268 research outputs found


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    The article provides a detailed analysis of the monograph V. F. Popondopulo “Human activity: legal forms of implementation and a public organization”. The review author notes the relevance of the monograph, its integrated and comprehensive nature, allowing to deeply explore the phenomenon of human activity as the basis of law enforcement. According to the author, the concept developed by V. F. Popondopulo has a high scientific and practical value, since it lays the foundation of the theory of law that promotes the crisis of the theoretical and methodological foundations of sectoral legal sciences, primarily the science of civil law. Even though in the monograph V. F. Popondopulo present certain discussion provisions, they, according to the author, not only do not reduce the values of the study, but also stimulate an in-depth study of the problems considered in the study

    Praetor Formula as an Instrument of Conceptual Legal Thinking in Roman Private Law of the Pre-Classical and Classical Periods

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    The article discusses the formula, which is a means of fixing the claim in Roman private law of the pre -classical and classical periods. The nature and essence of the formula are quite little studied in the special legal literature. At the same time, most authors are limited to the general characteristic of the structure of the formulas, indicating that in the formulary process the documentary formula had the same meaning that in the legis actio were legitimate claims declared orally. According to the authors, the study of the formula should be based on the general laws of the evolution of Roman private law. The work proves that the emergence of the formula is an indicator of the transformation of associative-shaped legal thinking into a conceptual thinking, and the formula itself is an important tool for conceptual thinking used to construct subjective rights, as well as giving them formal certainty and legal force


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    В работе рассматриваются основные закономерности и этапы эволюционной динамики знакового конструирования культурной реальности, издавна привлекавшего к себе внимание как философов, так и ученых. В этой связи в литературе наметились два подхода к семиотике – широкое и узкое. Согласно первому подходу, семиотика есть универсальное метаописание всех видов реальности, а потому любой феномен имеет знаковую форму. С точки зрения представителей второго подхода, семиотическому описанию поддаются только результаты человеческой деятельности. Следуя данному подходу, автор полагает, что язык, а также иные знаковые системы конструируют феномены культурной реальности, представляющей собой упорядоченную совокупность феноменов, созданных индивидами в процессе творческой деятельности. Важнейшим средством конструирования культурной реальности является язык, по образу которого организуются и другие знаковые системы (право, мораль, наука и т.п.). Автор показывает, что язык выполняет две основные функции – знаково-конструирующую и нормативную. Культура как совокупность знаковых систем, с одной стороны, конструирует реальность, выступающую ее референтом, и, с другой стороны, организует поведение индивидов, позволяя им надлежащим образом взаимодействовать с феноменами реальности, а также друг с другом. По мнению автора, мышление и язык выступают равноправными и взаимно обусловливающими друг друга сторонами знакового конструирования реальности, что исключает постановку вопроса о примате языка над мышлением. На основе сформулированных общих положений автор намечает основные этапы семиотической динамики культурной реальности. Такими этапами выступают: 1) индексальные знаки (жесты), выступавшие исторически первичным средством коммуникации, 2) иконические синсигнумы (пиктограммы), 3) иконические легисигнумы (иероглифы), 4) символы-синсигнумы и 5) символылегисигнумы. Как показано в работе, каждая следующая стадия эволюции характеризуется все большей утратой семиотическими единицами предметного содержания и нарастанием их отрыва от означаемого, влекущим за собой ослабление мотивированности означающего означаемым

    Legal Science and Development of the Educational Competencies of the Lawyer

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    In the article some theoretical questions of the competence approach in the sphere of higher legal education are considered. According to the authors, the development of the entire system of educational competencies of students is facilitated by the formation of their research and development competencies, which for this reason should be given special attention. Based on this, the paper suggests recommendations for improving the competence approach

    LEGAL REFORMS: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE Review of the section of the Faculty of Law of the North-West Institute of Management of the RANEPA, held within the framework of the VI International Nevsky Forum (St. Petersburg, June 25, 2022)

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    The article is a review of the speeches of the participants of the section of the Faculty of Law of the Northwestern Institute of Management of the RANEPA, held within the framework of the VI International Nevsky Forum (St. Petersburg, June 25, 2022) “Legal reforms: past, present and future”, which discussed the problems of reforms in the field of law, as general problems of reforms in in the form of the need to define a clear goal and guidelines for reform, and in terms of reforms in certain legal areas (education, digitalization, legal history, constitutional law, civil law). In general, the participants agreed on the need to take into account the social, economic and political context when carrying out reforms and evaluating their results, clearly setting the goal of reforms, and the need to maintain, within the framework of current changes, adherence to unshakable ideas and principles of law, and constitutional law in particular

    The Role of Law in the Formation of the Modern World Multipolarity: Review of the Faculty of Law Section of the North-Western Institute of the Management of the RANEPA in the framework of the VII International Neva Forum

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    This article provides a review of the meeting of the Section of the Law Faculty of the North-Western Institute for the Directorate of the RANEPA as part of the VII International Neva Forum. It was devoted to the role of law in the formation of a multipolar world in modern geopolitical conditions

    NEW TECHNOLOGIES OF LEGAL REGULATION IN THE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF THE XXI CENTURY. Overview of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference on Public Administration and Social Development “Gorchakov Readings 2021”

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    This review contains the abstracts of the speeches of the participants of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference on Public Administration and Social Development “Gorchakov’s Readings 2021”, organized by the North-Western Institute of Management of the RANEPA, whose speeches were devoted to the problems of legal regulation that arise in the context of digitalization, the use of artificial intelligence, intensive implementation by the state of technologies in the sphere of public and private relations

    The Concept of the Relationships of Power and Person in the Constitution of the Russian Federation: Results of Development and Contemporary Problems

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    This article examines some aspects of the relationship of power and person, adopted the Constitution of the Russian Federation 1993 year. The authors show that this concept defines the principles of human interaction and the State in economic, socio-political, cultural and other spheres of society. At the same time, it is the ideological foundation of the social and political system in the Russian Federation. As shown in the article, the set of ideas, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, having universal significance and universal value. However, in any society, there are certain objective conditions that affect the implementation of constitutional provisions in specific ways. The paper discusses discussion issues of scientific and practical importance in the context of the informatization of modern Russian society. One of the most important challenges is to protect the privacy of personal information as well as personal and family secrets. Considered the “right to be forgotten”, guaranteed by the legislation of a number of countries, including the Russian legislation. As the authors show, the implementation of this right is associated with serious difficulties due to the lack of legislative mechanisms for its implementation. In particular, require a reflection on how to resolve conflicts of right to oblivion and the right to information guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation

    Forward observables at RHIC, the Tevatron run II and the LHC

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    We present predictions on the total cross sections and on the ratio of the real part to the imaginary part of the elastic amplitude (rho parameter) for present and future pp and pbar p colliders, and on total cross sections for gamma p -> hadrons at cosmic-ray energies and for gamma gamma -> hadrons up to sqrt(s)=1 TeV. These predictions are based on a study of many possible analytic parametrisations and invoke the current hadronic dataset at t=0. The uncertainties on total cross sections, including the systematic theoretical errors, reach 1% at RHIC, 3% at the Tevatron, and 10% at the LHC, whereas those on the rho parameter are respectively 10%, 17%, and 26%.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, LaTeX, presented at the Second International "Cetraro" Workshop & NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Diffraction 2002", Alushta, Crimea, Ukraine, August 31 - September 6, 200