149 research outputs found

    Applications of Medicinal Herbs and Essential Oils in Food Safety

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    In the last few years, more and more studies on the biological properties of essential oils (EOs) especially antimicrobial and antioxidant properties in vitro and food model have been published in all parts of the world. But so far no comprehensive reports of these studies have been reported in food model from Iran. The focus of this overview lies in the using of EOs from some indigenous medicinal plants of Iran (including Mentha longifolia, Cuminum cyminum, Teucrium polium, Pimpinella anisum and Allium ascalonicum) in probiotic dairy products (especially cheese, yoghurt and Aryan) in recent years. Recently, consumers have developed an ever-increasing interest in natural products as alternatives for artificial additives or pharmacologically relevant agents. Among them, EOs have gained great popularity in the food, cosmetic as well as pharmaceutical industries. Despite the reportedly strong antimicrobial activity of EOs against food-borne pathogens and spoilage microorganisms, their practical application as preservatives is currently limited owing to the undesirable flavour changes they cause in food products. Nonetheless, more studies are necessary to the applicability of various EOs on other food models in Iran and other countries

    Evaluation of Chemical Composition and Antibacterial Properties of Froriepia subpinnta Essential Oils from Guilan Region: Before and After Flowering

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    Herbal essential oil (EO) as a natural and traditional source are considered to be suitable alternatives for controlling chemical resistant strains due to their antibacterial compounds and also no adverse effects. This study was undertaken to identify the chemical compositions and also to assess the antibacterial effects of Froriepia subpinnata (Ledeb.) Baill. (F. subpinnata) EOs before and after flowering against Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa), for the first time. Based on our findings, 50 and 41 components were identified by gas chromatogram/mass spectrometry (GC-MS) in the before and after flowering EOs of F. subpinnata. The major components of F. subpinnata EOs before flowering were kuminol (42.05 %), phenol (28 %) and its after flowering prominent compounds were sabinin (25.96 %), timol (22.68 %), cyclohexene (17.21 %). Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) were obtained 6 % and 8 % for before flowering, and, 4 % and 6 % for after flowering. Also in antibiogram method, both EOs at before and after flowering stages exihibited lower inhibitory effect on P. aeruginosa in comparison with ciprofloxacin, amikacin and imipenem antibiotics. According to the results, the antimicrobial effect of F. subpinnata EOs after flowering was more than before flowering, in both disk diffiusion and microdilution methods. Hence as a natural and new antimicrobial agent can be substituted with chemical antibiotics, in the pharmaceutical and food industries

    Oral Health by Using Probiotic Products

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    One of the most prevalent and important health problems in the world is periodontal and plaque-related diseases that antibiotic drugs are used with their side effects as their treatment. With increasing resistance to antibiotics and a desire from the general public for “natural” therapies, there is a need to minimize antibiotic use and develop new treatments for oral diseases without antimicrobial agents. Probiotics are viable microorganisms which provide a health benefit to the host when administered in adequate amounts; studies show that probiotics have the potential to modify the oral microbiota and decrease the colony-forming unit (CFU) counts of the oral pathogens being investigated to prevent or treat oral disease, such as dental caries and the periodontal diseases. In addition, the identification of specific strains with probiotic activity is required for any oral infectious disease, in order to determine the exact dose, the time of treatment, and the ideal vehicle

    Fig juice Fortified with Inulin and Lactobacillus Delbrueckii: A Promising Functional Food

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    Background and Objective: Nowadays, consumption of functional foods is favored because of their health promoting characteristics. Also there is an increasing demand for nondairy products because of lactose intolerance in dairies. Fig juice as a source of dietary fiber and other nutrients would be a functional food. Adding probiotics and prebiotics makes it more functional for daily use. No study has yet been done on synbiotic fig juice. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to characterize synbiotic fig juice prepared by Lactobacillus delbrueckii and inulin.Material and Methods: Samples consisted of control fig juice; fig juice fermented by Lactobacillus delbrueckii (probiotic) and fig juice containing inulin fermented by Lactobacillus delbrueckii (synbiotic) were produced. Physico-chemical parameters, total phenolic content, antioxidant capacity and microbial survival aspects were analyzed during the fermentation period. Aforementioned parameters were also evaluated in 4 weeks with one-week time intervals. Sensory characteristics of fig juices were assessed in the second week of storage.Results and Conclusion: The results showed significant differences among treatments (p≤0.05) in physico-chemical indices during incubation and storage time. Total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of fermented fig juices were significantly increased in comparison to the control samples (p≤0.05). Viability of Lactobacillus delbrueckii was increased in both probiotic and synbiotic treatments during incubation; but a significant reduction was observed during storage time. Sensory analysis revealed that there were significant differences in terms of odor, taste and overall acceptance between the fermented fig juices and control (p≤0.05) and the highest scores were obtained for control. Considering viable counts of Lactobacillus delbrueckii depicted that fermented fig juice could be a suitable medium for survival and proliferation of Lactobacillus delbrueckii in adequate amount for health promotion. So this research showed that fig juice can be a potential product for manufacture of a new functional food.Conflict of interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest

    Physicochemical properties and frauds in the samples of raw cow milk produced in Qazvin, Iran

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    Adding materials to reduce the microbial load and cover to deficit in milk is a health threat and has always provided consumer concern.112 raw cow milk samples were randomly collected from dairy industrial centers of Qazvin province during warm and cold seasons in 2012, physicochemical and added adulteration were investigated. Based on the results of chemical tests, the mean values of the lactose, density and solid non fat (SNF) milk samples examined in most cases in most cases was within the average range. However, the mean value amount of fat (2.48) and protein (2.32) samples was significantly lower than average range (P<0.05).The tests were carried out to determine the adulteration of milk samples indicate that the added water (16.07%), sodium hypochlorite (0.89%) and hydrogen peroxide (1.78%) were positive and In the other test results were negative. In this regard, the milk samples containing added water in the hot season were significantly higher than compared to cold season (P<0.05). Therefore, quality control of this product with high per capita consumption, which have a special place in the human diet, especially for children is necessary for physiochemical properties and added adulteration

    Determination of enrofloxacin residue in chicken eggs using FPT and ELISA methods

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    Antibacterial Effect of Teucrium polium Essential Oil and Lactobacillus casei Probiotic on Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Kishk

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    Background and Objective: In recent years, there has been a rapid development in prevention of bacterial growth and spoilage in foods by the application of preservatives. Essential oils, which are known to be harmless for human, have shown positive health effects in addition to their preservative role. Likewise, probiotics exert improvement in both food product and health level of consumers. With reference to these it is important to do more research on various effects of endemic essential oils on traditional food products. A survey was carried on effect of essential oil and combination of essential oil and probiotics on growth of Escherchia coli O157:H7.Material and Methods: Kishk samples treated with Teucrium polium essential oil (75 and 150 mg l-1) and Lactobacillus casei (108 -109 CFU ml-1) were stored up to 20 days at 4°C and the effect of Teucrium polium essential oils and probiotic fermentation on Escherchia coli O157:H7 counts were investigated.Results and Conclusion: Teucrium polium essential oils and probiotic fermentation reduced the number of Escherichia coli during the cold storage time. The combination of Teucrium polium essential oil and probiotics showed stronger effect rather than individually added. Initial count of inoculated Escherchia coli was 6.39 log CFU g-1. Essential oil compounds of Teucrium polium included Spathulenol, Epizonaren and Bicyclo hept-3-en-2-ol in 18.39, 9.62 and 6.76%, respectively. After 20 days storage at 4°C, the number of Escherchia coli in probiotic, combination of probiotic and essential oil (150 mg l-1) and control samples decreased from 6.39 log CFU g-1 to 4.95, 4.30 and 5.8 log CFU g-1, respectively. An increase in acidity and decrease in pH were observed for all samples (p≤0.05). Based on organoleptic tests, the most accepted sample was included 75 ppm of essential oil and probiotic. According to the antibacterial effect of essential oils extracted from plant and probiotic fermentation, it was predictable that they could decline the Escherchia coli count especially in fermented dairy products. Also, due to its probiotic nature, Kishk would bring numerous health advantageous for consumer

    Effect of Packaging Material on Color Properties of Catsup Tomato Sauce

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    Catsup and tomato sauce products currently are one of the most popular and commercially available table sauces particularly consumed by young people and families around the world in recent decades. In this study colorimetric properties of catsup sauce samples including L*, a* and b* values in different packaging materials including PP, PE, PET, Glass and Sachet have been investigated during and after 180 days storage time at 22̊ C (environmental temperature). Hunter Lab system has been used to evaluate the color values of sauce samples. According to obtained results of experimental measurements and sensory evaluations, PP and PE packaging materials affected significantly color properties of catsup sauce samples during and after the storage time that it because of interaction between packaging material and lycopene components in catsup sauce samples. Finally, According to consumer prefers to darker tomato and catsup sauce products, PP and PE are not suitable for packaging of catsup sauce production