46 research outputs found

    Quality of life of patients type A hemophilia

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    Bibliogr. s. 122Hemophilia is a genetic disease characterized by blood clotting abnormalities. It most commonly affects males. Hemophilia not only results in musculoskeletal system damage due to repeated joint bleeds, but also provokes various emotional reactions in patients. It affects health related quality of life. Quality of life assessment in hemophilia A patients. The study included 40 males with hemophilia A, members of the Polish Hemophilia Society - Division in Cracow. An original questionnaire and World Health Organization Quality of Life scale were used. Quality of life of the study population was moderate. The most important factors influencing quality of life were occupational activity and home treatment with factor concentrate

    Adverse events in professional practice of nurses working in anaesthetic and intensive care units

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    The main goal of modern health protection systems is to provide such a high quality level of medical services including patients' safety. Because of their specific both anaesthetics and intensive care medicine increase the risk of many dangers, especially adverse events. Analysis of adverse events occurrence during nurses’ work experience, focusing on nurses who work in intensive care or anaesthetics. Recognition of adverse events' incidence and reasons. Research was done on 83 nurses working in intensive care and anaesthetics; the majority of them were women (approx 96.4%). An average age of examined ones was 35.6 years (SD = 8.2). Researchers used authorial questionnaire that had been based on literature analysis and research instrument: Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture. 32.5% of examined persons declared occurrence of an adverse event during doing a professional activity. Prominent plurality of them said as well that the number of nurses in employment was insufficient (p = 0.018) or work at night hours caused the risk of adverse events (p = 0.022). Among persons who declared occurrence of an adverse event 51.9% had not reported this fact to their supervisors. An adverse event that happened the most often was accidental removal of either endotracheal or feeding tube (68.7%). The following conclusions were made: 1. Every third respondent declared occurrence of an adverse event during performing work. 2. Prominent majority of examined persons found reporting adverse events as a duty of every worker but only every other of those who declared occurrence of an adverse event notified a supervisor about it. 3. The incidence of adverse events depended on the respondents' opinion about working conditions. Sociodemographic aspects did not influence the incidence of mistakes

    Nursing diagnoses and care assessed by the patients treated with percutaneous coronary intervention due to acute coronary syndrome

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    At present, the most effective method of treatment for acute coronary syndromes (ACS) is the promptest possible canalisation of the infarct-related vessel by means of the percutaneous coronary intervention method (PCI), which also affects the mode of nursing procedure. There is currently no functional model of care with regard to post-PCI patients, while previous attempts at implementing it have failed to include verification of patients' opinions. The purpose of the work was to indicate what problems of biopsychosocial nature occurred among post-PCI patients and to what extent they were resolved by the nurses. 100 ACS-affected patients treated with the PCI method were subjected to the study. The study utilised data collected on the basis of a survey questionnaire, medical records, and direct observation. It follows from the obtained data that the major problems occurring among post-PCI patients included: pain complaints, dyspnea, difficult urination, weakness, increased thirst, disturbed sleep rhythm, fear and anxiety, insufficient knowledge relating to disease risk factors. The patients were satisfied with nursing care involving the fulfillment of their biological needs, while significantly less with emotional and value-oriented support. 88% of the subjects reported an absence of health-related information and education. Among the patients treated with the PCI method due to the ACS causes, a high level of satisfaction was found with regard to nursing activities aimed at resolving biological problems. Improvements in the areas of emotional support, information, and health education are required

    Nursing care plan for patients subjected to percutaneous

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    An introduction to clinical practice of percutaneous coronary revascularization procedures (PCI) has a significant effect on the results of coronary heart disease treatment and, consequently, on the prolongation of a patient's life and an improvement of its quality. Those procedures are of an invasive nature, whereby they are burdened with the risk of an occurrence of complications. The purpose of this paper is to present a nursing care plan for patients subjected to percutaneous coronary intervention