214 research outputs found

    Defect-induced modification of low-lying excitons and valley selectivity in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides

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    We study the effect of point-defect chalcogen vacancies on the optical properties of monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides using ab initio GW and Bethe-Salpeter equation calculations. We find that chalcogen vacancies introduce unoccupied in-gap states and occupied resonant defect states within the quasiparticle continuum of the valence band. These defect states give rise to a number of strongly-bound defect excitons and hybridize with excitons of the pristine system, reducing the valley-selective circular dichroism. Our results suggest a pathway to tune spin-valley polarization and other optical properties through defect engineering

    Reduced absorption due to defect-localized interlayer excitons in transition metal dichalcogenide-graphene heterostructures

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    Associating the presence of atomic vacancies to excited-state transport phenomena in two dimensional semiconductors is of emerging interest, and demands detailed understanding of the involved exciton transitions. Here we study the effect of such defects on the electronic and optical properties of WS2_2-graphene and MoS2_2-graphene van der Waals heterobilayers by employing many-body perturbation theory. We find that the combination of chalcogen defects and graphene adsorption onto the transition metal dichalcogenide layer can radically alter the optical properties of the heterobilayer, due to a combination of dielectric screening, the impact of the missing chalcogen atoms in the intralayer and interlayer optical transitions, and the different nature of each layer. By analyzing the intrinsic radiative rates of the most stable subgap excitonic features, we find that while the presence of defects introduces low-lying optical transitions, resulting in excitons with larger oscillator strength, it also decreases the optical response associated to the pristine-like transition-metal dichalcogenide intralayer excitons. Our findings relate excitonic features with interface design for defect engineering in photovoltaic and transport applications.Comment: 7 pages + 3 figures; Supporting Information (20 pages + 13 figures

    Charge quenching at defect states in transition metal dichalcogenide-graphene van der Waals heterobilayers

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    We study the dynamical properties of point-like defects, represented by monoatomic chalcogen vacancies, in WS2_2-graphene and MoS2_2-graphene heterobilayers. Employing a multidisciplinary approach based on the combination of ab initio, model Hamiltonian and density matrix techniques, we propose a minimal interacting model that allows for the calculation of electronic transition times associated to population and depopulation of the vacancy by an additional electron. We obtain the "coarse-grained" semiclassical dynamics by means of a master equation approach and discuss the potential role of virtual charge fluctuations in the internal dynamics of impurity quasi-degenerate states. The interplay between the symmetry of the lattice and the spin degree of freedom through the spin-orbit interaction and its impact on charge quenching is studied in detail.Comment: 17 pages + 9 figures; Supplemental Material (10 pages + 4 figures

    Energy Level Alignment at Molecule-Metal Interfaces from an Optimally-Tuned Range-Separated Hybrid Functional

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    The alignment of the frontier orbital energies of an adsorbed molecule with the substrate Fermi level at metal-organic interfaces is a fundamental observable of significant practical importance in nanoscience and beyond. Typical density functional theory calculations, especially those using local and semi-local functionals, often underestimate level alignment leading to inaccurate electronic structure and charge transport properties. In this work, we develop a new fully self-consistent predictive scheme to accurately compute level alignment at certain classes of complex heterogeneous molecule-metal interfaces based on optimally-tuned range-separated hybrid functionals. Starting from a highly accurate description of the gas-phase electronic structure, our method by construction captures important nonlocal surface polarization effects via tuning of the long-range screened exchange in a range-separated hybrid in a non-empirical and system-specific manner. We implement this functional in a plane-wave code and apply it to several physisorbed and chemisorbed molecule-metal interface systems. Our results are in quantitative agreement with experiments, both the level alignment and work function changes. Our approach constitutes a new practical scheme for accurate and efficient calculations of the electronic structure of molecule-metal interfaces.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Designable exciton mixing through layer alignment in WS2_2-graphene heterostructures

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    Optical properties of heterostructures composed of layered 2D materials, such as transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) and graphene, are broadly explored. Of particular interest are light-induced energy transfer mechanisms in these materials and their structural roots. Here, we use state-of-the-art first-principles calculations to study the excitonic composition and the absorption properties of WS2_2-graphene heterostructures as a function of interlayer alignment and the local strain resulting from it. We find that Brillouin zone mismatch and the associated energy level alignment between the graphene Dirac cone and the TMD bands dictate an interplay between interlayer and intralayer excitons, mixing together in the many-body representation upon the strain-induced symmetry breaking in the interacting layers. Examining the representative cases of the 0^\circ and 30^\circ interlayer twist angles, we find that this exciton mixing strongly varies as a function of the relative alignment. We quantify the effect of these structural modifications on exciton charge separation between the layers and the associated graphene-induced homogeneous broadening of the absorption resonances. Our findings provide guidelines for controllable optical excitations upon interface design and shed light on the importance of many-body effects in the understanding of optical phenomena in complex heterostructures.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Quasiparticle spectra from a non-empirical optimally-tuned range-separated hybrid density functional

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    We present a method for obtaining outer valence quasiparticle excitation energies from a DFT-based calculation, with accuracy that is comparable to that of many-body perturbation theory within the GW approximation. The approach uses a range-separated hybrid density functional, with asymptotically exact and short-range fractional Fock exchange. The functional contains two parameters - the range separation and the short-range Fock fraction. Both are determined non-empirically, per system, based on satisfaction of exact physical constraints for the ionization potential and many-electron self-interaction, respectively. The accuracy of the method is demonstrated on four important benchmark organic molecules: perylene, pentacene, 3,4,9,10-perylene-tetracarboxylic-dianydride (PTCDA) and 1,4,5,8-naphthalene-tetracarboxylic dianhydride (NTCDA). We envision that for finite systems the approach could provide an inexpensive alternative to GW, opening the door to the study of presently out of reach large-scale systems