13 research outputs found

    Design of task-specific fluorinated ionic liquids: nanosegregation versus hydrogen-bonding ability in aqueous solutions

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    We demonstrate that fluorinated ionic liquids reduce the impact of the addition of water upon the ionic liquid's H-bond acceptance ability. This is a key factor to obtain functionalized materials to be used e.g. in the dissolution of biomolecules, extraction processes or material engineering

    Aspectos epidemiológicos de um foco de malária no município de São Luis, MA Epidemilogical aspects of a malaria focus in the districts of São Luis, MA

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    O estudo foi realizado na localidade de Residencial Paraíso, São Luis, Maranhão, de 1999 a 2001, com o objetivo de analisar os aspectos epidemiológicos da malária, tendo sido constatado que a localidade é receptiva e vulnerável. Houve 129 casos, com maior acometimento do sexo masculino e da faixa etária de 20 a 29 anos. O Plasmodium vivax foi o agente responsável pelas infecções, tendo como vetor o Anopheles aquasalis. Foram identificadas evidências de transmissão extradomiciliar.<br>The study was developed in the neighborhood of Residencial Paraíso, São Luis, Maranhão, Brazil, from 1999 to 2001. The aim was to analyze the epidemiological aspects of malaria. The location is receptive and vulnerable to malaria. There were 129 cases. Men from 20 to 29 years of age were most involved. Plasmodium vivax was the agent of all cases and Anopheles aquasalis was the vector. There was no evidence of transmission occurring outside of the houses

    Revisão sistemática sobre estudos de espacialização da dengue no Brasil Systematic review of spatial analysis studies on dengue in Brazil

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    O presente estudo objetivou realizar uma revisão sistemática sobre estudos de geoprocessamento do vetor da dengue e da doença no Brasil. A busca dos trabalhos foi realizada nas bases de dados Pubmed, Bireme e Scielo. A seleção foi realizada por critérios de inclusão, sendo estes: artigos originais sobre dengue e emprego de técnicas de geoprocessamento, publicados em inglês ou português de 1998 a 2007; trabalhos de finalização de curso; e trabalhos apresentados em congresso. Trabalhos que avaliaram essa doença em outros países foram excluídos. As palavras-chaves utilizadas na identificação dos artigos foram: "distribuição espacial e dengue", "dengue e geoprocessamento", "análise espacial e dengue", "Sistema de Informações Geográficas e dengue" e suas traduções para língua inglesa. Na base de busca do Scielo foram encontrados 15 artigos, dos quais selecionou-se 8; na Pubmed 11 trabalhos foram identificados, dos quais utilizou-se 3; e na Bireme, 20 trabalhos, dos quais selecionou-se 2. A revisão realizada permitiu analisar 7 estudos de espacialização dos casos de dengue, 5 trabalhos com vetores da dengue e um estudo que avaliou os casos e os vetores, simultaneamente. Foi freqüente a não-utilização de técnicas de geoprocessamento. Aspectos sociais foram freqüentemente associados à distribuição espacial da dengue. Desta forma, concluiu-se que os estudos de espacialização da dengue no Brasil, especialmente aqueles que avaliam os seus vetores, subutilizam as ferramentas do geoprocessamento. Os aspectos socioeconômicos são importantes para o entendimento da distribuição espacial da dengue.<br>The present study aimed to carry out a systematic review of geoprocessing studies on the dengue vector and the disease in Brazil. The search was conducted in the Pubmed and Bireme databases and in Scielo virtual library. The selection was carried out using inclusion criteria, such as: original articles on dengue and the use of geoprocessing techniques, published in English or in Portuguese, from 1998 to 2007; final course works; and studies presented at congresses. Studies which evaluated the disease in other countries were excluded. The key words used were "spatial distribution and dengue", "dengue and geoprocessing", "spatial analysis and dengue", "geographic information system and dengue" and their translations into Portuguese. In the Scielo database search, 15 articles were found, from which 8 were selected; in Pubmed, 11 articles were identified and 3 were selected; and in Bireme 20 articles were found, from which 2 were selected. The present review allowed the analysis of 7 studies on the spatial pattern of dengue cases, 5 studies on dengue vectors and one study that evaluated dengue cases and vectors, simultaneously. The non-utilization of geoprocessing techniques was frequent. Social aspects were frequently associated with the spatial distribution of dengue. The study concludes that spatial analyses of dengue in Brazil, especially those that evaluated vectors, used geoprocessing tools poorly. Socioeconomic aspects are important to understand the spatial distribution of dengue

    Sandfly fauna in an area endemic for visceral leishmaniasis in Aracaju, State of Sergipe, Northeast Brazil

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    INTRODUCTION: In recent years, visceral leishmaniasis, a major public health problem, has been spreading from the rural to urban areas in many areas of Brazil, including Aracaju, the capital of the State of Sergipe. However, there are no studies of the sandfly fauna in this municipality or its variation over the year. METHODS: Phlebotomine sandflies were collected from a rural area of Aracaju from September 2007 to July 2009. Modified CDC ultra-violet (UV) light traps were used to evaluate sandfly monthly distribution and their presence in the domestic and peridomestic environments. RESULTS: The most abundant species was Lutzomyia longipalpis (90.4%) followed by Evandromyia lenti (9.6%). A chicken shed trap site had the highest proportion of L. longipalpis (51.1%) and large numbers of L. longipalpis were also collected in the houses closest to the chicken shed. There was a positive correlation between monthly rainfall and L. longipalpis abundance. CONCLUSIONS: Lutzomyia longipalpis is the most abundant species and is probably the main vector of the visceral leishmaniasis agent in the rural area of Aracaju. An increase in L. longipalpis frequency was observed during the rainy season. The peridomicile-intradomicile observations corroborate the importance of chicken sheds for the presence of L. longipalpis in the peridomestic environment. The great numbers of L. longipalpis inside the houses confirm the endophilic behaviour of this species and the possibility of visceral transmission in the intradomicile