20 research outputs found

    Design strategies to minimize waste

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    This research study is focused on obtaining waste minimization strategies that designers can apply to their projects. With a rapid increase in construction recently, the high production of waste produced is dumped in landfills after being used without segregating them with hazardous material or considering if the material can be re-used. This paper considers how designers globally focus on environmentally responsible designs and the appropriate ways designers reduce material waste. This research will help understand what techniques designers can use in the name of environmentally sustainable design practices to practice waste minimization. The paper will consist of information about waste management strategies and the tools to assess the sustainable factors and explain the principles of using resources efficiently in the design stage; these factors are reviewed by describing how the designers can achieve these techniques in the design process. These factors are obtained with the help of survey responses and a literature review. Qualitative methods were used for the research. For analyzing the survey responses, descriptive analysis is chosen. This study is a step to create awareness for the designers to adopt and implement waste minimization strategies for a sustainable future


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    Objective: Drug utilization is defined by the World Health Organization as the marketing, distribution, prescription, and use of drugs in society, withspecial emphasis on the resulting medical, social, and economic consequences. Our study is done to obtain the variation of drug use and costs of drug therapy, from which medical and social qualitative consequences can be found. Our study emphasizes on knowing the drug utilization and costincluded for antiemetics in patients undergoing chemotherapy in oncology ward.Methods: It was observational, prospective and non-interventional study.Results: Total of 141 patients were studied, out of which 77 (54.6%) patients were female and 64 (45.4%) patients were males. The majority of thepatients in this study belong to the age group of 40-49 (29%) and 60-69 (20%) years. The comparison with the standard protocol was made accordingto the use of antiemetics in the patients. Out of which, 137 (97%) patient profiles were found to be deviating from standard protocol, and 4 (3%)patient profiles were found following the standard protocol because of including prochlorperazine which is not mentioned in the standard protocol.Conclusion: As of future approach, education to physician for rational drug use and review of medication chart with patient consideration can givebetter health care and also cost effective treatment.Keywords: Drug use evaluation, Antiemetics, Chemotherapy

    Spindle cell sarcoma of sphenoid bone

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    Primary bone tumors involving skull are extremely rare and they constitute 0.8% of all bone tumors. The common tumors that are seen in skull base include fibrous dysplasia, giant cell tumor, chordoma, ossifying fibroma, angiosarcoma. We report a rare case of spindle cell sarcoma arising from right sphenoid bone in a 70-year-old male which presented as unilateral defective vision with mild proptosis

    Awareness of Farmers on Weather Based Agro Advisory Services in Telangana State, India

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    Agriculture production is significantly influenced by the weather. From seeding to crop harvest, it has a significant impact on all aspects of farming. Crop germination, establishment, growth, development and yield are all affected. Extreme weather conditions including drought, floods, heavy rains, heat waves, frost, hailstorms, cyclones, etc. may cause the farming community to suffer significant crop yield losses. Since the farming community will be aware of the upcoming weather conditions in advance, required adjustments may be made to farm level agricultural operations and decisions to lessen the consequences of unfavorable weather conditions. Therefore, Integrated Agro met Advisory Services will make it possible for the farmer to be informed of current and expected weather as well as advice to the farmer the best course of action to reduce losses caused by unfavorable weather conditions and increase the output of agricultural systems. A study was conducted in Telangana state to ascertain the degree of farmer’s awareness on weather-based agro advisory services. Random sampling technique employed to collect data from 120 farmers. Ex-post facto research design was used for the investigation. The data with regards to level of awareness possessed by farmers about weather based agro advisory services, it is revealed that 38.33 % of them had the medium level of awareness followed by low level 35.01 % and high level 26.66% of awareness, respectively. All profile characteristics of respondents showed a significant correlation with the degree to which farmers were aware of weather-based agro advisory services, with the exception of education, annual income, farming experience, mass media exposure, and cropping pattern. Multiple linear regression value 77.61 per cent contributed to the extent of variation towards independent variables

    Incidence of traumatic dental injuries in children aged 3–18 years in Tirupathi

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    Background: Traumatic dental injuries (TDI) are considered to be an important issue due to its high prevalence, mainly in areas of high social privation. They have a strong impact on children's and adolescent's life quality because they cause physical and emotional distress, and in children, they might have a high negative impact on the social relationships. Involvement of children in sports activities and increase in traffic accidents have contributed to transform these TDI an emergent public health problem. Aim and Objectives: The current retrospective study is to determine the prevalence of TDI reported to Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, CKS Teja Dental College, Tirupathi, during the years 2011–2016. Methodology: Sample size is the total number of patients reported to the Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, CKS Teja Dental College, Tirupathi, within the period of 2010–2016. The data were retrieved from medical records of patients who reported to the department. Results: All recorded data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences statistical software program (2012). The results were evaluated by Chi-square test. A total of 324 patients aged between 3 and 18 years met the inclusion criteria and were enrolled in the study. The highest frequency of TDI was in the 10–12-year-old participants and lowest frequency was in 3–6-year-old children. The etiology of TDI was analyzed; highest were caused by falls, followed by sports activities and then striking objectives and then followed by accidents and cycling. The most common type of injury was uncomplicated crown fracture (without pulp exposure) followed by avulsion and complicated crown fracture (with pulp exposure). Conclusion: Study observed the children in mixed dentition period as the population at risk. Hence, prevention through health promotion and correction of predisposing risk factors should be carried out in early mixed dentition period to reduce the prevalence of dental injury and to avoid the financial costs of treatment

    Dermatoglyphics: A new diagnostic tool in detection of dental caries in children with special health-care needs

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    Introduction: Dermatoglyphics is the scientific study of dermal ridge configurations on palmar and plantar surfaces of the hands and feet. Dermal ridges and primary palate, both are formed during 6th–7th week of intrauterine life; therefore, hereditary and environmental factors causing changes in fingerprint patterns may also lead to dental anomalies. Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate and compare the correlation between dermatoglyphic peculiarities and caries experience in special children. Materials and Methods: A total of 300 children aged 6–16 years were selected using simple random sampling technique. Their fingerprints were recorded with duplicating ink and caries experience was assessed using International Caries Detection and Assessment System criteria. Results: Chi-square test revealed a significant statistical association between the whorl and loop patterns in caries and caries-free groups. The frequency of whorls was found to be more in caries group and frequency of loops more in caries-free group. Conclusion: Dermatoglyphics could be an effective method as an early and noninvasive and early predictor of dental caries in special children so as to initiate the preventive oral health measures at an early age

    Evaluation of chemokines in gingival crevicular fluid in children with band and loop space maintainers: A clinico-biochemical study

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    Background: Chemokines are pro-inflammatory cells that can be induced during an immune response to recruit cells of the immune system to a site of infection. Aim: This study was conducted to detect the presence of chemokines, macrophage inflammatory protein-1α (MIP-1α), and 1β (MIP-1β) and estimate their levels in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) in children with band and loop space maintainers. Materials and Methods: MIP-1α and MIP-1β levels were estimated in GCF samples from twenty healthy children and twenty children with band and loop space maintainers. Periodontal status was evaluated by measuring gingival index, plaque index, and Russell′s periodontal index. The GCF samples were quantified by ELISA, and the levels of MIP-1α and MIP-1β were determined. Results: The mean MIP-1α concentrations in healthy children and those with space maintainers were 395.75 pg/µl and 857.85 pg/µl, respectively, and MIP-1β was 342.55 pg/µl and 685.25 pg/µl, respectively. MIP-1α and MIP-1β levels in GCF from children with space maintainers were significantly higher than in the healthy group, and statistically significant difference existed between these two groups. Conclusion: MIP-1α and MIP-1β can be considered as novel biomarkers in the biological mechanism underlying the pathogenesis of gingival inflammation in children with space maintainers

    Knowledge, attitude, and practices of school teachers toward dental caries and prevention in Tirupati City, Andhra Pradesh

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    Background: The most significant period of a child's life is spent at school, and it is here that their lifetime beliefs and habits develop. A school-based program is most effective because children are approached at a time when their health habits are forming. Teachers are considered as role models to transmit values of life. To instill, healthy preventive oral habits, the teachers themselves need to have a good knowledge and attitude toward oral health.Aim: The aim of this study was undertaken with the objective of assessing the knowledge, attitude, and practices of school teachers toward dental caries and prevention. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional survey conducted among school teachers in Tirupati city. A pretested structured questionnaire related to dental caries and its preventive measures were used, and 100 teachers were assessed on their knowledge on oral health, attitude, and practices regarding their personal oral health, attitude regarding dental caries in children, and status of oral health education (OHE) at the schools. Results: Around 55% of the participants felt that bacteria and sugars are the main causes of dental caries. Around 57% of the teachers brushed twice daily. However, only 58% of the participants felt it is necessary to visit the dentist regularly. While 86% of the teachers expressed the need for OHE programs at the school level, only 43% agreed that it is their duty to impart OHE to the students. Conclusion: The knowledge and attitude of school teachers about dental caries and its current preventive methods seem to be incomplete. As a pedodontist, there is a need to educate the teachers regarding oral healthcare in children and to update their knowledge by conducting OHE programs within a school setting, and further studies should be done to assess their awareness levels and make the necessary changes in further education modules