105 research outputs found

    The 1/N1/N expansion of tensor models with two symmetric tensors

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    It is well known that tensor models for a tensor with no symmetry admit a 1/N1/N expansion dominated by melonic graphs. This result relies crucially on identifying \emph{jackets} which are globally defined ribbon graphs embedded in the tensor graph. In contrast, no result of this kind has so far been established for symmetric tensors because global jackets do not exist. In this paper we introduce a new approach to the 1/N1/N expansion in tensor models adapted to symmetric tensors. In particular we do not use any global structure like the jackets. We prove that, for any rank DD, a tensor model with two symmetric tensors and interactions the complete graph KD+1K_{D+1} admits a 1/N1/N expansion dominated by melonic graphs.Comment: misprints corrected, references adde

    The ıϵ\imath \epsilon prescription in the SYK model

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    We introduce an ıϵ\imath \epsilon prescription for the SYK model both at finite and at zero temperature. This prescription regularizes all the naive ultraviolet divergences of the model. As expected the prescription breaks the conformal invariance, but the latter is restored in the ϵ→0\epsilon \to 0 limit. We prove rigorously that the Schwinger Dyson equation of the resummed two point function at large NN and low momentum is recovered in this limit. Based on this ıϵ\imath \epsilon prescription we introduce an effective field theory Lagrangian for the infrared SYK model.Comment: Second version: the effective field theory part of the paper (subsections 2.1 and 3.1 and discussion) adde

    Universality for Random Tensors

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    We prove two universality results for random tensors of arbitrary rank D. We first prove that a random tensor whose entries are N^D independent, identically distributed, complex random variables converges in distribution in the large N limit to the same limit as the distributional limit of a Gaussian tensor model. This generalizes the universality of random matrices to random tensors. We then prove a second, stronger, universality result. Under the weaker assumption that the joint probability distribution of tensor entries is invariant, assuming that the cumulants of this invariant distribution are uniformly bounded, we prove that in the large N limit the tensor again converges in distribution to the distributional limit of a Gaussian tensor model. We emphasize that the covariance of the large N Gaussian is not universal, but depends strongly on the details of the joint distribution.Comment: Final versio

    Regular colored graphs of positive degree

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    Regular colored graphs are dual representations of pure colored D-dimensional complexes. These graphs can be classified with respect to an integer, their degree, much like maps are characterized by the genus. We analyse the structure of regular colored graphs of fixed positive degree and perform their exact and asymptotic enumeration. In particular we show that the generating function of the family of graphs of fixed degree is an algebraic series with a positive radius of convergence, independant of the degree. We describe the singular behavior of this series near its dominant singularity, and use the results to establish the double scaling limit of colored tensor models.Comment: Final version. Significant improvements made, main results unchange
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