11 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Game-Based Learning Terhadap Motivasi dan Prestasi Belajar

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    The curriculum requirement requires the lecturer to be creative in developing the learning style. However, in interpersonal skill subject, the lecturer only provides things that available on the textbook conventionally and focusing on the material accomplishment of the curriculum without considering the learning expected output. To resolve that problem, the lecturer needs to modify the learning style by providing a learning innovation. One of the alternatives is implementing game-based learning model by playing media card. Therefore, the research objective was to describe positive effect of game-based learning model towards collegian’s learning motivation and achievement in Interpersonal Skill subject in STMIK STIKOM Indonesia. The research method used was Quasi-Experiment with non-equivalent control group design. The research instrument used was a motivation questionnaire and learning achievement test. The research result showed that there was a positive effect of game-based learning model towards Collegian’s motivation and learning achievement in Interpersonal Skill subject.The curriculum requirement requires the lecturer to be creative in developing the learning style. However, in interpersonal skill subject, the lecturer only provides things that available on the textbook conventionally and focusing on the material accomplishment of the curriculum without considering the learning expected output. To resolve that problem, the lecturer needs to modify the learning style by providing a learning innovation. One of the alternatives is implementing game-based learning model by playing media card. Therefore, the research objective was to describe positive effect of game-based learning model towards collegian’s learning motivation and achievement in Interpersonal Skill subject in STMIK STIKOM Indonesia. The research method used was Quasi-Experiment with non-equivalent control group design. The research instrument used was a motivation questionnaire and learning achievement test. The research result showed that there was a positive effect of game-based learning model towards Collegian’s motivation and learning achievement in Interpersonal Skill subject

    Adopting Indonesian Folklore as an Instructional Media Through Cards Games

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    Psychologically, humans tend to love games compared to learning. Therefore, learning should be delivered through fun ways and not boring just like a game. This research aims to develop card games as learning media of Interpersonal Skill Course at STMIK STIKOM Indonesia. This course was chosen based on the availability of minimum teaching materials, the level of material abstractness which is high enough, and there is still no innovative learning that can support the learning. Beside easing the students in comprehending the materials of Interpersonal Skill through fun ways, this card game at once also reminds the students about deep philosophy contained in Indonesian folklores. The chosen folklores cover the stories developing and frequently told in the society such as Timun Emas, Malin Kundang, and so on. The research design used research and development method referring to ADDIE model which is limited until the developing stage. The result of this research is learning media the card game which is an innovation in learning process replacing conventional learning. Based on the results of expert test conducted, the learning media in the form of card games adopting Indonesian folklores is valid and successfully developed

    The Concept of Synergy Building Awareness of State Defense in the Digital Era

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    State defense has a broad spectrum in various scopes such as politics, social, economic and cultural fields. State defense and national security It is an attitude that every citizen must have. Every citizen especially the younger generation is the next generation  of sustainability in the nation and state. The spirit of nationalism, patriotism, and defending the country can fade partly due to the low awareness of defending the country, not yet optimal synergy in fostering awareness of defending the country in the digital era. Seeing the current era of technology increasingly advanced, from this, the awareness of citizens, especially the younger generation in the digital era in terms of defending the country still needs to be improved, where with progress technology makes it easy for everyone to access, create or share information that is not necessarily clear. Keywords (10pt, bold): defending the country, the digital era, national resilience. &nbsp

    Implementation Of Mobile-Based OOAD Interactive Learning Media

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    The lack of interest in student learning is due to the learning media used are less attractive and effective to understand the material. This study aims to implement mobile-based interactive learning media regarding OOAD material. The media feasibility test uses a blackbox testing scenario and the analysis uses the Gutman scale technique. From the test results, it was found that the percentage of blackbox testing was 100% and the functional requirements test by the resource persons obtained a percentage of 100%. Based on the results of these studies, it can be explained that this learning media is very good and has been feasible to be implemented

    Supporting the Recovery of Travel Agencies in Bali through Softloan

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    Purpose: The aim of this paper is to address the challenges faced by Travel Agencies in Indonesia due to the significant decrease in the tourism sector caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The paper aims to find a solution for Travel Agencies, particularly in terms of capital. Research methods: The paper utilizes a mixed-method research approach. The descriptive analysis method with a qualitative approach is employed to describe and summarize the current situation and conditions that Travel Agencies are facing. It also involves analyzing regulations related to the industry. Additionally, a quantitative method is used to gather information from travel agency business actors through the completion of a questionnaire. Results and discussion: The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a significant decrease in the tourism sector in Indonesia, particularly affecting Travel Agencies, which face challenges due to suspended operational activities and a reliance on tourist visit transactions. Implication: To address the capital needs of Travel Agencies and support their recovery, utilizing the government's national economic recovery program, including options like interest subsidies and credit restructuring at banks, is crucial.Tujuan: Tulisan ini dibuat untuk menjawab tantangan yang dihadapi oleh Biro Perjalanan di Indonesia akibat penurunan yang signifikan pada sektor pariwisata akibat pandemi Covid-19. Tulisan bertujuan untuk mencari solusi bagi Travel Agencies khususnya dalam hal permodalan. Metode penelitian: Tulisan ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian metode campuran. Metode analisis deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif digunakan untuk menggambarkan dan merangkum situasi dan kondisi terkini yang dihadapi oleh Biro Perjalanan. Ini juga melibatkan analisis peraturan yang terkait dengan industri. Selain itu, metode kuantitatif digunakan untuk mengumpulkan informasi dari pelaku usaha biro perjalanan melalui pengisian kuesioner. Hasil dan pembahasan: Pandemi Covid-19 telah menyebabkan penurunan yang signifikan pada sektor pariwisata di Indonesia, terutama pada Biro Perjalanan Wisata yang menghadapi tantangan karena terhentinya kegiatan operasional dan ketergantungan pada transaksi kunjungan wisatawan. Implikasi: Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan modal Biro Perjalanan dan mendukung pemulihannya, pemanfaatan program pemulihan ekonomi nasional pemerintah, termasuk opsi seperti subsidi bunga dan restrukturisasi kredit di bank, sangatlah penting

    Pemanfaatan Media Sosial untuk Memaksimalkan Pemasaran Usaha Rias dan Sewa Busana SM Studio Bali

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    Kondisi pandemi COVID-19 memberikan dampak yang cukup signifikan pada mitra yaitu menurunnya omzet dalam kurun waktu 5 bulan terakhir. Jasa rias adalah salah satu jasa yang mengharuskan antara pemberi jasa dan penikmat jasa saling bersentuhan. Hal ini cukup menyulitkan mitra untuk berstrategi agar tetap mendapatkan pelanggan baik jasa rias maupun penyewaan busananya. Selain itu, kemampuan mitra untuk memanfaatkan teknologi informasi sebagai salah satu sarana marketing dirasa belumlah maksimal. Mitra juga memiliki kendala dalam pembuatan konten yang menarik untuk sosial media marketing dikarenakan keterbatasan gadget dan skill yang kurang mumpuni.  Untuk itu solusi yang dapat diberikan untuk mitra antara lain, pengembagan konten-konten digital untuk mendukung akun sosial media mitra. Tidak lupa mitra juga menerapkan model protokol kesehatan new normal dalam pemberian jasa bagi konsumen. Pelaksanaan PKM dimulai dari analisis kebutuhan mitra hingga evaluasi dan pelaporan. Analisis kebutuhan dilakukan terhadap manajemen pemasaran, manajemen tugas, manajemen produk dan pelayanan jasa sehingga dapat dirumuskan pada program ini kegiatan yang berbasis pemanfataan teknologi dan penerapan standar protokol Kesehatan. Dalam hal pemanfaatan teknologi memfokuskan pada pemanfaatan akun media sosial guna kesinambungan bisnis mitra. Tujuan: Pelaksanaan PKM bertujuan agar mitra dalam hal ini SM Studio Bali mendapat solusi atas permasalahannya. Diantaranya solusi untuk manajemen order, permasalahan konten pada media sosial. Metode Penelitian: Tim pelaksana PKM menganalisis terlebih dahulu permasalahan mitra kemudian mencari kan solusi serta melaksanakan penerapan solusi tersebut. Temuan: Kurangnya manajemen yang baik dalam bidang operasional dan marketing, hal tersebut karena owner bekerja sendirian (one man show). Implikasi: Mitra merasa pelaksanaan PKM sangat kontributif bagi keberlangsungan bisnisnya

    PKM Pelatihan dan Penyuluhan Protokol Kesehatan PKK Desa Bunutin

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    The role of the family environment through the PKK group in implementing the new normal/new life order is very necessary. However, the implementation of health protocols in this new normal has not been properly understood by the public. This can be seen in the results of observations carried out in Bunutin Bangli Village, where the community does not yet have a health protocol sanitation. Seeing these problems, it is necessary to conduct counseling and socialization about health protocols involving resource persons from health practitioners so that they can provide good knowledge to community groups through the PKK movement group in Bunutin Village. The purpose of this PKM is to provide knowledge to the people of Bunutin Village about examples of implementing good and correct health protocols during a pandemic. The general description of this activity is to provide counseling about the importance of health protocols, the practice of making liquid hand soap, hand sanitizers, disinfectants and product packaging. The outputs resulting from this activity are the understanding of the community of the PKK driving group in Bunutin Village on the application of health protocols in daily life, the fulfillment of health sanitation facilities for each family in Bunutin Bangli Village, and the community having independent skills in making hand soap.Peran lingkungan keluarga melalui kelompok PKK dalam menerapkan tatanan  new normal/kehidupan baru sangat perlu dilakukan. Namun penerapan protokol kesehatan pada tatanan new normal ini belum dipahami dengan benar oleh masyarakat. Hal ini tampak pada hasil observasi yang dilakukan di Desa Bunutin Bangli, dimana masyarakat belum memiliki sanitasi protokol kesehatan. Melihat permasalahan tersebut maka perlu dilakukan penyuluhan dan sosialisasi tentang protokol kesehatan melibatkan narasumber dari praktisi kesehatan sehingga dapat memberikan pengetahuan yang baik kepada kelompok masyarakat melalui kelompok penggerak PKK Desa Bunutin. Tujuan dari PKM ini memberikan pengetahuan kepada masyarakat Desa Bunutin tentang contoh penerapan protokol kesehatan yang baik dan benar dimasa pandemi. Gambaran umum kegiatan ini yakni memberikan penyuluhan tentang pentinnya protokol kesehatan, praktik pembuatan sabun cuci tangan cair, hand sanitizer, desinfektan dan pengemasan produk yang dihasilkan. Luaran yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan ini yakni pemahaman masyarakat kelompok penggerak PKK Desa Bunutin terhadap penerapan protokol kesehatan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari meningkat, terpenuhinya fasilitas sanitasi kesehatan tiap keluarga di Desa Bunutin Bangli, serta masyarakat memiliki keterampilan mandiri dalam membuat sabun cuci tangan

    Optimalisasi Konten Kreatif Media Sosial bagi UMKM My Nails Diary

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    My Nails Diary merupakan usaha mikro kecil menengah (UMKM) yang bergerak di bidang jasa maupun produk untuk perawatan Kuku atau Nail. Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan dan materi mengenai pembuatan desain dan konten kreatif yang nantinya akan di publikasi pada media sosial My Nails Diary. Metode yang digunakan memanfaatkan Canva dan handphone sebagai platform dan media untuk membuat desain serta konten kreatif yang berupa foto dan video promosi di media sosial My Nails Diary. Kegiatan yang dilakukan pada Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini adalah pemaparan materi pembuatan desain dan konten kreatif yang menghasilkan sebuah desain dan konten foto promosi yang terpublikasi pada media sosial My Nails Diary. Melalui adanya  pelatihan desain dan pembuatan konten kreatif yang dikemas dalam bentuk Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini, pemilik UMKM My Nails Diary dapat menghasilkan desain dan konten foto yang kreatif dan menarik sesuai dengan pasar yang dituju. Konten yang dihasilkan pada pelatihan ini diharapkan dapat menarik orang untuk mencoba jasa yang ditawarkan

    Traditional Fishing Rights for Bendega (Balinese Traditional Fisherman)

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    Bendega is one of the cultural heritage of Balinese ancestors is a social organization whose existence has begun to decrease. This existence is closely related to their rights and obligations as part of the main community members in the coastal areas of Bali. This study aims to determine the rights and obligations of fishermen based on applicable regulations and to find out whether these rights and obligations have gone in harmony. This study used the normative-empirical legal research method. Normatively, this study is done through literature studies and empirically conducted by distributing random questionnaires to several fishermen in Bali. Based on the analysis, the results of this study showed that some fishermen have never read Local Government Regulations of Bali Number 11 year 2017 about Bendega. Some of them feel the right to catch fish is a result of business activities in other sectors. The effectiveness of legislation has not been running optimally. The community, especially the fishermen, need re-socialization related to their knowledge of Local Government Regulations of Bali Number 11 year 2017 about Bendega, so that they can find out more about their rights and obligations as Bendega


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    Abstrak Seni pertunjukan wayang wong adalah salah satu kesenian di Bali dan masih ditarikan di daerah desa tradisional Sidan, Kecamatan Petang, Kabupaten Badung, Bali. Kesenian wayang wong ini menjadi menarik, karena merupakan salah satu kesenian yang dianggap sakral oleh masyarakat setempat. Tetapi di Desa Sidan, wayang wong hanya ditarikan saat upacara keagamaan khusus. Pada prosesi sebelum pertunjukan ditarikan oleh masyarakat setempat, dilakukan ritual khusus pada para penari. Pengamatan lapangan tidak ditemukan adanya dokumentasi dalam bentuk apapun yang mengacu pada rangkaian acara tersebut, termasuk foto ataupun rekaman video. Berdasarkan wawancara dengan kelompok penari, regenerasi dilakukan dari generasi ke generasi secara langsung. Tidak adanya dokumen fisik atau digital, memotivasi tindak lanjut untuk mengeksplorasi fenomena kesenian ini. Metode kualitatif melalui pengumpulan data observasi tempat rangkaian prosesi kesenian wayang wong dan wawancara dilakukan pada anggota penari serta pimpinan desa adat yang mengetahui eksistensi kesenian ini. Kemudian dikomparasikan dengan proses perancangan video, sehingga didapatkan rangkaian cerita dalam bentuk film dokumenter. Finalisasi film dokumenter kemudian didelegasikan secara langsung pada masyarakat setempat, sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai acuan kajian lebih lanjut oleh para akademisi ataupun praktisi seni. Hal ini bertujuan untuk melestarikan kesenian wayang wong sakral yang telah langka di Bali.   Kata Kunci: film, dokumenter, tari, wayang wong, Bali   Abstract Wayang wong performance art is one of the arts in Bali and is still danced in the traditional village area of Sidan, Petang District, Badung Regency, Bali. Wayang wong art is interesting because it is one of the arts that are considered sacred by the local community. But in Sidan Village, wayang wong is only danced during special religious ceremonies. In the procession, before the performance was danced by the local community, a special ritual was performed for the dancers. Field observations were not found in any form of documentation that refers to the series of events, including photographs or video recordings. Based on interviews with dancer groups, regeneration is carried out from generation to generation directly. The absence of physical or digital documents motivates follow-up to explore this artistic phenomenon. The qualitative method was through observation data collection where a series of wayang wong art processions and interviews were conducted with dancers and traditional village leaders who knew the existence of this art. Then it is compared with the video design process so that a series of stories is obtained in the form of a documentary film. The finalization of the documentary was then delegated directly to the local community so that it could be used as a reference for further studies by academics or arts practitioners. It aims to preserve the art of the sacred wayang wong which has been rare in Bali.  Keywords: film, documentary, dance, wayang wong, Bal