2 research outputs found

    Study Flow Diagram.

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    <p>Breakdown of the number of studies identified in the literature, assessed for eligibility, and finally included in the rapid scoping review.</p

    Additional file 1 of Interventions on gender equity in the workplace: a scoping review

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    Additional file 1: Appendix 1. PRISMA ScR Checklist. Appendix 2. SAGER Guidelines. Appendix 3. SIITHIA Checklist. Appendix 4. GRIPP2 Reporting Checklist. Appendix 5. Database Search Strategies. Appendix 6. Grey Literature Sources. Appendix 7. L1 Screening Form for Titles and Abstracts. Appendix 8. L2 Screening Form for Full-Text Articles. Appendix 9. Data Abstraction Form. Appendix 10. Closely Related but Ultimately Excluded Studies. Appendix 11. Participants Characteristics. Appendix 12. Participants Characteristics. Appendix 13. PROGRESS Plus Table. Appendix 14. Definitions of Gender and Sex. Appendix 15. Intervention Characteristics. Appendix 16. Details of Intervention Outcomes and Results. Appendix 17. Outcomes Examined in Included Studies. Appendix 18. Patient Partner Lay Summary