13 research outputs found

    Short-Term Spirulina (Spirulina platensis) Supplementation and Laying Hen Strain Effects on Eggs’ Lipid Profile and Stability

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of short-term dietary spirulina supplementation (1% and 3%) and the strain of laying hens (White Leghorn: WL and Rhode Island Red: RIR) on color, nutritional value, and stability of yolk. Egg weight was not affected by any of the studied effects. Yolks from 3%-spirulina supplemented hens had higher retinol and lower α-tocopherol content (p = 0.0001) when compared to control. The supplementation with 1%-spirulina markedly decreased luminosity and increased redness (p = 0.0001) and yellowness (p = 0.0103). Short-term spirulina supplementation slightly modified the fatty acid composition of yolk. The C16-desaturase index increased with the algae, whereas other egg quality indices (hypocholesterolemic, thrombombogenic, n-6/n-3) were not modified. Hen strain mainly affected to the lipid profile. The RIR hens accumulated greater yolk retinol with supplementation doses of 3% (p < 0.05), while the WL hardly suffered changes in the accumulation. Also, yolks from RIR hens had lower C16:0 (p = 0.0001), C18:0 (p = 0.0001), saturated (SAT) (p = 0.0001), and thrombogenic index (p = 0.0001), C20:3n-6 (p = 0.0001), n-6/n-3 ratio (p = 0.003), Δ-6+5-desaturase (p = 0.0005), total elongase indices (p = 0.0001) when compared to WL. Moreover, RIR had higher monounsaturated (MUFA), Δ-9-desaturase and hypocholesterolemic indices (p < 0.05) than WL. A different response to spirulina supplementation was observed for C18:1n-9, MUFA, Δ-9-desaturase and thiesterase indices (p < 0.05) according to hen strain. Yolks from RIR had higher MUFA and Δ-9-desaturase indices than WL at 1%-spirulina supplementation, whereas these parameters were less affected in RIR supplemented with 3%. SAT and Δ-9-desaturase were significantly correlated (r = −0.38 and 0.47, respectively) with retinol content according to a linear adjustment (p < 0.05). Lipid oxidation of yolk was slightly modified by the dietary treatment or hen strain. It was detected a relationship between TBARS and α-tocopherol, C22:5n-3 or C22:6n-3 (p < 0.05). L* and a* were also inversely or positively related with yolk retinol content according to a linear response (p < 0.05). The administration of 1% of spirulina in diets of red hens would be an interesting alternative to get healthier eggs from the nutritional point of view, obtaining an adequate color and without modifications in other yolk quality traits

    Effect of carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) seed in broiler chick diets on nutrient digestibility and intestinal viscosity.

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    La inclusión de garrofín a niveles de 60 (ración CS-60) y 90 g/kg (ración CS-90) en una ración referencia produjo una marcada (P<O.O1) disminución de la utilización de los nutrientes. La reducción en la digestibilidad aparente de la proteína bruta y de la grasa bruta fue del 12.7 y 20.9% en la ración CS-60, y del 29.5 y 23.8% en la ración CS-90, respectivamente. La energía metabolizable aparente disminuyó siguiendo una tendencia similar a la observada en la digestibilidad de la grasa bruta. La viscosidad de la digesta en el yeyuno se incrementó acusadamente por la presencia de garrofín en la ración, lo que podría explicar la mayoría de los resultados obtenidos en este estudio.// lnclusion of carob seed at levels of 60 (CS-60 diet) and 90 glkg (CS-90 diet) in a reference diet caused a marked (P<O.Ol) depression in the utilization of nutrients. The reduction in the apparent digestibility of crude protejo and crude fat was 12.7 and 20.9% for CS-60 diet, and 29.5 and 23.8% for CS-90 diet, respectively. The apparent metabolizable energy value followed a similar depressing trend than that observed for crude fat digestibility. Viscosity of the jejunal digesta was drastically increased by the presence of carob seed in the diet, and it might explain most of the results obtained in this study

    Effect of dietary high-oleic acid and conventional sunflower seeds and their refined oils on fatty acid composition of adipose tissue and meat in broiler chickens

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    The influence of different dietary fat source on performance, tissue fatty acid composition (abdominal fat, thigh and breast muscles) and abdominal fat melting point was evaluated in femaJe broiler chickens. Birds were red diets containing 80 g/kg of added fat by the inclusion ofhigh-oJeic acid sunflower secd (HOASS) and conventionaJ sunflower seed (CSS), their respective refined oiJs (HOASO and CSO) and lard during three weeks (from 2\ to 42 d of agc). Feed efficiency was significantly impaired by the inclusion ofHOASS and CSS in diet when compared with HOASO, CSO and lard. The levcls of the majar fatty acids (palmitic, oleic and linoleic) in cach animal tissue reflectcd the fatty acid profilc of the dietary fat (r2 >0.83). The linear regression analysis between fatty acid content ami mclting point of abdominal fat gave the highest coefficient of determination for thc saturated fatty acid contcnt (r2=0.80). It is concluded that the seeds ofhigh-oleic acid and conventional varieties orsunflower might be used in poultry feeding in arder to increase, rcspectively, monounsaturated and polyunsaturatcd fatty acid contents in both abdominal adipose tissue and intramuscular fato The feeding ofboth types of seeds had similar effects to their respective refined oils on the unsaturated to saturatcd rally acid ratio ofthe chicken tissues and on the melting point of abdominal fato NevcrtheJess, thcy showed a ncgative influence on fat firmness when compared with the dietary inclusion of lard

    Changes in Faecal and Plasma Amino Acid Profile in Dogs with Food-Responsive Enteropathy as Indicators of Gut Homeostasis Disruption: A Pilot Study

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    Dogs suffering from food-responsive enteropathy (FRE) respond to an elimination diet based on hydrolysed protein or novel protein; however, studies regarding the amino acid profile in FRE dogs are lacking. The aim of this pilot study was to evaluate whether the plasma and faecal amino acid profiles differed between control and FRE dogs and whether these could serve as indicators of severity of illness. Blood, faecal samples, body condition score, and severity of clinical signs based on the canine inflammatory bowel disease activity index were collected before starting the elimination diet. FRE dogs had lower proportions of plasma Asparagine, Histidine, Glycine, Cystine, Leucine, and branched-chain/aromatic amino acids; however, Phenylalanine increased. In faecal samples, Cystine was greater whereas Phenylalanine was lesser in sick dogs compared to control. Leucine correlated negatively with faecal humidity (r = −0.66), and Leucine and Phenylalanine with faecal fat (r = −0.57 and r = −0.62, respectively). Faecal Phenylalanine (r = 0.80), Isoleucine (r = 0.75), and Leucine (r = 0.92) also correlated positively with total short-chain fatty acids, whereas a negative correlation was found with Glycine (r = −0.85) and Cystine (r = −0.61). This study demonstrates the importance of Leucine and Phenylalanine amino acids as indicators of the disease severity in FRE dogsDepto. de Producción AnimalFac. de VeterinariaTRUEpu

    Yields and chemical composition of different parts of the common vetch at flowering and at two seed filling stages

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    Rendimientos y composición química de los componentes morfológicos de veza común en dos estados de madurez de la semilla En leguminosas forrajeras anuales como la veza común (Vicia saliva L), en las que la legumbre representa una proporción considerable de la biomasa total, el momento óptimo de corte puede no ajustarse al modelo clásico de disminución del valor nutritivo después de la floración. En este trabajo se evaluó el efecto del momento de recolección de la veza común sobre el rendimiento de los principales constituyentes químicos en condiciones de secano típicas de la Meseta Castellana. Las plantas se cosecharon durante dos años consecutivos (1996-1997 y 1997-1998), en floración y en dos estados de madurez de la legumbre (materia seca de la semilla 280 y 380 g kg-', respectivamente). Los resultados mostraron que, al avanzar la madurez, la mayor calidad y cantidad de la legumbre contrarresta la disminución de la calidad de las partes vegetativas de la planta. Los rendimientos de proteína bruta no se vieron afectados por un retraso en la fecha de recolección. Los de almidón, sin embargo, fueron mayores al estado de legumbre madura, y los de azúcares aumentaron desde la floración al estado de legumbre en el primer año, mientras que disminuyeron en el segundo año. Los rendimientos de constituyentes estructurales (fibra neutro-detergente, fibra ácido-detergente y celulosa ácido-detergente) siguieron una tendencia similar a los de la proteína bruta. Se concluye que existe un margen de maniobra entre la floración y las primeras fases de formación de la semilla (semilla con 380 g de materia seca kg-') que permite elegir las mejores condiciones de henificación.// In annual forage legumes such as the common vetch (Vicia saliva L), in which the pods represent a substantial proportion of the total biomass, the optimum harvesting stage mar not adjust to the classical model of decreasing nutritive value after flowering. The effect of harvest time on the yield of the main chemical components of common vetch was evaluated under field conditions typical ofthe Castilian Plain (Mediterranean continental-type climate under rain-fed conditions). Over two growing seasons (1996-1997 and 1997-1998), plants were harvested at flowering and at two stages during seed filling (characterized by a progressively higher dry matter content ofthe seed; 280 and 380 g kg-' respectively). The results show that the greater quality and quantity of the pods offsets the decrease in quality occasioned by the aging of the vegetative plant parts (stems plus leaves). Crude protein yields were not affected by delaying the harvest-time. Starch yields were higher when the plant was harvested during seed-filling. Sugar yields increased between flowering and seed filling in the first growing season but decreased in the second. Yields of structural components such as neutral-detergent fibre, acid-detergent fibre and acid-detergent cellulose, followed a pattern similar to that of crude protein. There therefore appears to be a flexible harvest period ranging from flowering until the beginning of seed filling (seeds with 380 g dry matter kg-'), which may be advantageous when trying to select optimum haymaking conditions

    Yields and chemical composition of different parts of the common vetch at flowering and at two seed filling stages

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    In annual forage legumes such as the common vetch (Vicia sativa L.), in which the pods represent a substantial proportion of the total biomass, the optimum harvesting stage may not adjust to the classical model of decreasing nutritive value after flowering. The effect of harvest time on the yield of the main chemical components of common vetch was evaluated under field conditions typical of the Castilian Plain (Mediterranean continental-type climate under rain-fed conditions). Over two growing seasons (1996-1997 and 1997-1998), plants were harvested at flowering and at two stages during seed filling (characterized by a progressively higher dry matter content of the seed; 280 and 380 g kg-1 respectively). The results show that the greater quality and quantity of the pods offsets the decrease in quality occasioned by the aging of the vegetative plant parts (stems plus leaves). Crude protein yields were not affected by delaying the harvest-time. Starch yields were higher when the plant was harvested during seed-filling. Sugar yields increased between flowering and seed filling in the first growing season but decreased in the second. Yields of structural components such as neutral-detergent fibre, acid-detergent fibre and acid-detergent cellulose, followed a pattern similar to that of crude protein. There therefore appears to be a flexible harvest period ranging from flowering until the beginning of seed filling (seeds with 380 g dry matter kg-1), which may be advantageous when trying to select optimum haymaking conditionsEn leguminosas forrajeras anuales como la veza común (Vicia sativa L.), en las que la legumbre representa una proporción considerable de la biomasa total, el momento óptimo de corte puede no ajustarse al modelo clásico de disminución del valor nutritivo después de la floración. En este trabajo se evaluó el efecto del momento de recolección de la veza común sobre el rendimiento de los principales constituyentes químicos en condiciones de secano típicas de la Meseta Castellana. Las plantas se cosecharon durante dos años consecutivos (1996-1997 y 1997-1998), en floración y en dos estados de madurez de la legumbre (materia seca de la semilla 280 y 380 g kg-1, respectivamente). Los resultados mostraron que, al avanzar la madurez, la mayor calidad y cantidad de la legumbre contrarresta la disminución de la calidad de las partes vegetativas de la planta. Los rendimientos de proteína bruta no se vieron afectados por un retraso en la fecha de recolección. Los de almidón, sin embargo, fueron mayores al estado de legumbre madura, y los de azúcares aumentaron desde la floración al estado de legumbre en el primer año, mientras que disminuyeron en el segundo año. Los rendimientos de constituyentes estructurales (fibra neutro-detergente, fibra ácido-detergente y celulosa ácido-detergente) siguieron una tendencia similar a los de la proteína bruta. Se concluye que existe un margen de maniobra entre la floración y las primeras fases de formación de la semilla (semilla con 380 g de materia seca kg-1) que permite elegir las mejores condiciones de henificació

    Dietary inulin supplementation modifies significantly the liver transcriptomic profile of broiler chickens

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    Inclusion of prebiotics in the diet is known to be advantageous, with positive influences both on health and growth. The current study investigated the differences in the hepatic transcriptome profiles between chickens supplemented with inulin (a storage carbohydrate found in many plants) and controls. Liver is a major metabolic organ and has been previously reported to be involved in the modification of the lipid metabolism in chickens fed with inulin. A nutrigenomic approach through the analysis of liver RNA hybridized to the Affymetrix GeneChip Chicken Genome Array identified 148 differentially expressed genes among both groups: 104 up-regulated (≥1.4-fold) and 44 down-regulated (≤0.6-fold). Quantitative real-time PCR analysis validated the microarray expression results for five out of seven genes tested. The functional annotation analyses revealed a number of genes, processes and pathways with putative involvement in chicken growth and performance, while reinforcing the immune status of animals, and fostering the production of long chain fatty acids in broilers supplemented with 5 g of inulin kg−1 diet. As far as we are aware, this is the first report of a microarray based gene expression study on the effect of dietary inulin supplementation, supporting further research on the use of this prebiotic on chicken diets as a useful alternative to antibiotics for improving performance and general immunity in poultry farming, along with a healthier meat lipid profile.Universidad Complutense de Madrid / Banco Santander Central HispanoDepto. de Producción AnimalFac. de VeterinariaTRUEpu