31 research outputs found


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    The influence of the dry extract from Serratula centauroides roots on the resistance to the hemic, hystotoxic and hypercapnic hypoxias was investigated in the experiments on white rats. It was established that the course administration of the remedy in the doses of50,100,150 mg/kg increases the resistance of the experimental animals to hypoxias of different genesis. S. centauroides in the dose of 150 mg/kg has the most pronounced antihypoxic activity, increasing the lifespan of the animals with hemic and normobaric hypoxia on average by 60 % (p < 0,001) and and with histotoxic hypoxia - by 50 % (p < 0,001)

    Nootropic and anticonvulsant properties of the dry extract from Serratula Centauroides roots

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    The studies were carried out on white Wistar rats. The dry extract from Serratula centauroides L. was introduced to the animals at the doses of 50,100, and 150 mg/kg for 7 days prior to the testing. The nootropic effect of S. centauroides was estimated by using the test "conditioned passive avoidance reflex". In the groups of animals treated with the S. centauroides extract the number of animals with retained reflex was more than in the control group and the latent period of input into the dark bay of the device was longer than in the animals of the control group. The anticonvulsive activity of the S. centauroides extract was tested on the model of thiosemicarbazide-induced convulsions (30 mg/kg). It has been shown that the S. centauroides extract at the doses of 50-150 mg/kg prolongs the latent period of convulsion onset by 33% and increases the lifespan of the animals by 31-47% on the background of thiosemicarbazide-induced convulsions

    A centuries-old experience of Buryat branch of the traditional medicine in Russia

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    The present work reviews the evolution of the traditional medicine in Buryatia; the contribution of Oriental medical schools and the Russian experience of herbal treatment were emphasized. This convergence process was developed in virtue of the geopolitical situation of the Republic. The evolution of the tradition and contribution of ethnic medical schools was schematically presented in the article. The aim of the work was to substantiate the originality of the Buryat traditional medicine. The data elucidating the pervasion of Eastern traditions due to the influence of Buddhism and the experience of the Russian settlers are given in the article. Peculiarity of the traditional medicine in this region involves the use of indigenous plants, original formularies and healing technologies. Approach to health and illness, principles of diagnostics and specific methods of treatment remain common to Eastern medical traditions. The article provides insight into the main findings of the study of this tradition. They include such aspects as the translation of written sources, development of new technologies and methods for the treatment and prevention of some diseases, new medicinal preparations and health-improving means recommended for practical use. Besides, there have been discussed the prospects for integration of rational methods and means from the array of the traditional medicine of Buryatia with modern medical and pharmaceutical technologies

    First Measurement of Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering on Argon

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    We report the first measurement of coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (\cevns) on argon using a liquid argon detector at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Spallation Neutron Source. Two independent analyses prefer \cevns over the background-only null hypothesis with greater than 3σ3\sigma significance. The measured cross section, averaged over the incident neutrino flux, is (2.2 ±\pm 0.7) ×\times1039^{-39} cm2^2 -- consistent with the standard model prediction. The neutron-number dependence of this result, together with that from our previous measurement on CsI, confirms the existence of the \cevns process and provides improved constraints on non-standard neutrino interactions.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures with 2 pages, 6 figures supplementary material V3: fixes to figs 3,4 V4: fix typo in table 1, V5: replaced missing appendix, V6: fix Eq 1, new fig 3, V7 final version, updated with final revision

    Хроническое ультрафиолетовое облучение индуцирует развитие устойчивой резистентности клеток меланомы к противоопухолевым препаратам

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    Introduction. Melanoma belongs to the group of the most malignant tumors characterized by aggressive growth and active metastasis. At the same time, the effectiveness of therapy, primarily targeted therapy, is largely limited by the rapid development of drug resistance.Aim. To study the effect of chronic ultraviolet (UV) irradiation on the formation of a population of radiation-resistant melanoma cells; to study the features of cell signaling and the sensitivity of UV-resistant melanoma cells to the antitumor drugs.Materials and methods. The experiments were carried out on in vitro cultured A375 melanoma cells. Cells were cultured in a standard DMEM + 10 % FBS medium; cell growth rate was analyzed using the MTT assay; cell survival after irradiation was analyzed using a colony-forming test. Determination of the transcriptional activity of the estrogen receptor (ER) was performed by reporter analysis upon transfection into cells of a plasmid containing the luciferase reporter gene controlled by estrogen responsive element. The immunoblotting method was used to analyze the expression of cellular proteins; comparative analysis of ERα and ERβ expression was performed by immunofluorescent method.Results. Long-term UV irradiation leads to the formation of a UV-resistant subpopulation of A375 melanoma cells, which is characterized by decreased sensitivity to targeted (vemurafenib) and hormonal (tamoxifen) drugs, increased expression of Snail, an activator of the epithelial-mesenchymal transition, and in the absence of noticeable changes in the expression of PI3K / mTOR signaling. Metformin reduces Snail expression in both parental and UV-resistant A375 cells and enhances the cytostatic effect in combination with vemurafenib or tamoxifen.Conclusion. The data obtained demonstrate a decrease in the sensitivity of melanoma cells to targeted drugs under the long-term exposure to UV. The ability of metformin to potentiate the action of targeted drugs and inhibit Snail allows us to consider metformin not only as an antitumor agent, but also as a potential inhibitor of the epithelial-mesenchymal transition.Введение. Меланома относится к группе наиболее злокачественных новообразований, отличающихся агрессивным ростом и активным метастазированием. при этом эффективность терапии, в первую очередь таргетной терапии, во многом ограничена быстрым развитием резистентности к препаратам.Цель исследования – изучить влияние хронического ультрафиолетового (УФ) облучения на формирование субпопуляции устойчивых к УФ клеток меланомы, а также особенности клеточного сигналинга и чувствительность УФрезистентных клеток меланомы к действию противоопухолевых препаратов.Материалы и методы. эксперименты проводились на культивируемых in vitro клетках меланомы А375. клетки культивировали в стандартной среде DMEM + 10 % FBS, анализ скорости роста клеток проводили с помощью МТТ-теста; выживаемость клеток после облучения анализировали с использованием колониеобразующего теста. Транскрипционную активность рецептора эстрогенов (ER) определяли методом репортерного анализа при трансфекции в клетки плазмиды, содержавшей ген-репортер люциферазы под контролем промотора с эстроген-респонсивным элементом. Для анализа экспрессии клеточных белков использовали метод иммуноблоттинга; сравнительный анализ экспрессии ERα и ERβ проводили с помощью иммунофлуоресцентного метода.Результаты. Длительное УФ-облучение приводит к формированию УФ-резистентной субпопуляции клеток меланомы А375, отличающейся пониженной чувствительностью к таргетным (вемурафенибу) и гормональным (тамоксифену) препаратам на фоне повышенной экспрессии Snail – активатора эпителиально-мезенхимального перехода и при отсутствии заметных изменений в экспрессии белков PI3K (фосфоинозитид-3-киназы) / mTOR (мишень рапамицина млекопитающих) сигналинга. Метформин снижает экспрессию Snail как в родительских, так и в УФ-резистентных клетках А375 и усиливает цитостатический эффект в комбинации с вемурафенибом или тамоксифеном.Заключение. полученные данные свидетельствуют о снижении чувствительности к таргетным препаратам клеток меланомы на фоне длительной экспозиции с УФ. Способность метформина потенцировать действие таргетных препаратов и ингибировать Snail позволяет рассматривать это лекарственное стредство не только как противоопухолевый агент, но и как потенциальный ингибитор эпителиально-мезенхимального перехода

    Monitoring the SNS basement neutron background with the MARS detector

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    We present the analysis and results of the first dataset collected with the MARS neutron detector deployed at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) for the purpose of monitoring and characterizing the beam-related neutron (BRN) background for the COHERENT collaboration. MARS was positioned next to the COH-CsI coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering detector in the SNS basement corridor. This is the basement location of closest proximity to the SNS target and thus, of highest neutrino flux, but it is also well shielded from the BRN flux by infill concrete and gravel. These data show the detector registered roughly one BRN per day. Using MARS' measured detection efficiency, the incoming BRN flux is estimated to be 1.20 ± 0.56 neutrons/m2/MWh1.20~\pm~0.56~\text{neutrons}/\text{m}^2/\text{MWh} for neutron energies above 3.5\sim3.5~MeV and up to a few tens of MeV. We compare our results with previous BRN measurements in the SNS basement corridor reported by other neutron detectors.Comment: Submitted to JINS

    First Probe of Sub-GeV Dark Matter Beyond the Cosmological Expectation with the COHERENT CsI Detector at the SNS

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    The COHERENT collaboration searched for scalar dark matter particles produced at the Spallation Neutron Source with masses between 1 and 220~MeV/c2^2 using a CsI[Na] scintillation detector sensitive to nuclear recoils above 9~keVnr_\text{nr}. No evidence for dark matter is found and we thus place limits on allowed parameter space. With this low-threshold detector, we are sensitive to coherent elastic scattering between dark matter and nuclei. The cross section for this process is orders of magnitude higher than for other processes historically used for accelerator-based direct-detection searches so that our small, 14.6~kg detector significantly improves on past constraints. At peak sensitivity, we reject the flux consistent with the cosmologically observed dark-matter concentration for all coupling constants αD<0.64\alpha_D<0.64, assuming a scalar dark-matter particle. We also calculate the sensitivity of future COHERENT detectors to dark-matter signals which will ambitiously test multiple dark-matter spin scenarios

    COHERENT Collaboration data release from the measurements of CsI[Na] response to nuclear recoils

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    Description of the data release 10.13139/OLCF/1969085 (https://doi.ccs.ornl.gov/ui/doi/426) from the measurements of the CsI[Na] response to low energy nuclear recoils by the COHERENT collaboration. The release corresponds to the results published in "D. Akimov et al 2022 JINST 17 P10034". We share the data in the form of raw ADC waveforms, provide benchmark values, and share plots to enhance the transparency and reproducibility of our results. This document describes the contents of the data release as well as guidance on the use of the data