20 research outputs found

    Anatase-to-rutile phase transition of samarium-doped TiO2 powder detected via the luminescence of Sm3+

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    AbstractWe employed a sol-gel route to prepare 1% samarium-doped TiO2 nanopowders. Time-resolved photoluminescence (PL) and Raman characterization was performed. After a thermal treatment the powder crystallized in an anatase phase and revealed intense Sm3+ photoluminescence. The emission spectrum of Sm3+ exposed well-resolved crystal-field splitting enabling monitoring of the changes in the local environment.We thoroughly investigated the influence of the annealing treatment (in air) on Sm emission intensity. Annealing up to 800 ∘C led to a systematic enhancement of Sm emission. Annealing at higher temperatures, however, led to a marked weakening of Sm3+ emission and simultaneous appearance of an emission band near 830 nm. Annealing temperatures as high as 1000 ∘C were needed to induce the phase transition from anatase to rutile. It was possible to use Sm3+ as a structural probe revealinge peculiarities of the phase transition

    Elaboration of IVB group metal oxide structures and their possible applications

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    Elaboration of IVB group metal oxide structures and their possible applications Summary The description and discussion about an easy and flexible method for preparing of nanometer level homogeneous Ti(OBu)4 Zr(OBu)4, Hf(OBu)4 based sols and concentrates, suitable as precursors for preparing metal oxide thin (RE doped and undoped) films and tubular microstructures were presented in the current thesis. The main results presented in current thesis can be summarized as follows: • We have shown that spry pyrolysis, dip-coating and spin-coating techniques can be used to prepare rare earths activated TiO2, ZrO2 and HfO2 films with controllable and uniform thickness. • We have demonstrated that metal alkoxide based synthesis of thin Sm3+ doped titania and hafnia films will yield materials which after band-to-band optical excitation give Sm3+-specific emission with a well-resolved fine structure. The latter indicates that the samarium ions are fitted in to quite regular positions in the host lattices. • We suggest the possibility of using synthesized RE doped HfO2 as scintillator material (e.g. in medicine) as it has high density and atomic number combined with luminescent properties for that application. Also we propose that thin porous TiO2:Sm3+ films can be considered as photoluminescence-based oxygen sensing material as intensity of the Sm3+- specific emission was found to be sensitive to the chemical composition of the ambient atmosphere. • We have demonstrated for the first time that gelation of the surface of a metal-alkoxide precursor, spontaneous cracking of obtained gel film, subsequent dissolving the non-gelled layer of precursor will lead to selfrolling of gel film segments. Obtained metal oxide micro-tubes are transparent in visible light and have outer diameter of 20-30 μm. We have also shown that obtained tubular gel structures can be baked at up to 500 oC to crystalline the material. We propose that obtained oxide materials can be used in the production of catalysts, gas-sensors, stationary phases in chromatography, composite materials, MEMS or NEMS components, heat insulators etc. Patent pending. Summry in Estonian IVB grupi metallide oksiidstruktuuride väljatöötamine ja nende võimalikud rakendused Käesolevas väitekirjas käsitletakse dopeerimatta ja haruldaste muldmetallide ioonidega dopeeritud õhukeste oksiidkilede ja torukujuliste mikrostruktuuride valmistamismeetodeid ja sünteesitud materjalide mõningaid omadusi. Materjalide valmistamisel kasutatakse lähtematerjalidena metallide (Ti, Zr, Hf) alkoksiidide ja nendest sünteesitud homogeenseid soole ja kontsentraate. Tööst lähtuvad tulemused on järgmised: • Näidati, et pihustus-pürolüüsi-, vurr-katmis- ja sukelduspindamistehnikat, kasutades on võimalik valmistada kontrollitava ja ühtlase paksusega ja haruldaste muldmetallide ioonidega dopeeritud õhukesi TiO2, ZrO2 and HfO2 kilesid. • Näidati, et metallide alkoksiididel baseeruv Sm3+ dopeeritud titaan-, ja hafniumoksiidkilede süntees annab materjali, mis tsoon-tsoon ergastuse tulemusel kiirgab samaariumi 3+ ioonile iseloomuliku hästi eristatava struktuuriga spektriga. Viimane näitab, et samaariumi ioonid on asetunud regulaarselt põhioksiidi kristallvõresse. • Pakume välja võimaluse, et sünteesitud haruldaste muldmetalli ioonidega lisandatud HfO2 on potentsiaalselt rakendatav sintillaatormaterjalina, sest sellises materjalis on ühendatud vastava rakenduse jaoks olulised omadused nagu raske aatom, suur tihedus ja luminestsentskiirguse eraldumine kõrge energiaga osakesega vastasmõjust. Samuti pakume välja, et Sm3+ ioonidega dopeeritud TiO2 on rakendatav fotoluminestsensil põhineva hapniku sensori väljatöötamiseks, sest täheldati, et sünteesitud materjalist lähtuv luminestsentskiirguse intensiivsus on tundlik ümbritseva atmosfääri keemilisele koostisele. • Näidati esmakordselt, et metallalkoksiidi kontsentreeritud sooli pinna geelistamisel ja selle spontaanse pragunemise tulemusena saadud geelkile fragmentide geelistumatta materjali lahustamine viib geel-segmentide rullumiseni. Saadud metalloksiid mikro-torud on nähtavas valguses läbipaistvad ja omavad välisdiameetrit 20-30 μm. Samuti näitasime, et saadud struktuure on võimalik kuumutada vähemalt 500 oC, mis on vajalik materjali viimiseks oksiidsele keemilisele koostisele. Sünteesitud materjalide võimalikeks rakendusteks näeme nende kasutamist näiteks katalüsaatorite, gaasisensorite, kromotograafia kolonnide seisvate faaside, komposiitmaterjalide, mikro- või nanoelektromehaaniliste süsteemide (MEMS või NEMS) komponentide, soojusisolatsioonimaterjalide valmistamiseks. Väljatöötatud meetodi tehniline lahendus on patenteeritud

    Tailoring Sol-Gel Transition Processes for the Design of Novel Shape Metal Oxide Materials

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    Simulation of cracking of metal alkoxide gel film formed on viscous precursor layer using a spring-block model

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    Drying-induced cracking of thin films attached to a non-solid (viscous) substrate is studied both experimentally and numerically. The numerical model is essentially a modification of the spring-block model, introducing a shear stress due to faster drying of the upper film layer, and annealed disorder in the distribution of the spring strengths. The simulation results are in a qualitative agreement with the experimental results, covering all the qualitatively different experimental regimes of the fragment formation. The model allows us to identify the physical processes responsible for the formation of micro-tubes in our experiments, and is helpful in designing and interpreting the film cracking experiments