18 research outputs found

    Fast and Accurate Computation Tools for Gravitational Waveforms from Binary Sistems with any Orbital Eccentricity

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    The relevance of orbital eccentricity in the detection of gravitational radiation from (steady state) binary stars is emphasized. Computationnally effective fast and accurate)tools for constructing gravitational wave templates from binary stars with any orbital eccentricity are introduced, including tight estimation criteria of the pertinent truncation and approximation errors.Comment: submitted to Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., under review. 11 Pages, 45 Figure

    Quality of life and functionality after total hip arthroplasty: a long-term follow-up study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is a lack of data on the long-term outcome of total hip arthroplasty procedures, as assessed by validated tools.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We conducted a follow-up study to evaluate the quality of life and functionality of 250 patients an average of 16 years (range: 11-23 years) after total hip arthroplasty using a validated assessment set including the SF-36 questionnaire, Harris Hip Score, WOMAC score, Functional Comorbidity Index, and a study specific questionnaire. Models of multiple stepwise linear and logistic regression analysis were constructed to evaluate the relationships between several explanatory variables and these functional outcomes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The SF-36 physical indexes of these patients compared negatively with the normative values but positively with the results obtained in untreated subjects with severe hip osteoarthritis. Similar results were detected for the Harris Hip Score and WOMAC score. There was a 96% rate of post-surgical satisfaction. Hip functionality and comorbidities were the most important determinants of physical measures on the SF-36.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Patients who had undergone total hip arthroplasty have impaired long-term self-reported physical quality of life and hip functionality but they still perform physically better than untreated patients with advanced hip osteoarthritis. However, the level of post-surgical satisfaction is high.</p

    XXXVII Congresso Nazionale AIEOP, Bari, 20-22 maggio 2012 - Abstracts

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    <strong>Book of abstracts - XXXVII Congresso Nazionale AIEOP, Bari, 20-22 maggio 2012</strong

    Gravitational wave spectta from eccentric binaries: a preliminary census

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    The spectral distribution of gravitational radiation bathing the Earth from a set of 1048 binary stars has been computed including orbital eccentricity and all the relevant harmonic

    Invented fairy tales in groups with onco-haematological children

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    Abstract Background The impact of an onco-haematological illness for children is a traumatic event that opens to pain, hospitalizations and interrupts the continuity of daily life. It is difficult for the child to make meaning, to share the pain or ask a question related to the illness because, often, the parents or doctors cannot find a way to communicate in a suitable way for the child who remains in a situation of ‘unspoken’, where, fear, anxiety and pain cannot find a space to express. Methods The present research-intervention uses the methodology of invented fairy tales in groups with onco-haematological children, in the hospital, in order to explore the organization of the meanings at the base of the tales co-constructed by the participants underlying weaknesses and strengths of the invented fairy tales in groups intervention. The invented fairy tales in groups is used as a tool, such as a play, to express, share and support the experience of the illness of children. Forty-nine children participated to the invented fairy tales in groups in an onco-haematological hospital. Within a quali-quantitative framework we performed a thematic analysis of elementary context, cluster analysis, on the fairy tales considered as a unique narrative corpus of the thought of the group. Results The analysis shows four thematic clusters: fantasy as search for a meaning, 29.71%, the group as a space for illusions, 27.90%, the illness as a family problem, 25.72%, anchoring reality, 16.67%. The results highlighted three main carriers of sense: the representation of illness/the relational world/the representation of the institution. Conclusions The use of invented-fairy-tales groups allowed the onco-haematological children to tell and share the experience of illness through a different way, which let them express symbolically their pain. The invented fairy tale in groups becomes a mediator of psychic processes which offer new solutions while improving interpersonal relationships/communication between the participants in Group

    Narrating in a group: the fable of experience as a mediator of the hemato-oncologicalchild

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    Introduzione e obiettivi. La malattia emato-oncologica in eta pediatrica si configura come un evento traumatico ad alto impatto emotivo che altera irrimediabilmente la quotidianita del bambino. La perdita dei ritmi giornalieri, il ricovero ospedaliero, l eccessiva attenzione al corpo puo comportare importanti ripercussioni a livello emotivo. In tal senso presso il Dipartimento di Oncologia Pediatrica del PO Pausilipon di Napoli, l equipe di psicologi in collaborazione con il dipartimento di scienze-relazionali G. Iacono dell Universita Federico II di Napoli ha predisposto spazi entro i quali promuovere la creazione e narrazione di favole entro una dimensione gruppale. La favola per il suo alto valore simbolico incentiva processi di identificazione (Bettelheim, 1978) e si configura come uno strumento catalizzatore delle emozioni dei bambini. Metodi. A partire da un precedente lavoro (Bruno et al., 1990) che proponeva la co-costruzione di favole tra psicologo e paziente, l intento attuale e quello di utilizzare lo strumento della favola all interno del dispositivo gruppale. I gruppi fiaba hanno luogo presso il day-hospital del PO Pausilipon e coinvolgono bambini e bambine, con patologie emato-oncologiche, di un eta compresa tra i 6 e i 12 anni, sia in fase di terapeutica che post. Entro ogni gruppo e presente uno psicologo conduttore e un osservatore. La favola viene audioregistrata e, successivamente, trascritta in appositi protocolli. Il lavoro e attualmente in corso di verifica e, ad oggi, sono stati condotti 15 gruppi eterogenei per eta , sesso e tipo di malattia. Risultati. Il connubio gruppo-favola ha messo in evidenza come, grazie all aiuto dei coetanei e della favola inventata, i bambini riescano a proporre storie in cui, tramite la messa in atto di dinamiche identificatorie e proiettive, emergono i loro vissuti emotivi attinenti ad una realta esterna molto dolorosa sia sul piano fisico che psichico. Il lavoro si configura come uno studio preliminare che dara luogo ad un lavoro di ricerca che prevede procedimenti maggiormente standardizzati e il confronto con un gruppo di controllo. Conclusioni.Nel nostro lavoro fantasia e realta si incontrano nel gruppo che vive come attivita ludica il racconto. Pertanto la metodologia e ben accetta tra i bambini che hanno trovato nel gruppo la possibilita di dare spazio alla propria capacita immaginifica e promuovere, in tal modo, l elaborazione della propria ferita