58 research outputs found

    Particle-hole state densities with non-equidistant single-particle levels

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    The correct use of energy-dependent single-particle level (s.p.l.) densities within particle-hole state densities based on the equidistant spacing model (ESM) is analysed. First, an analytical expression is obtained following the convolution of energy-dependent excited-particle and hole densities. Next, a comparison is made with results of the ESM formula using average s.p.l. densities for the excited particles and holes, respectively. The Fermi-gas model (FGM) s.p.l. densities calculated at the corresponding average excitation energies are used in both cases. The analysis concerns also the density of particle-hole bound states. The pairing correlations are taken into account while the comparison of various effects includes the exact correction for the Pauli exclusion principle. Quantum-mechanical s.p.l. densities and the continuum effect can also match a corresponding FGM formula, suitable for use within the average energy-dependent partial state density in multistep reaction models.Comment: 29 pages, ReVTeX, 11 postscript figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Impact of Eurygaster maura (L.) (Heteroptera: Scutelleridae) feeding on quality of bread wheat in relation to the attack period.

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    Sunn pest (or cereal bug) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae and Scutelleridae) infestations of wheat, Triticum aestivum L., in the grain filling stage have the potential to adversely affect the quality of harvested grain for bread making. In the absence of resistant wheat cultivars, producers must rely on chemical control to protect their crop from sunn pest infestations. To implement an efficient environment friendly control strategy, there is a need to pinpoint the relationships between the timing of the bug attack and gluten degradation. Recent outbreaks of Eurygaster maura (L.) in northwestern Italy have increased the local concern toward this problem. A 3-yr study was carried out by caging plants of two bread wheat cultivars, characterized by different seed texture and bread-making quality, and introducing adults of E. maura in four periods corresponding to different grain filling stages: heading, early milk-ripe, milk-ripe, and late milk-ripe. The degree of bread-making quality depletion was assessed by analytical and biochemical methods and related to the attack period. Using analysis of variance, significant differences were found in the quality traits of kernels attacked by E. maura in different grain filling stages, the maximum damage occurring with bug feeding at the fate milk-ripe stage. Biochemical investigations on gluten confirmed analytical results; in grain samples infested at the late milk-ripe stage, SDS gel electrophoresis revealed the degradation of some components of the high-molecular-weight glutenins, and high-performance liquid chromatography analyses showed a breakdown of the first peak of the insoluble fraction, mainly containing polymeric proteins highly related to dough strength

    Increase in ceramide level alters the lysosomal targeting of cathepsin D prior to onset of apoptosis in HT-29 colon cancer cells

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    Ceramide has been suggested as an important mediator of apoptosis. In HT-29 colorectal cancer cells increased ceramide levels, induced by exogenous N-acetylsphingosine (NAS, also known as C2-ceramide) or by 1-phenyl-2-(decanoylamino)-3-morpholino-1-propanol (PDMP), inhibited the transport and processing of cathepsin D (CD), a lysosomal protease implicated in apoptosis of tumour cells. C2-dihydroceramide (DH-C2), an inactive analogue of NAS, had no effect on CD transport and maturation. The treatment with either NAS or PDMP was revealed to be cytotoxic for HT-29 cells and led to cell death with classical features of apoptosis. Morphological signs of apoptosis and DNA fragmentation became apparent only between 24 and 48 h of incubation and poly(ADP ribose)-polymerase cleavage, a hallmark of caspase 3 activity, occurred no earlier than 8 h from incubation. Secretion of proCD was almost abolished and the formation of double-chain mature CD was reduced and delayed by NAS, whereas PDMP largely inhibited the lysosomal targeting and maturation of proCD. NAS- and PDMP-induced alteration of proCD transport and maturation were apparent already 2 h after incubation with the drugs, which is much earlier than when classical biochemical and morphological evidence of apoptosis could be detected. These data indicate that alteration of CD (and possibly of other glycoproteins) transport along the secretory pathway due to increased levels of cell-associated ceramide is an early event in cells undergoing apoptosis
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