17 research outputs found

    Grand canonical diffusion-influenced reactions: a stochastic theory with applications to multiscale reaction-diffusion simulations

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    Smoluchowski-type models for diffusion-influenced reactions (A+B -> C) can be formulated within two frameworks: the probabilistic-based approach for a pair A, B of reacting particles and the concentration-based approach for systems in contact with a bath that generates a concentration gradient of B particles that interact with A. Although these two approaches are mathematically similar, it is not straightforward to establish a precise mathematical relationship between them. Determining this relationship is essential to derive particle-based numerical methods that are quantitatively consistent with bulk concentration dynamics. In this work, we determine the relationship between the two approaches by introducing the grand canonical Smoluchowski master equation (GC-SME), which consists of a continuous-time Markov chain that models an arbitrary number of B particles, each one of them following Smoluchowski's probabilistic dynamics. We show that the GC-SME recovers the concentration-based approach by taking either the hydrodynamic or the large copy number limit. In addition, we show that the GC-SME provides a clear statistical mechanical interpretation of the concentration-based approach and yields an emergent chemical potential for nonequilibrium spatially inhomogeneous reaction processes. We further exploit the GC-SME robust framework to accurately derive multiscale/hybrid numerical methods that couple particle-based reaction-diffusion simulations with bulk concentration descriptions, as described in detail through two computational implementations

    MSM/RD: Coupling Markov state models of molecular kinetics with reaction-diffusion simulations

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    Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations can model the interactions between macromolecules with high spatiotemporal resolution but at a high computational cost. By combining high-throughput MD with Markov state models (MSMs), it is now possible to obtain long-timescale behavior of small to intermediate biomolecules and complexes. To model the interactions of many molecules at large lengthscales, particle-based reaction-diffusion (RD) simulations are more suitable but lack molecular detail. Thus, coupling MSMs and RD simulations (MSM/RD) would be highly desirable, as they could efficiently produce simulations at large time- and lengthscales, while still conserving the characteristic features of the interactions observed at atomic detail. While such a coupling seems straightforward, fundamental questions are still open: Which definition of MSM states is suitable? Which protocol to merge and split RD particles in an association/dissociation reaction will conserve the correct bimolecular kinetics and thermodynamics? In this paper, we make the first step towards MSM/RD by laying out a general theory of coupling and proposing a first implementation for association/dissociation of a protein with a small ligand (A + B C). Applications on a toy model and CO diffusion into the heme cavity of myoglobin are reported

    Coupling particle-based reaction-diffusion simulations with reservoirs mediated by reaction-diffusion PDEs

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    Open biochemical systems of interacting molecules are ubiquitous in life-related processes. However, established computational methodologies, like molecular dynamics, are still mostly constrained to closed systems and timescales too small to be relevant for life processes. Alternatively, particle-based reaction-diffusion models are currently the most accurate and computationally feasible approach at these scales. Their efficiency lies in modeling entire molecules as particles that can diffuse and interact with each other. In this work, we develop modeling and numerical schemes for particle-based reaction-diffusion in an open setting, where the reservoirs are mediated by reaction-diffusion PDEs. We derive two important theoretical results. The first one is the mean-field for open systems of diffusing particles; the second one is the mean-field for a particle-based reaction-diffusion system with second-order reactions. We employ these two results to develop a numerical scheme that consistently couples particle-based reaction-diffusion processes with reaction-diffusion PDEs. This allows modeling open biochemical systems in contact with reservoirs that are time-dependent and spatially inhomogeneous, as in many relevant real-world applications

    Chemical diffusion master equation: formulations of reaction--diffusion processes on the molecular level

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    The chemical diffusion master equation (CDME) describes the probabilistic dynamics of reaction--diffusion systems at the molecular level [del Razo et al., Lett. Math. Phys. 112:49, 2022]; it can be considered the master equation for reaction--diffusion processes. The CDME consists of an infinite ordered family of Fokker--Planck equations, where each level of the ordered family corresponds to a certain number of particles and each particle represents a molecule. The equations at each level describe the spatial diffusion of the corresponding set of particles, and they are coupled to each other via reaction operators --linear operators representing chemical reactions. These operators change the number of particles in the system, and thus transport probability between different levels in the family. In this work, we present three approaches to formulate the CDME and show the relations between them. We further deduce the non-trivial combinatorial factors contained in the reaction operators, and we elucidate the relation to the original formulation of the CDME, which is based on creation and annihilation operators acting on many-particle probability density functions. Finally we discuss applications to multiscale simulations of biochemical systems among other future prospects

    toward modeling kinetics of biomolecular complexes

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    In order to advance the mission of in silico cell biology, modeling the interactions of large and complex biological systems becomes increasingly relevant. The combination of molecular dynamics (MD) and Markov state models (MSMs) have enabled the construction of simplified models of molecular kinetics on long timescales. Despite its success, this approach is inherently limited by the size of the molecular system. With increasing size of macromolecular complexes, the number of independent or weakly coupled subsystems increases, and the number of global system states increase exponentially, making the sampling of all distinct global states unfeasible. In this work, we present a technique called Independent Markov Decomposition (IMD) that leverages weak coupling between subsystems in order to compute a global kinetic model without requiring to sample all combinatorial states of subsystems. We give a theoretical basis for IMD and propose an approach for finding and validating such a decomposition. Using empirical few-state MSMs of ion channel models that are well established in electrophysiology, we demonstrate that IMD can reproduce experimental conductance measurements with a major reduction in sampling compared with a standard MSM approach. We further show how to find the optimal partition of all-atom protein simulations into weakly coupled subunits