181 research outputs found

    ALFA: Agglomerative Late Fusion Algorithm for Object Detection

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    We propose ALFA - a novel late fusion algorithm for object detection. ALFA is based on agglomerative clustering of object detector predictions taking into consideration both the bounding box locations and the class scores. Each cluster represents a single object hypothesis whose location is a weighted combination of the clustered bounding boxes. ALFA was evaluated using combinations of a pair (SSD and DeNet) and a triplet (SSD, DeNet and Faster R-CNN) of recent object detectors that are close to the state-of-the-art. ALFA achieves state of the art results on PASCAL VOC 2007 and PASCAL VOC 2012, outperforming the individual detectors as well as baseline combination strategies, achieving up to 32% lower error than the best individual detectors and up to 6% lower error than the reference fusion algorithm DBF - Dynamic Belief Fusion.Comment: E. Razinkov, I. Saveleva and J. Matas, "ALFA: Agglomerative Late Fusion Algorithm for Object Detection," 2018 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Beijing, 2018, pp. 2594-259


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    Purpose of the study: The article deals with the problems of forming and increasing the efficiency of using the basic production assets of an enterprise. Methodology: Methods of working with physically challenged children (PCC) are described in the works by V .V.Linkov, N .N. Malofeev, N. M. Nazarov, etc. They consider various methods and techniques of organizing educational work with children having health problems. Results: The analysis of the effectiveness of the formation and use of the basic production assets of a machine-building enterprise has been carried out, and measures have been considered to improve their formation and use. Applications of this study: This research can be used for the universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality of this study: In this research, the model of assessment of the economic potential of the enterprise is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    Mathematical models of steganographic objects

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    An approach to mathematical modeling of steganographic objects and a mathematical model of a Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) image are proposed. An efficient algorithm is presented for solving the problem of integer minimization of a separable function that arises in the study of the mathematical models of steganographic objects. © 2012 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    RFI-641 inhibits entry of respiratory syncytial virus via interactions with fusion protein

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    AbstractBackground: RFI-641, a small dendrimer-like compound, is a potent and selective inhibitor of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), which is currently a clinical candidate for the treatment of upper and lower respiratory tract infections caused by RSV. RFI-641 inhibits RSV growth with an IC50 value of 50 nM and prevents syncytia formation in tissue culture. RSV contains of three surface glycoproteins, a small hydrophobic (SH) protein of unknown function, and attachment (G) and fusion (F) proteins that enable binding and fusion of virus, respectively, with target cells. Because of their role in attachment and fusion, the G and F surface proteins are prominent targets for therapeutic intervention. RFI-641 was previously shown to bind purified preparations of RSV fusion protein. Based on this observation, in conjunction with the biological results, it was speculated that the fusion event might be the target of these inhibitors.Results: A fusion assay based upon the relief of self-quenching of octadecyl rhodamine R18 was used to determine effects of the inhibitors on binding and fusion of RSV. The results show that RFI-641 inhibits both RSV–cell binding and fusion events. The inhibition of RSV is mediated via binding to the fusion protein on the viral surface. A closely related analog, WAY-158830, which is much less active in the virus-infectivity assay does not inhibit binding and fusion of RSV with Vero cells.Conclusions: RFI-641, an in vivo active RSV inhibitor, is shown to inhibit both binding and fusion of RSV with cells, events that are early committed steps in RSV entry and pathogenicity. The results described here demonstrate that a non-peptidic, small molecule can inhibit binding and fusion of enveloped virus specifically via interaction with the viral fusion protein

    Youth’ Mobilization Into State Labor Reserves in the 1940 s: Socialization Or Stolen Childhood

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    The article examines modern historiographic assessments of the social consequences of the mass recruitment of young people to educational institutions of the State Labor Reserves in the 1940s, examples of both massive violations of the rights of students and their successful socialization are given.В статье рассматриваются современные историографические оценки социальных последствий массового призыва молодежи в учебные заведения Государственных трудовых резервов в 1940-е гг., приводятся примеры, как массового нарушения прав учащихся, так и их успешной социализации

    Educational Institutions of the System of State Labor Reserves of the USSR in 1941—1954: Adaptation to Migration Impact (Materials from the Sverdlovsk Region)

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    The experience of adaptation of educational institutions of the regional system of stationary training of qualified workers in the context of the migration impact in the 1940s — the first half of the 1950s is considered. A number of approaches in modern domestic and foreign historiography, postulating the existence, along with punitive and coercive mechanisms of ensuring the loyalty of the Soviet working class, a number of administrative practices that provided significant support for state policy “from below,” from the working masses, are highlighted. It is shown that the awareness of the impossibility of widespread use of compulsory punitive mechanisms without restriction was formed directly during the implementation of state policy in the 1940s — mid 1950s, it was also represented among the leaders of the system for training young skilled workers — the State Labor Reserves. It is noted that such an understanding leads already at the beginning of the 1940s, in the most difficult conditions of the initial period of the Great Patriotic War, to the development among the leadership of educational institutions and the regional administration of the State Labor Reserves mechanisms for adapting educational institutions and students to a complex of problems caused by the powerful migration impact. The authors identified four groups of such mechanisms that ensured the minimum sufficient level of student loyalty to solving educational and production problems: agitation and information; organizational; economic and material and household; sociocultural

    Evacuation and Re-Evacuation of Educational Institutions and Students of the State Labor Reserves during the Great Patriotic War

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    The processes of evacuation of educational institutions and students of the State labor reserves in the territory of the Sverdlovsk region are investigated. Key priorities are being reconstructed for their placement, arrangement in new places, integration into the structure of the needs of the region's military economy, and subsequent re-evacuation. The analysis of documents of various government bodies, public organizations and materials of personal origin. The systematic information on the evacuation of students of colleges and workschools (FZO) from the western regions of the USSR to the Sverdlovsk region is presented. Particular attention is paid to the problems of the functioning of educational institutions of state labor reserves during the evacuation period. It is emphasized that the reduction in the evacuation of educational institutions since 1943 leads to an increase in the demand of the Sverdlovsk region for the prepositioning of army conscripts from other regions of the country. The conclusion is drawn about the overall effectiveness of the evacuation policy in relation to educational institutions of state labor reserves. At the same time, there are examples of numerous private failures of the evacuation mechanism of colleges and schools of the federal educational institutions, which are explained by the negative role of a number of general principles that form the basis of the system of state labor reserves

    The media image of the system of State labor reserves as a tool for provision its activity in the 1950 s

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    The article discusses the issues of the formation in publications of the central and regional press of the media image of the regional system of training qualified workers in the Sverdlovsk region in the 1950s are considered. The analysis of the dynamics of the nature of publications that form a positive media image of the regional system of labor reserves, containing critical materials about the problems in the activities of educational institutions, and are of a neutral, informational nature. It is noted that the waves of the most acute criticism in the materials of the press in 1954-55 and 1958 coincide with the most important stages of reforming the system of State labor reserves - the creation of technical schools and a radical transformation in the course of the educational reform of 1958.Рассмотрены вопросы создания медиаобраза региональной системы подготовки квалифицированных рабочих кадров в публикациях центральной и региональной прессы в Свердловской области в 1950-е гг. Проведен анализ динамики характера публикаций, формирующих положительный медиаобраз региональной системы трудовых резервов, содержащих критические материалы о проблемах в деятельности учебных заведений, а также статей, носящих нейтральный информационный характер. Отмечено, что волны наиболее острой критики в материалах прессы 1954-55 и 1958 гг. совпадают с важнейшими этапами реформирования системы Государственных трудовых резервов - созданием технических училищ и коренным преобразованием в ходе образовательной реформы 1958 г