1 research outputs found

    Proyecto de producción y exportación de dulce de membrillo a inmigrantes ecuatorianos que residen en la ciudad de nueva york, estados unidos

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    Project Production and Export of Sweet Quince aims to reach the market for Ecuadorian migrants residing in the New York City. The market strategy is to appeal to the sentiment of the Ecuadorian immigrants, who yearn to enjoy its typical products of Ecuador. Through market research, it was determined that there is a high degree of acceptance of the product. About 90% of respondents, who have already tried sweet quince, are willing to buy the product. 16% of people who consume traditional sweets Ecuadorians in New York City, they qualify sweet quince as your preference. Regarding the Technical Study emphasizes that the project does not require a large investment in terms of investment in equipment and physical works, which becomes attractive relative to the project. In the Financial Study two scenarios were developed, one with a debt of 40% debt and 60% equity and the other method under 100% of equity. In both cash flows the NPV is a positive value and the IRR is higher than TMAR, making the project profitable