53 research outputs found

    Insights into the function of cytoglobin.

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    Since its discovery in 2001, the function of cytoglobin has remained elusive. Through extensive in vitro and in vivo research, a range of potential physiological and pathological mechanisms has emerged for this multifunctional member of the hemoglobin family. Currently, over 200 research publications have examined different aspects of cytoglobin structure, redox chemistry and potential roles in cell signalling pathways. This research is wide ranging, but common themes have emerged throughout the research. This review examines the current structural, biochemical and in vivo knowledge of cytoglobin published over the past two decades. Radical scavenging, nitric oxide homeostasis, lipid binding and oxidation and the role of an intramolecular disulfide bond on the redox chemistry are examined, together with aspects and roles for Cygb in cancer progression and liver fibrosis

    The peroxidatic activities of Myoglobin and Hemoglobin, their pathological consequences and possible medical interventions.

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    Under those pathological conditions in which Myoglobin and Hemoglobin escape their cellular environments and are thus separated from cellular reductive/protective systems, the inherent peroxidase activities of these proteins can be expressed. This activity leads to the formation of the highly oxidizing oxo-ferryl species. Evidence that this happens in vivo is provided by the formation of a covalent bond between the heme group and the protein and this acts as an unambiguous biomarker for the presence of the oxo ferryl form. The peroxidatic activity also leads to the oxidation of lipids, the products of which can be powerful vasoconstrictive agents (e.g. isoprostanes, neuroprostanes). Here we review the evidence that lipid oxidation occurs following rhabdomyolysis and sub-arachnoid hemorrhage and that the products formed from arachidonic acid chains of phospholipids lead, through vasoconstriction, to kidney failure and brain vasospasm. Intervention in these pathological conditions through administration of reducing agents to remove ferryl heme is discussed. Through-protein electron transfer pathways that facilitate ferryl reduction at low reductant concentration have been identified. We conclude with consideration of the therapeutic use of Hemoglobin Based Oxygen carriers and how the toxicity of these may be reduced by engineering such electron transfer pathways into hemoglobin

    Engineering tyrosine-based electron flow pathways in proteins: The case of aplysia myoglobin

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    Tyrosine residues can act as redox cofactors that provide an electron transfer ("hole-hopping") route that enhances the rate of ferryl heme iron reduction by externally added reductants, for example, ascorbate. Aplysia fasciata myoglobin, having no naturally occurring tyrosines but 15 phenylalanines that can be selectively mutated to tyrosine residues, provides an ideal protein with which to study such through-protein electron transfer pathways and ways to manipulate them. Two surface exposed phenylalanines that are close to the heme have been mutated to tyrosines (F42Y, F98Y). In both of these, the rate of ferryl heme reduction increased by up to 3 orders of magnitude. This result cannot be explained in terms of distance or redox potential change between donor and acceptor but indicates that tyrosines, by virtue of their ability to form radicals, act as redox cofactors in a new pathway. The mechanism is discussed in terms of the Marcus theory and the specific protonation/deprotonation states of the oxoferryl iron and tyrosine. Tyrosine radicals have been observed and quantified by EPR spectroscopy in both mutants, consistent with the proposed mechanism. The location of each radical is unambiguous and allows us to validate theoretical methods that assign radical location on the basis of EPR hyperfine structure. Mutation to tyrosine decreases the lipid peroxidase activity of this myoglobin in the presence of low concentrations of reductant, and the possibility of decreasing the intrinsic toxicity of hemoglobin by introduction of these pathways is discussed. © 2012 American Chemical Society

    Redox and Peroxidase Activities of the Hemoglobin Superfamily: Relevance to Health and Disease

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    Significance: Erythrocyte hemoglobin (Hb) and myocyte myoglobin, although primarily oxygen-carrying proteins, have the capacity to do redox chemistry. Such redox activity in the wider family of globins now appears to have important associations with the mechanisms of cell stress response. In turn, an understanding of such mechanisms in vivo may have a potential in the understanding of cancer therapy resistance and neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s. Recent Advances: There has been an enhanced understanding of the redox chemistry of the globin superfamily in recent years, leading to advances in development of Hb-based blood substitutes and in hypotheses relating to specific disease mechanisms. Neuroglobin (Ngb) and cytoglobin (Cygb) have been linked to cell protection mechanisms against hypoxia and oxidative stress, with implications in the onset and progression of neurodegenerative diseases for Ngb and cancer for Cygb. Critical Issues: Despite advances in the understanding of redox chemistry of globins, the physiological roles of many of these proteins still remain ambiguous at best. Confusion over potential physiological roles may relate to multifunctional roles for globins, which may be modulated by surface-exposed cysteine pairs in some globins. Such roles may be critical in deciphering the relationships of these globins in human diseases. Future Directions: Further studies are required to connect the considerable knowledge on the mechanisms of globin redox chemistry in vitro with the physiological and pathological roles of globins in vivo. In doing so, new therapies for neurodegenerative disorders and cancer therapy resistance may be targeted

    Modulating Nitric Oxide Dioxygenase and Nitrite Reductase of Cytoglobin through Point Mutations

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    Cytoglobin is a hexacoordinate hemoglobin with physiological roles that are not clearly understood. Previously proposed physiological functions include nitric oxide regulation, oxygen sensing, or/and protection against oxidative stress under hypoxic/ischemic conditions. Like many globins, cytoglobin rapidly consumes nitric oxide under normoxic conditions. Under hypoxia, cytoglobin generates nitric oxide, which is strongly modulated by the oxidation state of the cysteines. This gives a plausible role for this biochemistry in controlling nitric oxide homeostasis. Mutations to control specific properties of hemoglobin and myoglobin, including nitric oxide binding/scavenging and the nitrite reductase activity of various globins, have been reported. We have mapped these key mutations onto cytoglobin, which represents the E7 distal ligand, B2/E9 disulfide, and B10 heme pocket residues, and examined the nitric oxide binding, nitric oxide dioxygenase activity, and nitrite reductase activity. The Leu46Trp mutation decreases the nitric oxide dioxygenase activity &gt; 10,000-fold over wild type, an effect 1000 times greater than similar mutations with other globins. By understanding how particular mutations can affect specific reactivities, these mutations may be used to target specific cytoglobin activities in cell or animal models to help understand the precise role(s) of cytoglobin under physiological and pathophysiological conditions.</jats:p

    Coupling of disulfide bond and distal histidine dissociation in human ferrous cytoglobin regulates ligand binding

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    Earlier kinetics studies on cytoglobin did not assign functional properties to specific structural forms. Here, we used defined monomeric and dimeric forms and cysteine mutants to show that an intramolecular disulfide bond (C38-C83) alters the dissociation rate constant of the intrinsic histidine (H81) (∼1000 fold), thus controlling binding of extrinsic ligands. Through time-resolved spectra we have unequivocally assigned CO binding to hexa- and penta-coordinate forms and have made direct measurement of histidine rebinding following photolysis. We present a model that describes how the cysteine redox state of the monomer controls histidine dissociation rate constants and hence extrinsic ligand binding

    Hell's Gate Globin-I from Methylacidiphilum infernorum Displays a Unique Temperature-Independent pH Sensing Mechanism Utililized a Lipid-Induced Conformational Change.

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    Hell's Gate globin-I (HGb-I) is a thermally stable globin from the aerobic methanotroph Methylacidiphilium infernorum. Here we report that HGb-I interacts with lipids stoichiometrically to induce structural changes in the heme pocket, changing the heme iron distal ligation coordination from hexacoordinate to pentacoordinate. Such changes in heme geometry have only been previously reported for cytochrome c and cytoglobin, linked to apoptosis regulation and enhanced lipid peroxidation activity, respectively. However, unlike cytoglobin and cytochrome c, the heme iron of HGb-I is altered by lipids in ferrous as well as ferric oxidation states. The apparent affinity for lipids in this thermally stable globin is highly pH-dependent but essentially temperature-independent within the range of 20-60 °C. We propose a mechanism to explain these observations, in which lipid binding and stability of the distal endogenous ligand are juxtaposed as a function of temperature. Additionally, we propose that these coupled equilibria may constitute a mechanism through which this acidophilic thermophile senses the pH of its environment

    Sugar beet hemoglobins: reactions with nitric oxide and nitrite reveal differential roles for nitrogen metabolism

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    In contrast with human hemoglobin (Hb) in red blood cells, plant Hbs do not transport oxygen, instead research points towards nitrogen metabolism. Using comprehensive and integrated biophysical methods we characterized three sugar beet Hbs: BvHb1.1, BvHb1.2 and BvHb2. Their affinities for oxygen, CO, and hexacoordination were determined. Their role in nitrogen metabolism was studied by assessing their ability to bind NO, to reduce nitrite (NiR, nitrite reductase), and to form nitrate (NOD, NO dioxygenase). Results show that BvHb1.2 has high NOD-like activity, in agreement with the high nitrate levels found in seeds where this protein is expressed. BvHb1.1, on the other side, is equally capable to bind NO as to form nitrate, its main role would be to protect chloroplasts from the deleterious effects of NO. Finally, the ubiquitous, reactive, and versatile BvHb2, able to adopt ‘open and closed forms’, would be part of metabolic pathways where the balance between oxygen and NO is essential. For all proteins, the NiR activity is relevant only when nitrite is present at high concentrations and both NO and oxygen are absent. The three proteins have distinct intrinsic capabilities to react with NO, oxygen and nitrite; however, it is their concentration which will determine the BvHbs’ activity

    Engineering tyrosine electron transfer pathways decreases oxidative toxicity in hemoglobin: implications for blood substitute design

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    Hemoglobin (Hb)-based oxygen carriers (HBOC) have been engineered to replace or augment the oxygen-carrying capacity of erythrocytes. However, clinical results have generally been disappointing due to adverse side effects linked to intrinsic heme-mediated oxidative toxicity and nitric oxide (NO) scavenging. Redox-active tyrosine residues can facilitate electron transfer between endogenous antioxidants and oxidative ferryl heme species. A suitable residue is present in the α-subunit (Y42) of Hb, but absent from the homologous position in the β-subunit (F41). We therefore replaced this residue with a tyrosine (βF41Y, Hb Mequon). The βF41Y mutation had no effect on the intrinsic rate of lipid peroxidation as measured by conjugated diene and singlet oxygen formation following the addition of ferric(met) Hb to liposomes. However, βF41Y significantly decreased these rates in the presence of physiological levels of ascorbate. Additionally, heme damage in the β-subunit following the addition of the lipid peroxide hydroperoxyoctadecadieoic acid was five-fold slower in βF41Y. NO bioavailability was enhanced in βF41Y by a combination of a 20% decrease in NO dioxygenase activity and a doubling of the rate of nitrite reductase activity. The intrinsic rate of heme loss from methemoglobin was doubled in the β-subunit, but unchanged in the α-subunit. We conclude that the addition of a redox-active tyrosine mutation in Hb able to transfer electrons from plasma antioxidants decreases heme-mediated oxidative reactivity and enhances NO bioavailability. This class of mutations has the potential to decrease adverse side effects as one component of a HBOC product.</jats:p

    The structure of a class 3 nonsymbiotic plant haemoglobin from<i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i>reveals a novel N-terminal helical extension

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    Plant nonsymbiotic haemoglobins fall into three classes, each with distinct properties but all with largely unresolved physiological functions. Here, the first crystal structure of a class 3 nonsymbiotic plant haemoglobin, that fromArabidopsis thaliana, is reported to 1.77 Å resolution. The protein forms a homodimer, with each monomer containing a two-over-two α-helical domain similar to that observed in bacterial truncated haemoglobins. A novel N-terminal extension comprising two α-helices plays a major role in the dimer interface, which occupies the periphery of the dimer–dimer face, surrounding an open central cavity. The haem pocket contains a proximal histidine ligand and an open sixth iron-coordination site with potential for a ligand, in this structure hydroxide, to form hydrogen bonds to a tyrosine or a tryptophan residue. The haem pocket appears to be unusually open to the external environment, with another cavity spanning the entrance of the two haem pockets. The final 23 residues of the C-terminal domain are disordered in the structure; however, these domains in the functional dimer are adjacent and include the only two cysteine residues in the protein sequence. It is likely that these residues form disulfide bondsin vitroand it is conceivable that this C-terminal region may act in a putative complex with a partner moleculein vivo.</jats:p
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