154 research outputs found

    Man to Machine Ratio (M2M) Technique for Labor Productivity Improvement

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    Tough global competition requires every manufacturer t.o be creative on ways to reduce every aspects of then manufacturing cost and to improve productivity. Labor cost is among the key cost cont1ibutors that the manufacturers are focusing on. Labor productivity improvement is all about getting more units out with the same or lesser amount of labor input. This paper describes the development of a work measurement technique called Man to Machine Ratio (M2M) which is a methodology to measure and improve labor productivity for the backend semiconductor production line. M2M is derived through combining the e;.;i sting method of process mapping, the established Maynard Operational Sequence Technique (MOST) predete1mined time standard and the derivation of an equation to measure the labor utilization percentage. Case studies were carried out on the application of the new technique in order to attain the existing labor utilization on the key process operators. The study results were used to identify labor productivity improvement and waste elimination projects in order to achieve the optimum labor utilization goal for the company

    The effect woven fabric styles and honeycomb core properties composite parts: a review

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    Advanced composite laminate and honeycomb sandwich structure depict process induced geometrical and dimensional deformations after end of curing process and when removed from its mould tools. A simple flat part tends to warp while an angled or curved part indicates spring-in phenomenon due to the anisotropic material properties. These shape deformations are unpredictable and contribute to fit, fonn and functional error during an assembly stage. Often a conventional trialand-error method is deployed to correct the mould tool shape prior to mass production, which is very costly, uneconomical and time consuming. Alternatively a better method is sought to intelligently predict shape deformations considering the material properties, tool-part interaction and processing factors through analytical model, experiments and numerical analysis. However, experimental data is lacking in understanding the effect of fiber weaving styles and honeycomb core material properties in inducing shape deformations. Using higher satin weave style in the composite fabrication is believed to reduce the shape deformations. While adding a honeycomb core between solid laminate skins reduces shape deformation due to its high stiffness to weight ratio. The degree and magnitude of both factors in influencing shape deformations are unknown. Hence, it is proposed to perform design of experiment using Design Expert software with eight key process parameters such as lay-up orientation, number of layers, part geometry, part size, fiber volume, part configuration, weaving style and tool material to provide more insights of process induced shape deformations of monolithic and honeycomb sandwich composite structure

    The impact of sustainable manufacturing practices and innovation performance on economic sustainability

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    The emergence of the concept of sustainability reflects a decisive change in global thinking, thus forcing firms to reconsider the approach in conducting their business operations.With an aim to boost economic development, firms need to re-establish their corporate strategy by introducing and implementing more integrated sustainable practices.Prior researchers believe that sustainable manufacturing practice (SMP),defined as a firm’s intra- and inter organizational practices that integrate environmental, economic and social aspects into operational and business activities, would lead to better firm performance.The research reported in this paper aims to analyze the effect of SMP on economic sustainability (ES) and the mediated effect of SMP on ES through innovation performance (IP).Using survey data collected from 150 Malaysian manufacturers, this paper empirically examines the relationships that exist among SMP (internal and external SMP), IP (product, process,organizational and marketing), and ES.Adopting PLS-SEM technique, the study found that internal SMP has a positive effect on ES and process innovation partially mediates this internal SMP-ES link.Surprisingly, although the relationship between external SMP and ES is not significant, incorporating product and process innovations into this link have changed the significance of the relationship.In general, the results have empirically proven the role of SMP and IP in influencing the economic performance.Thus, it is suggested that instead of acting on well intentioned impulses or reacting to external pressure, firms should clearly defined and grasp economic opportunities gained from being environmentally friendly and socially responsible

    Industrial Application Of Lean Manufacturing

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    Global competition has led many manufacturing organisations to focus on productivity and quality improvement. One of the effective approaches used to achieve this is through lean manufacturing. Lean manufacturing is defined as a system based on the philosophy of waste elimination, the removal of all non-value added activities from the process of delivering a customer’s requirement in a manner that delights the customer and ensures they maintain orders. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the related issues in implementing lean manufacturing and the development strategy of improvement. The results of the study carried out on a company which had implemented lean manufacturing showed that many challenges were faced in their operation in order to establish lean manufacturing. The company has their own solution to manage the challenges while improve productivity

    Productivity Improvement Through Motion And Time Study

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    Over time, the pattern of economic competitiveness has changed globally. Many countries have joined the global economic competition to capture global market in order to remain profitable and competitive by increasing its productivity. There are many factors that influence the productivity of a manufacturing organisation. The most widely tackled issue is how to improve efficiency and productivity. Motion and time study technique is one of the productivity improvement techniques used in many manufacturing companies. Motion and time study is defined as a scientific analysis method designed to determine the best way to execute the repetitive task and to measure the time spent by an average worker to complete a given task in a fixed workplace. Motion and time study offers real challenges in organization involving competent engineers, business administrators, industrial relations personnel, especially trained supervisors, and psychologists. The purpose of this paper is to discuss related issues of motion and time study implementation and its influence toward productivity improvement. Data from a study carried out on a sample of manufacturing industries in Melaka shows that motion and time study implementation contributes positively towards achieving productivity

    Industrial Applications of E-Manufacturing

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    E-manufacturing is one of the approaches that had been considered important in improving the performance and competitiveness of manufacturing organization. The results of the survey carried out on thirty companies that had received funds for e-manufacturing implementation show that e-manufacturing tools that are more frequently used are the internet and local area network. They are mostly used in product design, demand and inventory management, as well as quality management. The electrical and electronic sector appears to be the bigger user of e-manufacturing in fulfilling the manufacturing strategy criteria

    Industrial Application Of Value Stream Mapping In Developing Best Practices For Productivity Improvement

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    The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of how a manufacturing company developed the best practices for productivity improvement in production areas by using Value Stream Mapping (VSM). VSM was used to identify bottlenecks in the plant that limits the throughput and to identify wastes which included non value added activities in the constrained production areas. Results of VSM application have revealed the plant’s overall bottlenecks and means of increasing the throughput. The study findings are originated from a composites technology company which practiced lean manufacturing system and the results may not be applicable to other types of industry. VSM is considered a very useful tool for productivity improvement that it is easy to be used by plants’ management to help them identify and manage bottlenecks, and to eliminate wastes from the production system. This paper offers practical and easy-to-use productivity improvement tools to assist manufacturing managers to boost-up the productivity

    Supplier Assessment For Composites’ Product-Based Manufacturers: Case Study

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    Supplier assessment as a method to company for choosing the potential supplier; it is important decision makings in business operation. This paper examines the similarities and differences of supplier assessment methodology on four selected companies which involved in composites products and manufacturing. The data collections consist of semi-structured interview with supply chain personnel, documentation review and observation. The findings show that effective supplier assessment is not easy to achieve and it takes knowledge or an organization’s goals, supply base, business processes, and structure. Besides, the study identified that different companies (same business nature but different product) have their own ways in selecting out the main criteria in supplier assessment that in line with their business strategy. The results can be used as reference to the others companies to restructure their supplier assessment focusing on the main criteria based on their business objective

    Formulating The Strategy In Managing Manufacturing Complexity

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    This paper proposed a framework formulating the strategy in managing manufacturing complexities which are divided into two main categories: production strategy and human management. The sub categories for production strategy are manufacturing area, scheduling management and supply chain management; while for human management are self-assessment and organizations’ transformation. There are a lot more elements under these sub categories. Each sub category is related with each other where manufacturing activities involved all of them. The conceptual framework initiated in this paper is able to provide general guidance for manufacturer to manage any sort of manufacturing complexity appeared during their manufacturing activities works or personnel to take action after determining the manufacturing complexity areas and components around their routine activities
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