of students’ knowledge about asthma as the professional risk factor, immediately after the end of the class, with subject Internal Medicine and Internal Nursery is satisfactory. Most questionnaire described their knowledge level of asthma and occupational allergy risk factors as good or satisfactory. The students expect to complement their knowledge about the subject: occupational asthma risk factors among medical personnel environment, occupational asthma prophylaxis, asthmatic condition procedures and methods of asthma treatment. The main source of knowledge about asthma and occupational allergy was medical literature. Conclusions. Medical personnel’s knowledge about allergy and occupational asthma risk factors may increase observance of safety regulations, and indirectly decrease asthma and occupational allergy frequency occurrence. Nursing Topics 2010; 18 (3): 310-31

    Prevalence nutritional disorders among patients hospitalised for stroke and discopathy in the neurology department

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    Introduction: Nutritional disorders pose a huge health problem worldwide. In Poland, symptoms of malnutrition are found on admission to hospital in approximately 30% of patients. Among neurological disorders that predispose to malnutrition, brain injuries are the most frequent. The disease leads to difficulties with self-care, disorientation, reduced intellectual capacity, and dysphagia. Acute spinal pain syndromes affect weight loss because of persistent severe pain, and frequent dizziness and headaches accompanying cervical discopathy. Aim of the research: To assess the degree of malnutrition in patients with stroke and discopathy hospitalised in the neurology ward. Material and methods : The study group consisted of 141 patients, including 90 with stroke and 51 with discopathy, hospitalised in the neurology ward. Research material was collected based on medical records and a proprietary questionnaire. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated and assessed for each patient on admission and after hospitalisation. Results and conclusions: The study sample consisted of a similar group of women (49%) and men (51%) aged from 30 to over 70 years. Ischaemic stroke was diagnosed more often in women (66.2%), whereas discopathy was more common in men (43.4%). The differences in BMI present on admission and after hospitalisation in men and women indicated a falling tendency. A slightly greater drop in BMI was found in women after hospital stay (from 24.1 to 23.3 kg/m 2 ). The lowest BMI on admission was observed in students and pensioners. Long-term hospitalisation significantly affected weight reduction – the longer the patients were hospitalised, the lower their BMI was. Preliminary assessment of the nutrition status on admission to a hospital ward and customising individual diets may help reduce the effects of malnutrition

    Evaluation of Pain Management after Surgery: An Observational Study

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    Background and Objectives: Choosing a pain management strategy is essential for improving recovery after surgery. Effective pain management reduces the stress response, facilitates mobilization, and improves the quality of the postoperative period. The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of pain management in patients after surgery. Materials and Methods: The study included 216 patients operated on in the following surgical wards: the Department of Cardiosurgery and the Department of General and Endocrine Surgery. Patients were hospitalized on average for 6 ± 4.5 days. Patients were randomly selected for the study using a questionnaire technique with a numerical rating scale. Results: Immediately after surgery, pre-emptive analgesia, multimodal analgesia, and analgosedation were used significantly more frequently than other methods (p < 0.001). In the subsequent postoperative days, the method of administering drugs on demand was used most often. Patients with confirmed complications during postoperative wound healing required significantly more frequent use of drugs from Steps 2 and 3 of the World Health Organization (WHO) analgesic ladder compared with patients without complications. Conclusion: The mode of patient admission for surgery significantly affected the level of pain perception. Different pain management methods were used and not every method was effective