94 research outputs found

    Rasl11b Knock Down in Zebrafish Suppresses One-Eyed-Pinhead Mutant Phenotype

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    The EGF-CFC factor Oep/Cripto1/Frl1 has been implicated in embryogenesis and several human cancers. During vertebrate development, Oep/Cripto1/Frl1 has been shown to act as an essential coreceptor in the TGFβ/Nodal pathway, which is crucial for germ layer formation. Although studies in cell cultures suggest that Oep/Cripto1/Frl1 is also implicated in other pathways, in vivo it is solely regarded as a Nodal coreceptor. We have found that Rasl11b, a small GTPase belonging to a Ras subfamily of putative tumor suppressor genes, modulates Oep function in zebrafish independently of the Nodal pathway. rasl11b down regulation partially rescues endodermal and prechordal plate defects of zygotic oep−/− mutants (Zoep). Rasl11b inhibitory action was only observed in oep-deficient backgrounds, suggesting that normal oep expression prevents Rasl11b function. Surprisingly, rasl11b down regulation does not rescue mesendodermal defects in other Nodal pathway mutants, nor does it influence the phosphorylation state of the downstream effector Smad2. Thus, Rasl11b modifies the effect of Oep on mesendoderm development independently of the main known Oep output: the Nodal signaling pathway. This data suggests a new branch of Oep signaling that has implications for germ layer development, as well as for studies of Oep/Frl1/Cripto1 dysfunction, such as that found in tumors

    Nodal-Dependent Mesendoderm Specification Requires the Combinatorial Activities of FoxH1 and Eomesodermin

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    Vertebrate mesendoderm specification requires the Nodal signaling pathway and its transcriptional effector FoxH1. However, loss of FoxH1 in several species does not reliably cause the full range of loss-of-Nodal phenotypes, indicating that Nodal signals through additional transcription factors during early development. We investigated the FoxH1-dependent and -independent roles of Nodal signaling during mesendoderm patterning using a novel recessive zebrafish FoxH1 mutation called midway, which produces a C-terminally truncated FoxH1 protein lacking the Smad-interaction domain but retaining DNA–binding capability. Using a combination of gel shift assays, Nodal overexpression experiments, and genetic epistasis analyses, we demonstrate that midway more accurately represents a complete loss of FoxH1-dependent Nodal signaling than the existing zebrafish FoxH1 mutant schmalspur. Maternal-zygotic midway mutants lack notochords, in agreement with FoxH1 loss in other organisms, but retain near wild-type expression of markers of endoderm and various nonaxial mesoderm fates, including paraxial and intermediate mesoderm and blood precursors. We found that the activity of the T-box transcription factor Eomesodermin accounts for specification of these tissues in midway embryos. Inhibition of Eomesodermin in midway mutants severely reduces the specification of these tissues and effectively phenocopies the defects seen upon complete loss of Nodal signaling. Our results indicate that the specific combinations of transcription factors available for signal transduction play critical and separable roles in determining Nodal pathway output during mesendoderm patterning. Our findings also offer novel insights into the co-evolution of the Nodal signaling pathway, the notochord specification program, and the chordate branch of the deuterostome family of animals

    Friction forces position the neural anlage

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    During embryonic development, mechanical forces are essential for cellular rearrangements driving tissue morphogenesis. Here, we show that in the early zebrafish embryo, friction forces are generated at the interface between anterior axial mesoderm (prechordal plate, ppl) progenitors migrating towards the animal pole and neurectoderm progenitors moving in the opposite direction towards the vegetal pole of the embryo. These friction forces lead to global rearrangement of cells within the neurectoderm and determine the position of the neural anlage. Using a combination of experiments and simulations, we show that this process depends on hydrodynamic coupling between neurectoderm and ppl as a result of E-cadherin-mediated adhesion between those tissues. Our data thus establish the emergence of friction forces at the interface between moving tissues as a critical force-generating process shaping the embryo

    Molecular specification of germ layers in vertebrate embryos

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    The stability, toxicity and effectiveness of unmodified and phosphorothioate antisense oligodeoxynucleotides in Xenopus oocytes and embryos.

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    The properties of antisense phosphorothioate and unmodified oligodeoxynucleotides have been studied in Xenopus oocytes and embryos. We find that phosphorothioates, like unmodified oligodeoxynucleotides, can degrade Vg1 mRNA in oocytes via an endogenous RNase H-like activity. In oocytes, phosphorothioate oligodeoxynucleotides are more stable than unmodified oligodeoxynucleotides and are more effective in degrading Vg1 mRNA. In embryos, neither unmodified nor phosphorothioate deoxyoligonucleotides were effective in degrading Vg1 message at sub-toxic doses

    Effect of beta-blockers on plasma lipids

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    Forty-five hypertensive patients (I-II WHO), after two weeks wash out, were randomly allocated to receive 100 mg/day atenolol, 200 mg/day metoprolol and 10 mg/day mepindolol for three months, in order to evaluate their possible effect on lipid metabolism. Plasma triglyceride levels were increased by the three drug treatments; the increase was, however, greater after mepindolol. Total cholesterol was unchanged by atenolol, increased by metoprolol and decreased by mepindolol. HDL-cholesterol was unchanged by atenolol, decreased by metoprolol and increased by mepindolol, whereas LDL-cholesterol was increased by atenolol, unchanged by metoprolol and decreased by mepindolol. Therefore, the LDL/HDL ratio was decreased by mepindolol (from 3.15 +/- 1.71 to 2.92 +/- 1.17) and increased by atenolol and metoprolol. The results show that the treatment with atenolol, metoprolol and mepindolol does not significantly affect the lipid levels suggesting that cardioselective beta-blockers as well as those with ISA have no untoward effect on lipid metabolis

    Effect of melatonin treatment on oxygen consumption by rat liver mitochondria

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    The objective of this study was to examine the in vivo effect of melatonin on rat mitochondrial liver respiration. Two experiments were performed: For experiment 1, adult male rats received melatonin in the drinking water (16 or 50 mg=ml) & vehicle during 45 days. For experiment 2, rats received melatonin in the drinking water (50 mg=ml) for 45 days, or the same amount for 30 days followed by a 15 day-withdrawal period. At sacrifice, a liver mitochondrial fraction was prepared and oxygen consumption was measured polarographically in the presence of excess concentration of DL-3-b-hydroxybutyrate or L-succinate. Melatonin treatment decreased Krebs’ cycle substrate-induced respiration significantly at both examined doses. The stimulation of mitochondrial respiration caused by excess concentration of substrate recovered after melatonin withdrawal. Basal state 4 respiration was not modified by melatonin. Melatonin, by curtailing overstimulation of cellular respiration caused by excess Krebs’ cycle substrates, can protect the mitochondria from oxidative damage.Fil: Reyes Toso, Carlos Felipe. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina; ArgentinaFil: Rebagliati, Ines Rosa. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Ricci, C. R.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina; ArgentinaFil: Linares, L. M.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina; ArgentinaFil: Albornoz, L. E.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina; ArgentinaFil: Cardinali, Daniel Pedro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina; ArgentinaFil: Zaninovich, A.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin