48 research outputs found

    Identification of regenerating island-derived protein 3E in dogs

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    Regenerating islet-derived protein (REG) 1A (aka pancreatic stone protein) and REG3A (aka pancreatitis-associated protein) are upregulated in humans with sepsis, pancreatitis, and gastrointestinal diseases, but little is known about this protein family in dogs. Our aim was to identify REG1 and REG3 family members in dogs. REG-family genes were computationally annotated in the canine genome and proteome, with verification of gene expression using publicly available RNA-seq data. The presence of the protein in canine pancreatic tissue and plasma was investigated with Western blot and immunohistochemistry, using anti-human REG1A and REG3A antibodies. Protein identity was confirmed with mass spectrometry. Two members of the REG3 subfamily were found in the canine genome, REG3E1 and REG3E2, both encoding for the same 176 AA protein, subsequently named REG3E. Anti-human REG3A antibodies demonstrated cross-reactivity with the canine REG3E protein in pancreas homogenates. In canine plasma, a protein band of approximately 17 kDa was apparent. Mass spectrometry confirmed this protein to be the product of the two annotated REG3E genes. Strong immunoreactivity to anti-human REG3A antibodies was found in sections of canine pancreas affected with acute pancreatitis, but it was weak in healthy pancreatic tissue. Recombinant canine REG3E protein underwent a selective trypsin digestion as described in other species. No evidence for the presence of a homolog of REG1A in dogs was found in any of the investigations. In conclusion, dogs express REG3E in the pancreas, whose role as biomarker merits further investigations. Homologs to human REG1A are not likely to exist in dogs

    Serum Pancreatic Stone Protein Reference Values in Healthy Pregnant Women: A Prospective Cohort Study

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    Background: In non-pregnant populations, pancreatic stone protein (PSP) has been reported to have a higher diagnostic performance for identifying severe inflammatory and infectious disease than other established biomarkers. Objective: To generate reference values for serum PSP in pregnancy and compare them to the values of the general healthy population. Design: A prospective cohort study. Setting: A single center. Population: Healthy women with singleton and multiple pregnancies. Methods: This is a prospective single-center cohort study. Between 2013 and 2021, samples of 5 mL peripheral blood were drawn from 440 healthy pregnant women. Therein, 393 cases were singletons and 47 were multiple pregnancies. Serum PSP levels were measured by specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The main outcome measures were serum PSP level (ng/mL) reference values in healthy pregnant women. Results: The mean PSP reference values in women with singleton pregnancies were 7.9 ± 2.6 ng/mL (95% CI; 2.69–13.03 ng/mL). The PSP values in women with multiple pregnancies (9.17 ± 3.06 ng/mL (95% CI; 3.05–15.28 ng/mL)) were significantly higher (p = 0.001). The PSP values in the first trimester (6.94 ± 2.53 ng/mL) were lower compared to the second (7.42 ± 2.21 ng/mL) and third trimesters (8.33 ± 2.68 ng/mL, p = 0.0001). Subgroup analyses in singletons revealed no correlations between PSP values, maternal characteristics, and pre-existing medical conditions. Conclusion: The PSP values in healthy pregnant women (4–12 ng/mL) were in the range of the reference values of the general healthy population (8–16 ng/mL). This insight blazes a trail for further clinical studies on the use of PSP as a potential novel biomarker for the early detection of pregnancy-related diseases such as chorioamnionitis

    Serum Selenium-Binding Protein 1 (SELENBP1) in Burn Injury: A Potential Biomarker of Disease Severity and Clinical Course

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    Oxidative stress, systemic inflammation, and metabolic derangements are hallmarks of burn pathophysiology. Severely burned patients are highly susceptible to infectious complications. Selenium-binding protein 1 (SELENBP1) modulates intracellular redox homeostasis, and elevated serum concentrations have been associated with adverse clinical outcomes in trauma patients. We hypothesized that serum SELENBP1 at hospital admission and during hospitalization may constitute a meaningful biomarker of disease severity and the clinical course in burn injury, with pulmonary infection as primary endpoint. To this end, we conducted a prospective cohort study that included 90 adult patients admitted to the Burn Center of the University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland. Patients were treated according to the local standard of care, with high-dose selenium supplementation during the first week. Serum SELENBP1 was determined at nine time-points up to six months postburn and the data were correlated to clinical parameters. SELENBP1 was initially elevated and rapidly declined within the first day. Baseline SELENBP1 levels correlated positively with the Abbreviated Burn Severity Index (ABSI) (R = 0.408; p < 0.0001). In multiple logistic regression, a higher ABSI was significantly associated with increased pulmonary infection risk (OR, 14.4; 95% CI, 3.2-88.8; p = 0.001). Similarly, baseline SELENBP1 levels constituted a novel but less accurate predictor of pulmonary infection risk (OR, 2.5; 95% CI, 0.7-8.9; p = 0.164). Further studies are needed to explore the additional value of serum SELENBP1 when stratifying patients with respect to the clinical course following major burns and, potentially, for monitoring therapeutic measures aimed at reducing tissue damage and oxidative stress

    Analysis of Pain and Analgesia Protocols in Acute Cerulein-Induced Pancreatitis in Male C57BL/6 Mice

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    Pancreatitis is known to be painful in humans and companion animals. However, the extent of pain in experimental mouse models of acute pancreatitis is unknown. Consequently, the severity classification of acute pancreatitis in mice is controversially discussed and standardized pain management is missing. In this study, we investigated acute Cerulein-induced pancreatitis with pain-specific and well-being orientated parameters to detect its impact on mice. Male C57BL/6J male mice were injected with Cerulein; animals that received saline injections served as control group. The animals were observed for weight change and water intake. To assess pain, behaviors like stretch-and-press and reduced rearing, the Mouse Grimace Scale, and von Frey hypersensitivity were assessed. Fecal corticosterone metabolites and burrowing behavior were assessed to detect changes in the animal’s well-being. Pancreatitis severity was evaluated with amylase and lipase in the blood and pancreas histology. To investigate whether different analgesics can alleviate signs of pain, and if they influence pancreas inflammation, animals received Buprenorphine, Paracetamol in combination with Tramadol, or Metamizole in the drinking water. The calculated intake of these analgesics via drinking reached values stated to be efficient for pain alleviation. While pancreatitis did not seem to be painful, we detected acute pain from Cerulein injections that could not be alleviated by analgesics. The number of inflammatory cells in the pancreas did not differ with the analgesic administered. In conclusion: (1) Cerulein injections appear to be acutely painful but pain could not be alleviated by the tested analgesics, (2) acute pancreatitis induced by our protocol did not induce obvious signs of pain, (3) analgesic substances had no detectable influence on inflammation. Nevertheless, protocols inducing more severe or even chronic pancreatitis might evoke more pain and analgesic treatment might become imperative. Considering our results, we recommend the use of Buprenorphine via drinking water in these protocols. Further studies to search for efficient analgesics that can alleviate the acute pain induced by Cerulein injections are needed

    The Role of Pancreatic Stone Protein (PSP) as a Biomarker of Pregnancy-Related Diseases

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    Background: Pancreatic stone protein (PSP) is a biochemical serum marker that contains levels that are elevated in various inflammatory and infectious diseases. The role of PSP in the diagnosis of these diseases seems to be more important compared to clinically established biochemical serum markers in discriminating the severity of the same diseases. Standard values for PSP in pregnant women in relation to gestational age have been reported recently. Additionally, increased PSP levels have been observed to be associated with renal dysfunction in pregnant women. The aim of this study is to evaluate the diagnostic role of PSP in pregnancy-related diseases, such as pre-eclampsia (PE), hemolysis-elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet (HELLP) syndrome. In addition, the study aims to assess its diagnostic role in inflammation-triggered diseases as preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) or COVID-19-positive pregnant women. Materials and Methods: In this single-centred prospective study performed at a tertiary university hospital between 2013 and 2021, we included 152 pregnant women who were diagnosed with either PE, HELLP syndrome, or PPROM. In December 2020, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Independent Ethics Committee (IEC) approved an amendment to the study protocol. Depending on the underlying disease, single or serial-serum PSP measurements were assessed. These PSP values were compared to PSP levels of women with normal pregnancies. Results: Pregnant women diagnosed with pre-eclampsia or HELLP syndrome had significantly increased PSP values (mean 9.8 ng/mL, SD 2.6) compared to healthy singleton pregnant women (mean 7.9 ng/mL, SD 2.6, p ≀ 0.001). There was no difference in serum PSP in pregnant women with PPROM compared to women with uncomplicated singleton pregnancies (mean in PPROM: 7.9 ng/mL; SD 2.9 versus mean in healthy pregnancies: 7.9 ng/mL; SD 2.6, p = 0.98). Furthermore, no difference in the PSP values in women with or without intra-amniotic infection was observed (infection: mean 7.9 ng/mL; SD 2.8 versus no infection: mean 7.8 ng/mL; SD 3, p = 0.85). The mean value of PSP in COVID-19-infected women during pregnancy (8.5 ng/mL, SD 2.3) was comparable to healthy singleton pregnancies (mean 7.9 ng/mL, SD 2.6), p = 0.24. Conclusions: The novel serum biomarker PSP is significantly upregulated in pregnant women with pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome. Our observations call for the further evaluation of PSP in randomized controlled clinical trials to demonstrate the actual role of PSP in pregnancy-related diseases and whether it may provide new approaches for the management and discrimination of the severity of these gestational conditions

    Loss of LAT1 sex-dependently delays recovery after caerulein-induced acute pancreatitis

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    Background: The expression of amino acid transporters is known to vary during acute pancreatitis (AP) except for LAT1 (slc7a5), the expression of which remains stable. LAT1 supports cell growth by importing leucine and thereby stimulates mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) activity, a phenomenon often observed in cancer cells. The mechanisms by which LAT1 influences physiological and pathophysiological processes and affects disease progression in the pancreas are not yet known. Aim: To evaluate the role of LAT1 in the development of and recovery from AP. Methods: AP was induced with caerulein (cae) injections in female and male mice expressing LAT1 or after its knockout (LAT1 Cre/LoxP). The development of the initial AP injury and its recovery were followed for seven days after cae injections by daily measuring body weight, assessing microscopical tissue architecture, mRNA and protein expression, protein synthesis, and enzyme activity levels, as well as by testing the recruitment of immune cells by FACS and ELISA. Results: The initial injury, evaluated by measurements of plasma amylase, lipase, and trypsin activity, as well as the gene expression of dedifferentiation markers, did not differ between the groups. However, early metabolic adaptations that support regeneration at later stages were blunted in LAT1 knockout mice. Especially in females, we observed less mTOR reactivation and dysfunctional autophagy. The later regeneration phase was clearly delayed in female LAT1 knockout mice, which did not regain normal expression of the pancreas-specific differentiation markers recombining binding protein suppressor of hairless-like protein (rbpjl) and basic helix-loop-helix family member A15 (mist1). Amylase mRNA and protein levels remained lower, and, strikingly, female LAT1 knockout mice presented signs of fibrosis lasting until day seven. In contrast, pancreas morphology had returned to normal in wild-type littermates. Conclusion: LAT1 supports the regeneration of acinar cells after AP. Female mice lacking LAT1 exhibited more pronounced alterations than male mice, indicating a sexual dimorphism of amino acid metabolism

    Discriminative performance of pancreatic stone protein in predicting ICU mortality and infection severity in adult patients with infection: a systematic review and individual patient level meta-analysis.

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    BACKGROUND Several studies suggested pancreatic stone protein (PSP) as a promising biomarker to predict mortality among patients with severe infection. The objective of the study was to evaluate the performance of PSP in predicting intensive care unit (ICU) mortality and infection severity among critically ill adults admitted to the hospital for infection. METHODS A systematic search across Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and MEDLINE databases (1966 to February 2022) for studies on PSP published in English using 'pancreatic stone protein', 'PSP', 'regenerative protein', 'lithostatin' combined with 'infection' and 'sepsis' found 46 records. The search was restricted to the five trials that measured PSP using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay technique (ELISA). We used Bayesian hierarchical regression models for pooled estimates and to predict mortality or disease severity using PSP, C-Reactive Protein (CRP) and procalcitonin (PCT) as main predictor. We used statistical discriminative measures, such as the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) and classification plots. RESULTS Among the 678 patients included, the pooled ICU mortality was 17.8% (95% prediction interval 4.1% to 54.6%) with a between-study heterogeneity (I-squared 87%). PSP was strongly associated with ICU mortality (OR = 2.7, 95% credible interval (CrI) [1.3-6.0] per one standard deviation increase; age, gender and sepsis severity adjusted OR = 1.5, 95% CrI [0.98-2.8]). The AUC was 0.69 for PSP 95% confidence interval (CI) [0.64-0.74], 0.61 [0.56-0.66] for PCT and 0.52 [0.47-0.57] for CRP. The sensitivity was 0.96, 0.52, 0.30 for risk thresholds 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3; respective false positive rate values were 0.84, 0.25, 0.10. CONCLUSIONS We found that PSP showed a very good discriminative ability for both investigated study endpoints ICU mortality and infection severity; better in comparison to CRP, similar to PCT. Combinations of biomarkers did not improve their predictive ability

    De novo expression of gastrokines in pancreatic precursor lesions impede the development of pancreatic cancer

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    Molecular events occurring in stepwise progression from pre-malignant lesions (pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia; PanIN) to the development of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) are poorly understood. Thus, characterization of early PanIN lesions may reveal markers that can help in diagnosing PDAC at an early stage and allow understanding the pathology of the disease. We performed the molecular and histological assessment of patient-derived PanINs, tumor tissues and pancreas from mouse models with PDAC (KC mice that harbor K-RAS mutation in pancreatic tissue), where we noted marked upregulation of gastrokine (GKN) proteins. To further understand the role of gastrokine proteins in PDAC development, GKN-deficient KC mice were developed by intercrossing gastrokine-deficient mice with KC mice. Panc-02 (pancreatic cancer cells of mouse origin) were genetically modified to express GKN1 for further in vitro and in vivo analysis. Our results show that gastrokine proteins were absent in healthy pancreas and invasive cancer, while its expression was prominent in low-grade PanINs. We could detect these proteins in pancreatic juice and serum of KC mice. Furthermore, accelerated PanIN and tumor development were noted in gastrokine deficient KC mice. Loss of gastrokine 1 protein delayed apoptosis during carcinogenesis leading to the development of desmoplastic stroma while loss of gastrokine 2 increased the proliferation rate in precursor lesions. In summary, we identified gastrokine proteins in early pancreatic precursor lesions, where gastrokine proteins delay pancreatic carcinogenesis

    Accuracy of pancreatic stone protein for the diagnosis of infection in hospitalized adults: a systematic review and individual patient level meta-analysis

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    Background Accurate biomarkers to diagnose infection are lacking. Studies reported good performance of pancreatic stone protein (PSP) to detect infection. The objective of the study was to determine the performance of PSP in diagnosing infection across hospitalized patients and calculate a threshold value for that purpose. Methods A systematic search across Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and MEDLINE databases (1966–March 2019) for studies on PSP published in English using ‘pancreatic stone protein’, ‘PSP’, ‘regenerative protein’, ‘lithostatin’ combined with ‘infection’ and ‘sepsis’ found 44 records. The search was restricted to the five trials that evaluated PSP for the initial detection of infection in hospitalized adults. Individual patient data were obtained from the investigators of all eligible trials. Data quality and validity was assessed according to PRISMA guidelines. We choose a fixed-effect model to calculate the PSP cut-off value that best discriminates infected from non-infected patients. Results Infection was confirmed in 371 of 631 patients. The median (IQR) PSP value of infected versus uninfected patients was 81.5 (30.0–237.5) versus 19.2 (12.6–33.57) ng/ml, compared to 150 (82.70–229.55) versus 58.25 (15.85–120) mg/l for C-reactive protein (CRP) and 0.9 (0.29–4.4) versus 0.15 (0.08–0.5) ng/ml for procalcitonin (PCT). Using a PSP cut-off of 44.18 ng/ml, the ROC AUC to detect infection was 0.81 (0.78–0.85) with a sensitivity of 0.66 (0.61–0.71), specificity of 0.83 (0.78–0.88), PPV of 0.85 (0.81–0.89) and NPV of 0.63 (0.58–0.68). When a model combining PSP and CRP was used, the ROC AUC improved to 0.90 (0.87–0.92) with higher sensitivity 0.81 (0.77–0.85) and specificity 0.84 (0.79–0.90) for discriminating infection from non-infection. Adding PCT did not improve the performance further. Conclusions PSP is a promising biomarker to diagnose infections in hospitalized patients. Using a cut-off value of 44.18 ng/ml, PSP performs better than CRP or PCT across the considered studies. The combination of PSP with CRP further enhances its accuracy

    Association of serum PSP/REG Iα with renal function in pregnant women

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    Pancreatic stone protein/regenerating protein Iα (PSP/REG Iα) is a secretory protein produced in the pancreas, but its expression has also been observed in the kidney. It may be associated with kidney dysfunction. This study investigates the possible association between PSP/REG Iα and kidney function in pregnant women. Serum PSP/REG Iα levels were measured by a specific ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Maternal information and clinical and biochemical parameters were collected. Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was calculated for all individuals to evaluate their renal function. Spearman’s correlation and multiple linear regression analyses were performed to assess the associations between PSP/REG Iα and eGFR, serum creatinine (Cr), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), and uric acid (UA). A total of 595 pregnant women were enrolled in the study. Participants with mildly reduced eGFR had higher PSP/REG Iα levels [50.49 (35.02, 58.64)] than in the general population [26.84 (21.02, 33.07)] (p &lt; 0.001). Included participants were stratified into PSP/REG Iα quartiles; significant differences were observed in the levels of eGFR, serum Cr, BUN, and UA. PSP/REG Iα was negatively correlated with eGFR (r = −0.402, p &lt; 0.001) and positively associated with serum Cr (r = 0.468, p &lt; 0.001), BUN (r = 0.166, p &lt; 0.001), and UA (r = 0.207, p &lt; 0.001). The linear regression analysis indicated that PSP/REG Iα was associated with UA, BUN, and eGFR. High PSP/REG Iα concentrations were closely associated with renal dysfunction in pregnant women. Our study provides clinical evidence that serum PSP/REG Iα levels could be a novel biomarker for assessment of renal function in pregnant women