2 research outputs found

    To change or not to change? The surprising reality of change in organizations

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    The one thing that most attracts people to reading is a good story. Realising this gave Ralf Wetzel and Holger Regber the idea of writing a storybook - a very short novel - about organisational change, its myths and realities. The book follows five characters searching for, and finding, their way through the everyday mess of organisation and the sometimes more messy reality of change management

    Contenidos did谩cticos avanzados con el sistema de producci贸n modular MPS

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    Working in the industry is complex. This was found early last century Frederick W. Taylor , so he dedicated himself to breaking down work in phases until it was only necessary to perform a sequence of movements that few workers had to practice to achieve maximum productivity . Thus was born the concept of " Taylorism " and at that time , he also claims that Ford said, though never confirmed , that the customer could buy any car, if it is a Ford and is black. Meanwhile not only we are never satisfied with black cars. Rather we tend to customize our cars growing , acquiring additional equipment such as air conditioning , heating seats , practicable ceilings , fog lights , navigation systems or ski . But the trend towards individualization is not limited to cars . It also affects other areas of our lives , whether housing , furniture or clothing. To all this the demand for shorter delivery , high quality products and reasonable prices adds .El trabajo en la industria es complejo. As铆 lo constat贸 a principios del siglo pasado Frederick W. Taylor, por lo que se dedic贸 a desglosar el trabajo hasta obtener fases en las que s贸lo era necesario realizar una secuencia de pocos movimientos que los trabajadores ten铆an que practicar hasta alcanzar un m谩ximo nivel de productividad. De esta manera, naci贸 el concepto del "taylorismo" y en aquella 茅poca, tambi茅n se afirma que Ford dijo, aunque nunca se confirm贸, que el cliente pod铆a comprar cualquier tipo de coche, siempre y cuando sea un Ford y sea de color negro. Entretanto ya no nos damos por satisfechos s贸lo con autom贸viles negros. M谩s bien tendemos a personalizar cada vez m谩s nuestros coches, adquiriendo equipos opcionales como aire acondicionado, calefacci贸n para los asientos, techos practicables, faros antiniebla, sistemas de navegaci贸n o portaesqu铆es. Pero, la tendencia en favor de la individualizaci贸n no se limita a los autom贸viles. Tambi茅n afecta otros 谩mbitos de nuestras vidas, ya sean la vivienda, los muebles o la vestimenta. A todo ello se suma la exigencia de tiempos de suministro m谩s cortos, productos de m谩xima calidad y precios razonables