1,515 research outputs found

    Cytomegalovirus latency and reactivation: recent insights into an age old problem

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    Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection remains a major cause of morbidity in patient populations. In certain clinical settings, it is the reactivation of the pre-existing latent infection in the host that poses the health risk. The prevailing view of HCMV latency was that the virus was essentially quiescent in myeloid progenitor cells and that terminal differentiation resulted in the initiation of the lytic lifecycle and reactivation of infectious virus. However, our understanding of HCMV latency and reactivation at the molecular level has been greatly enhanced through recent advancements in systems biology approaches to perform global analyses of both experimental and natural latency. These approaches, in concert with more classical reductionist experimentation, are furnishing researchers with new concepts in cytomegalovirus latency and suggest that latent infection is far more active than first thought. In this review, we will focus on new studies that suggest that distinct sites of cellular latency could exist in the human host, which, when coupled with recent observations that report different transcriptional programmes within cells of the myeloid lineage, argues for multiple latent phenotypes that could impact differently on the biology of this virus in vivo. Finally, we will also consider how the biology of the host cell where the latent infection persists further contributes to the concept of a spectrum of latent phenotypes in multiple cell types that can be exploited by the virus

    Viral programming of progenitor cell commitment

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    Circulating Dendritic Cells Isolated from Healthy Seropositive Donors Are Sites of Human Cytomegalovirus Reactivation In Vivo

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    Primary infection with human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is generally asymptomatic in healthy individuals and results in a lifelong infection of the host. In contrast, in immunosuppressed transplant recipients and late-stage AIDS patients, HCMV infection and reactivation can result in severe disease or death. In vivo, latency is established in bone marrow CD34(+) progenitor cells with reactivation linked with their differentiation to macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs). However, previous analyses have relied on ex vivo differentiation of myeloid progenitor cells to DCs in culture. Here, we now report on the isolation and analysis of circulating blood myeloid DCs, resulting from natural differentiation in vivo, from healthy HCMV-seropositive carriers. We show that these in vivo-differentiated circulating DCs are fully permissive for HCMV and exhibit a phenotype similar to that of monocyte-derived DCs routinely used for in vitro studies of HCMV. Importantly, we also show that these DCs from healthy HCMV-seropositive donors carry HCMV genomes and, significantly, are typically positive for viral immediate-early (IE) gene expression, in contrast to circulating monocytes, which carry genomes with an absence of IE expression. Finally, we show that HCMV reactivation from these circulating DCs is enhanced by inflammatory stimuli. Overall, these data argue that the differentiation in vivo of myeloid progenitors to circulating DCs promotes the reactivation of HCMV lytic gene expression in healthy individuals, thereby providing valuable confirmation of studies performed using in vitro generation of DCs from myeloid precursors to study HCMV reactivation

    High Throughput Screening of a GlaxoSmithKline Protein Kinase Inhibitor Set Identifies an Inhibitor of Human Cytomegalovirus Replication that Prevents CREB and Histone H3 Post-Translational Modification.

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    To identify new compounds with anti-human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) activity and new anti-HCMV targets, we developed a high throughput strategy to screen a GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Published Kinase Inhibitor Set (PKIS). This collection contains a range of extensively characterized compounds grouped into chemical families (chemotypes). From our screen we identified compounds within chemotypes that impede HCMV replication and identified kinase proteins associated with inhibition of HCMV replication that are potential novel anti-HCMV targets. We focused our study on a top "hit" in our screen, SB-734117, which we found inhibits productive replication of several HCMV strains. Kinase selectivity data indicated that SB-734117 exhibits polypharmacology and is an inhibitor of several proteins from the AGC and CMCG kinase groups. Using western blotting we found that SB-734711 inhibited accumulation of HCMV immediate-early proteins, phosphorylation of cellular proteins involved in immediate-early protein production (CREB and histone H3) and histone H3 lysine 36 trimethylation (H3K36me3). Therefore, we identify SB-734117 as a novel anti-HCMV compound and find that inhibition of AGC and CMCG kinase proteins during productive HCMV replication is associated with inhibition of viral protein production and prevents post-translational modification of cellular factors associated with viral protein production

    Rapamycin does not inhibit HCMV reactivation from dendritic cells in vitro

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    Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection and reactivation are a major cause of morbidity in immune-suppressed patients. Interestingly, epidemiological studies have shown that patients administered the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitor, sirolimus (rapamycin), exhibit more favourable outcomes, suggestive of activity against HCMV in vivo. Given its relative lack of activity against lytic infection, it is postulated that rapamycin inhibits HCMV reactivation. Here, we showed that rapamycin administered acutely or chronically has little impact on induction of immediate early (IE) gene expression in experimentally latent dendritic cells or cells from naturally latent individuals. Furthermore, we extended these observations to include other inhibitors of mTORC1 and mTORC 2, which similarly have minimal effects on induction of IE gene expression from latency. Taken together, these data suggest that favourable outcomes associated with sirolimus are attributable to indirect effects that influence HCMV reactivation, rather than a direct mechanistic action against HCMV itself

    Validation of a commercially available indirect assay for SARS-CoV-2 neutralising antibodies using a pseudotyped virus assay.

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    Objectives To assess whether a commercially available CE-IVD, ELISA-based surrogate neutralisation assay (cPass, Genscript) provides a genuine measure of SARS-CoV-2 neutralisation by human sera, and further to establish whether measuring responses against the RBD of S was a diagnostically useful proxy for responses against the whole S protein. Methods Serum samples from 30 patients were assayed for anti-NP responses, for ‘neutralisation’ by the surrogate neutralisation assay and for neutralisation by SARS-CoV-2 S pseudotyped virus assays utilising two target cell lines. Correlation between assays was measured using linear regression. Results The responses observed within the surrogate neutralisation assay demonstrated an extremely strong, highly significant positive correlation with those observed in both pseudotyped virus assays. Conclusions The tested ELISA-based surrogate assay provides an immunologically useful measure of functional immune responses in a much quicker and highly automatable fashion. It also reinforces that detection of anti-RBD neutralising antibodies alone is a powerful measure of the capacity to neutralise viral infection

    Evasion of a human cytomegalovirus entry inhibitor with potent cysteine reactivity is concomitant with the utilisation of a heparan sulfate proteoglycan independent route of entry

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    The dependence of viruses on the host cell to complete their replicative cycle renders cellular functions potential targets for novel anti-virals. We screened a panel of broad acting cellular ion channel inhibitors for activity against human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) and identified the voltage-gated chloride ion channel inhibitor 4,4'-diisothiocyano-2,2'-stilbenedisulfonic acid (DIDS) as a potent inhibitor of HCMV replication. Time of addition studies demonstrated that DIDS inhibited entry via a direct interaction with the virion that impeded binding to the plasma membrane. Synthesis and analysis of pharmacological variants of DIDS suggested that intrinsic cysteine, and not lysine, reactivity was important for activity against HCMV.Although sequencing of a DIDS-resistant HCMV revealed enrichment of a mutation within UL100 (encoding for glycoprotein M) and a specific truncation of glycoprotein RL13, these did not explain the DIDS resistance phenotype. Specifically, only the introduction of the RL13 mutant partially pheno-copied the DIDS resistance phenotype. Serendipitously, the entry of DIDS-resistant HCMV also became independent of heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) suggesting that evasion of DIDS lowered dependence on an initial interaction with HSPGs. Intriguingly, the DIDS-resistant virus demonstrated increased sensitivity to antibody neutralisation, which mapped, in part, to the presence of the gM mutation.Taken together the data characterise the anti-viral activity of a novel HCMV inhibitor that drives HCMV infection to occur independent of HSPGs and the generation of increased sensitivity to humoral immunity. The data also demonstrate that compounds with cysteine reactivity have the potential to act as anti-viral compounds against HCMV via direct engagement of virions.IMPORTANCE Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is major pathogen of non-immunocompetent individuals which remains in need of new therapeutic options. Here we have identified a potent antiviral compound (4,4'-diisothiocyano-2,2'-stilbenedisulfonic acid, DIDS), its mechanism of action and the chemical properties required for its activity. In doing so, the data argue that cysteine-reactive compounds could have the capacity to be developed for anti-HCMV activity. Importantly, the data show that entry of DIDS resistant virus became independent of heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) but, concomitantly, became more sensitive to neutralising antibody responses. This serendipitous observation suggests that retention of an interaction with HSPGs during the entry process in vivo may be evolutionarily advantageous through better evasion of humoral responses directed against HCMV virions

    HCMV carriage in the elderly diminishes anti-viral functionality of the adaptive immune response resulting in virus replication at peripheral sites.

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    Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection and periodic reactivation is, generally, well controlled by adaptative immune responses in the healthy. In older people, overt HCMV disease is rarely seen despite the association of HCMV with increased risk of mortality; evidence from studies of unwell aged populations suggest that HCMV seropositivity is an important co-morbidity factor. HCMV genomes have been detected in urine from older donors, suggesting that the immune response prevents systemic disease but possibly immunomodulation due to lifelong viral carriage may alter its efficacy at peripheral tissue sites. Previously we have demonstrated that there were no age-related expansions of T cell responses to HCMV or increase in latent viral carriage with age and these T cells produced anti-viral cytokines and viremia was very rarely detected. To investigate the efficacy of anti-HCMV responses with increasing age, we used an in vitro Viral Dissemination Assay (VDA) using autologous dermal fibroblasts to determine the anti-viral effector capacity of total PBMC, as well as important subsets (T cells, NK cells). In parallel we assessed components of the humoral response (antibody neutralization) and combined this with qPCR detection of HCMV in blood, saliva and urine in a cohort of young and old donors. Consistent with previous studies, we again show HCMV specific cIL-10, IFNγ and TNFα T cell responses to peptides did not show an age-related defect. However, assessment of direct anti-viral cellular and antibody-mediated adaptive immune responses using the VDA shows that older donors are significantly less able to control viral dissemination in an in vitro assay compared to young donors. Corroborating this observation, we detected viral genomes in saliva samples only from older donors, these donors had a defect in cellular control of viral spread in our in vitro assay. Phenotyping of fibroblasts used in this study shows expression of a number of checkpoint inhibitor ligands which may contribute to the defects observed. The potential to therapeutically intervene in checkpoint inhibitor pathways to prevent HCMV reactivation in the unwell aged is an exciting avenue to explore
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