131 research outputs found

    A draft genome sequence of the rose black spot fungus Diplocarpon rosae reveals a high degree of genome duplication

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    Background: Black spot is one of the most severe and damaging diseases of garden roses. We present the draft genome sequence of its causative agent Diplocarpon rosae as a working tool to generate molecular markers and to analyze functional and structural characteristics of this fungus. Results: The isolate DortE4 was sequenced with 191x coverage of different read types which were assembled into 2457 scaffolds. By evidence supported genome annotation with the MAKER pipeline 14,004 gene models were predicted and transcriptomic data indicated that 88.5% of them are expressed during the early stages of infection. Analyses of k-mer distributions resulted in unexpectedly large genome size estimations between 72.5 and 91.4 Mb, which cannot be attributed to its repeat structure and content of transposable elements alone, factors explaining such differences in other fungal genomes. In contrast, different lines of evidences demonstrate that a huge proportion (approximately 80%) of genes are duplicated, which might indicate a whole genome duplication event. By PCR-RFLP analysis of six paralogous gene pairs of BUSCO orthologs, which are expected to be single copy genes, we could show experimentally that the duplication is not due to technical error and that not all isolates tested possess all of the paralogs. Conclusions: The presented genome sequence is still a fragmented draft but contains almost the complete gene space. Therefore, it provides a useful working tool to study the interaction of D. rosae with the host and the influence of a genome duplication outside of the model yeast in the background of a phytopathogen

    A glance at quality score: implication for de novo transcriptome reconstruction of Illumina reads

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    Downstream analyses of short-reads from next-generation sequencing platforms are often preceded by a pre-processing step that removes uncalled and wrongly called bases. Standard approaches rely on their associated base quality scores to retain the read or a portion of it when the score is above a predefined threshold. It is difficult to differentiate sequencing error from biological variation without a reference using a quality score. The effects of quality score based trimming have not been systematically studied in de novo transcriptome assembly. Using RNA-Seq data produced from Illumina,we teased out the effects of quality score based filtering or trimming on de novo transcriptome reconstruction. We showed that assemblies produced from reads subjected to different quality score thresholds contain truncated and missing transfrags when compared to those from untrimmed reads. Our data supports the fact that de novo assembling of untrimmed data is challenging for de Bruijn graph assemblers. However, our results indicates that comparing the assemblies from untrimmed and trimmed read subsets can suggest appropriate filtering parameters and enables election of the optimum de novo transcriptome assembly in non-model organisms.South African Research Chair Initiative National Research Foundation of South Afric

    Genome-wide SNP identification by high-throughput sequencing and selective mapping allows sequence assembly positioning using a framework genetic linkage map

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    Determining the position and order of contigs and scaffolds from a genome assembly within an organism’s genome remains a technical challenge in a majority of sequencing projects. In order to exploit contemporary technologies for DNA sequencing. We developed a strategy for whole genome single nucleotide polymorphism sequencing allowing the positioning of sequence contigs onto a linkage map using the bin mapping method. The strategy was tested on a draft genome of the fungal pathogen Venturia inaequalis, the causal agent of apple scab, and further validated using sequence contigs derived from the diploid plant genome Fragaria vesca. Using our novel method we were able to anchor 70% and 92% of sequences assemblies for V. inaequalis and F. vesca, respectively, to genetic linkage maps. We demonstrated the utility of this approach by accurately determining the bin map positions of the majority of the large sequence contigs from each genome sequence and validated our method by mapping single sequence repeat markers derived from sequence contigs on a full mapping population.Deciduous Fruit Producers Trust THRIP Program National Research Foundation Claude Harris Leon FoundationWeb of Scienc

    Alteration of Bax-to-Bcl-2 ratio modulates the anticancer activity of methanolic extract of Commelina benghalensis (Commelinaceae) in Jurkat T cells

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    Stem extracts of Commelina benghalensis (Linn.), although not extensively documented, are frequently used in traditional medicine for the treatment of ailments such as skin malformations and outgrowths. Accordingly, the study was aimed to investigate possible molecular mechanisms that are associated with the potential anti-carcinogenic property of this agrofield weed. Jurkat T cells were exposed to different concentrations (0-600 ug/ml) of the crude methanolic extract of C. benghalensis to evaluate their growth inhibitory and apoptosis inducing effects. The extract elicited a dose- and time-dependent inhibition of cell proliferation, followed by a concomitant decrease in cell viability. The observed cytotoxicity was linked to the induction of apoptosis as determined by morphological and biochemical features known to be associated with the advent of apoptosis. Real time quantitative RT-PCR and Western blot analyses of Bax, Bcl-2 and p53 exhibited aberrant expression profiles of these genes under various treatment conditions. Taken together, the data suggest that the crude methanolic extract of C. benghalensis contains bioactive compounds that may be beneficial in the treatment of malignant growths, and that this apparent antineoplastic activity is a consequence of dysregulated expression of apoptosis-responsive genes. These observations could provide a credible scientific justification upon which the ethnopharmacological utilisation of C. benghalensis is founded

    DWNN, a novel ubiquitin-like domain, implicates RBBP6 in mRNA processing and ubiquitin-like pathways

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    BACKGROUND: RBBP6 is a 250 kDa splicing-associated protein that has been identified as an E3 ligase due to the presence of a RING finger domain. In humans and mice it interacts with both p53 and Rb, and plays a role in the induction of apoptosis and regulation of the cell cycle. RBBP6 has recently been shown to be highly up-regulated in oesophageal cancer, and to be a promising target for immunotherapy against the disease. RESULTS: We show here using heteronuclear NMR that the N-terminal 81 amino acids of RBBP6 constitute a novel ubiquitin-like domain, which we have called the DWNN domain. The domain lacks conserved equivalents of K(48 )and K(63), although the equivalents of K(6 )and K(29 )are highly, although not absolutely, conserved. The di-glycine motif that is characteristic of proteins involved in ubiquitination is found in the human and mouse form of the domain, although it is not present in all organisms. It forms part of a three-domain form of RBBP6 containing the DWNN domain, a zinc knuckle and a RING finger domain, which is found in all eukaryotic genomes so far examined, in the majority of cases at single copy number. The domain is also independently expressed in vertebrates as a single domain protein. CONCLUSION: DWNN is a novel ubiquitin-like domain found only at the N-terminus of the RBBP6 family of splicing-associated proteins. The ubiquitin-like structure of the domain greatly increases the likelihood that RBBP6 functions through some form of ubiquitin-like modification. Furthermore, the fact that the DWNN domain is independently expressed in higher vertebrates leads us to propose that the domain may itself function as a novel ubiquitin-like modifier of other proteins

    Whole genome sequencing and identification of Bacillus endophyticus and B. anthracis isolated from anthrax outbreaks in South Africa

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    Abstract Background Bacillus endophyticus is a soil plant-endophytic bacterium, while B. anthracis is the causative agent of anthrax. The virulence factors of B. anthracis are the plasmid encoded tripartite toxins (pXO1) and poly-γ-glutamic acid (PGA) capsule (pXO2). B. endophyticus isolated alongside B. anthracis from animals that died of anthrax in Northern Cape Province (NCP), South Africa, harbored polyglutamate genes. The study compared the characteristics of B. anthracis and B. endophyticus with other Bacillus species with a focus on the presence of the PGA capsule or/and unbound PGA. The morphology and whole genome sequence analysis of B. endophyticus strains and B. anthracis were compared. Results In conventional microbiology, B. endophyticus showed gram-positive round-shaped rods in single/short chains, which were endospore-forming, non-motile, non-haemolytic with white and dry colonies, and γ-phage resistant. B. anthracis was differentiated from B. endophyticus based on the latter’s box-shaped rods in pairs/long chains, white-grey and slimy colonies, encapsulated and γ-phage susceptible. The study identified a PGA polyglutamate synthase operon that consisted of pgsBCA, γ-glutamyltranspeptidase (ggt) and pgsE in B. endophyticus genomes. Conclusions PGA regions of B. anthracis contain capBCADE genes located in the pXO2 required for capsulation formation, while B. endophyticus contain the pgsBCAE genes in the chromosome. Whole genome and microbiology analysis identified B. endophyticus, as a non-capsuled endospore-forming bacterium that consists of PGA required for biosynthesis. B. endophyticus strains do not synthesize surface associated PGA, therefore capsule visualization of B. anthracis is a key diagnostic characteristic. The study highlights the significance of using whole genome shotgun sequencing to identify virulence and other important genes that might be present amongst unknown samples from natural outbreaks. None of the B. anthracis related plasmids or virulence genes were found in the B. endophyticus genomes

    Role of salt concentration in stabilizing charged Ni-rich cathode interfaces in Li-ion batteries

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    The cathode–electrolyte interphase (CEI) in Li-ion batteries plays a key role in suppressing undesired side reactions while facilitating Li-ion transport. Ni-rich layered cathode materials offer improved energy densities, but their high interfacial reactivities can negatively impact the cycle life and rate performance. Here we investigate the role of electrolyte salt concentration, specifically LiPF6 (0.5–5 m), in altering the interfacial reactivity of charged LiN0.8Mn0.1Co0.1O2 (NMC811) cathodes in standard carbonate-based electrolytes (EC/EMC vol %/vol % 3:7). Extended potential holds of NMC811/Li4Ti5O12 (LTO) cells reveal that the parasitic electrolyte oxidation currents observed are strongly dependent on the electrolyte salt concentration. X-ray photoelectron and absorption spectroscopy (XPS/XAS) reveal that a thicker LixPOyFz-/LiF-rich CEI is formed in the higher concentration electrolytes. This suppresses reactions with solvent molecules resulting in a thinner, or less-dense, reduced surface layer (RSL) with lower charge transfer resistance and lower oxidation currents at high potentials. The thicker CEI also limits access of acidic species to the RSL suppressing transition-metal dissolution into the electrolyte, as confirmed by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). This provides insight into the main degradation processes occurring at Ni-rich cathode interfaces in contact with carbonate-based electrolytes and how electrolyte formulation can help to mitigate these

    Draft genome sequence of the Antarctic polyextremophile Nesterenkonia sp. strain AN1

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    Nesterenkonia sp. strain AN1 was isolated from Antarctic soil and is a polyextremophile, being tolerant of low temperatures, high salt concentrations, and high alkalinity. Here we report the draft genome sequence of this strain.This project was partially supported by the National Research Foundation– South African National Antarctic Research Programme (NRFSANAP) (award 80256) and the Genomics Research Institute (GRI), University of Pretoria.http://genomea.asm.org/am201

    Identification of a major QTL for time of initial vegetative budbreak in apple (Malus x domestica Borkh.)

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    In the Western Cape region of South Africa dormancy release and the onset of growth does not occur normally in apple (Malus x domestica Borkh.) trees during spring due to the mild winter conditions experienced and fluctuations in temperatures experienced during and between winters. In this region the application of chemicals to induce the release of dormancy forms part of standard orchard management. Increasing awareness of the environmental impact of chemical sprays and global warming has led to the demand for new apple cultivars better adapted to local climatic conditions. We report the construction of framework genetic maps in two F1 crosses using the low chilling cultivar ‘Anna’ as common male parent and the higher chill requiring cultivars ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘Sharpe’s Early’ as female parents. The maps were constructed using 320 simple sequence repeats (SSR), including 116 new markers developed from expressed sequence tags (ESTs). These maps were used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for time of initial vegetative budbreak (IVB), a dormancy related characteristic. Time of IVB was assessed 4 times over a 6-year period in ‘Golden Delicious’ x ‘Anna’ seedlings kept in seedling bags under shade in the nursery. The trait was assessed for 3 years on adult full-sib trees derived from a cross between ‘Sharpe’s Early’ and ‘Anna’ as well as for 3 years on replicates of these seedlings obtained by clonal propagation onto rootstocks. A single major QTL for time of IVB was identified on linkage group (LG) 9. This QTL remained consistent in different genetic backgrounds and at different developmental stages. The QTL may co-localize with a QTL for leaf break identified on LG 3 by Conner et al. (1998), a LG that was, after the implementation of transferable microsatellite markers, shown to be homologous to the LG now known to be LG 9 (Kenis and Keulemans, 2004). These results contribute towards a better understanding regarding the genetic control of IVB in aplle and will also be used to elucidate the genetic basis of other dormancy related traits such as time of initial reproductive budbreak and number of vegetative and reproductive budbreak

    Polyphasic characterization of Bacillus species from anthrax outbreaks in animals from South Africa and Lesotho

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    INTRODUCTION : Bacillus anthracis is the causative agent of anthrax, a disease endemic in regions of Northern Cape Province and Kruger National Park of South Africa. Accurate identification of virulent B. anthracis is essential but challenging due to its close relationship with other members of B. cereus group. This study characterized B. anthracis and Bacillus species that were recovered from animals and the environment where animals died of anthrax symptoms in southern Africa using a polyphasic approach. METHODOLOGY : For this purpose, 3 B. anthracis and 10 Bacillus isolates were subjected to microbiology tests, BiologOmniLog identification system (Biolog), 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) sequence analysis, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detection of protective antigen (pag) and capsule (cap) regions, and real-time PCR using hybridization probes targeting chromosomal, pag, and capC genes. RESULTS : The Bacillus isolates were non-hemolytic, non-motile, and susceptible to penicillin, which is typical of B. anthracis, but resistant to gamma phage, unlike typical B. anthracis. The Biolog system and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis identified most of the Bacillus isolates as B. endophyticus (7 of 10). Conventional PCR revealed that most of the Bacillus isolates contained capBCA gene regions. This highlights the limitation of the specificity of conventional PCR and the fact that the real-time PCR is more specific and reliable for anthrax diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS : Real-time PCR, 16S rRNA sequencing, and confirmatory microbiology tests including phage resistance distinguished Bacillus isolates from B. anthracis in this study. Identification of B. anthracis should be done using a polyphasic approach.The National Research Foundation (NRF) and NRF-THRIP.http://www.jidc.orgam2017Veterinary Tropical Disease
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