16 research outputs found

    Evaluating mobile laser scanning for landslide monitoring

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    Landslide is one of the natural disasters that give a huge impact to human life and social-economic development. Landslide needs to be monitored periodically in order to avoid loss of human life and damages of properties. Various methods have been used for monitoring landslide. This aim of the research is to evaluate the potential of mobile laser scanning technique for monitoring of landslide area. The objectives of the research are to acquire three-dimensional surface data of landslide area in different epochs and to analyze the movement of the landslide area using three-dimensional surface deviation and ground surveying techniques. The methodology begins with the GPS survey for the establishment of ground control points for the project area. The total station survey was then carried out to measure the three-dimensional coordinates of twenty well distributed targets located at the project area. The data collection phase was then continuing with the mobile laser scanning survey. The processing of the two epochs data acquired from both techniques was then carried out simultaneously and the methodology concluded with the output comparison analysis for the movement detection of the land slip. The finding shows that the mobile laser scanning provides fast and accurate data acquisition technique of the landslide surface. The surface deviation analysis of the two epochs laser scanning data was capable to detect the movement occurred in the project area. The results were successfully evaluated using the changes of the three-dimensional coordinates of the targets from the two epoch’s ground surveying data

    Solving priority-based target coverage problem in directional sensor networks with adjustable sensing ranges

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    The extensive applications of directional sensor networks (DSNs) in a wide range of situations have recently attracted a great deal of attention. DSNs primarily operate based on simultaneously observing a group of events (targets) occurring in a set area and maximizing network lifetime, as there are limitations to the directional sensors’ sensing angle and battery power. The higher the number of sensing ranges of the sensors and the more different the coverage requirements for the targets, the more complex this issue will be. Also known as priority-based target coverage with adjustable sensing ranges (PTCASR), this issue, which has not yet been investigated in the field of study, is the highlight of this research. A potential solution to this problem, based on the fact that sensors are frequently densely deployed, would be to organize the sensors into a few cover sets. After that the cover sets needs to be successively activated—this process is referred to as the scheduling technique. This paper aims to resolve the issue of PTCASR with the proposal of two scheduling algorithms i.e. greedy-based and learning automata-based algorithms. These proposed algorithms were assessed for their performance via a number of experiments. Additionally, the effect of each algorithm on maximizing network lifetime was also investigated via a comparative study. Both algorithms were successful in solving the problem; however, the learning automata-based scheduling algorithm proved relatively superior to the greedy-based algorithm when it came to extending network lifetime

    Kajian terhadap ciri tarikan dan tahap kemudahan pelancong di Taman Laut Tunku Abdul Rahman, Sabah

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    Taman Laut Tunku Abdul Rahman (TLTAR) adalah salah satu taman laut yang diwartakan di bawah Establishment of Marine Parks Malaysia Order 1994 yang dikeluarkan oleh Jabatan Perikanan bagi tujuan pemeliharaan sumber marin dan pelancongan. Taman Laut Tunku Abdul Rahman terdiri daripada lima buah pulau iaitu Pulau Manukan, Pulau Mamutik, Pulau Sapi, Pulau Sulug dan sebahagian Pulau Gaya. Taman laut ini meliputi keluasan 4,929 hektar dan dua pertiga daripadanya adalah laut. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk meneliti ciri tarikan dan tahap kemudahan pelancong di TLTAR, Sabah. Kajian ini melibatkan 249 orang responden dalam kalangan penduduk tempatan yang berkunjung dan yang pernah berkunjung ke TLTAR. Profil demografik responden menunjukkan 71.5% adalah lelaki, 75.5% berumur dalam lingkungan bawah 30 tahun, 68.7% adalah berstatus bujang dan lebih 50% responden berpendidikan peringkat menengah. Berdasarkan kajian terhadap penduduk tempatan, tiga tarikan utama yang menjadi pilihan pelancong untuk datang ke TLTAR iaitu keindahan pantai dan lautnya dengan, diikuti oleh persekitaran pulau yang mendamaikan dan aktiviti rekreasi yang disediakan seperti snokerling, selam skuba dan berkelah. Seterusnya, terdapat beberapa aspek paling penting yang perlu diberikan perhatian agar ia mampu mengekalkan keinginan pelancong untuk berkunjung ke TLTAR iaitu kebersihan persekitaran pulau termasuk pantai dan lautnya serta keselamatan pulau khususnya daripada ancaman pihak tertentu dan jenayah. Bagi tahap kemudahan pelancong, dapatan kajian menunjukkan kemudahan rekreasi, perkhidmatan bot dan jeti yang disediakan adalah lebih memuaskan berbanding dengan kemudahan lain. Hasil kajian ini adalah penting kepada pihak pembuat dasar dan perancang pembangunan taman laut untuk memastikan pengurusan pelancongan di taman laut lebih lestari dan memberikan manfaat serta kepuasan kepada semua pihak terutamanya penduduk tempatan itu sendiri

    A comprehensive review and perception of carbon molecular sieve membranes for hydrogen production and purification

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    Hydrogen (H2) as a high-quality and clean energy carrier has attracted renewed and everincreasing attention around the world in recent years, mainly due to developments in fuel cells and environmental pressures including climate change issues. In thermochemical processes for H2 production from fossil fuels, separation and purification is a critical technology. Where water–gas shift reaction is involved for converting the carbon monoxide to H2, membrane reactors show great promises for shifting the equilibrium. Membranes are also important to the subsequent purification of H2. For H2 production and purification, there are generally two classes of membranes both being inorganic: dense phase metal and metal alloys, and porous ceramic membranes. Porous ceramic membranes are normally prepared by sol–gel or hydrothermal methods, and have high stability and durability in high temperature, harsh impurity and hydrothermal environments. In particular, microporous membranes show promises in water gas shift reaction at higher temperatures. In this article, we review the recent advances in both dense phase metal and porous ceramic membranes, and compare their separation properties and performance in membrane reactor systems. The preparation, characterization and permeation of the various membranes will be presented and discussed. We also aim to examine the critical issues in these membranes with respect to the technical and economic advantages and disadvantages. Discussions will also be made on the relevance and importance of membrane technology to the new generation of zero-emission power technologies

    Cabaran dan strategi untuk meningkatkan populariti Pantai Kelanang sebagai destinasi pelancongan di Selangor

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    Artikel ini meneliti tentang cabaran dan strategi untuk meningkatkan populariti Pantai Kelanang sebagai destinasi pelancongan di Selangor. Sehingga ke hari ini, Pantai Kelanang lebih sinonim sebagai lokasi penggambaran pasangan pengantin, iklan dan filem. Persoalannya, bagaimanakah populariti pantai ini mampu dipertingkatkan? Kajian ini melibatkan kaedah kuantitatif dengan menggunakan borang soal selidik. Seramai 80 orang responden iaitu 35% penduduk tempatan, 62.5% pelancong domestik dan 2.5% pelancong asing terlibat dalam kajian ini. Profil demografik responden menunjukkan 54% adalah lelaki, 48% responden berumur dalam lingkungan 31 - 40 tahun, 77.5% berbangsa Melayu, 75% adalah berstatus berkahwin dan 56% berpendidikan di peringkat menengah. Hasil kajian menunjukkan lebih 80% responden adalah pengunjung ulangan, 52.5% datang berkumpulan atau berpasangan, 62.5% melawat menggunakan kereta persendirian dan lebih 60% menginap di destinasi yang dikunjungi. Tarikan utama responden datang ke Pantai Kelanang ialah pemandangan yang cantik (36%) dan pantai yang bersih (28%). Antara cabaran yang dikenal pasti ialah pengurusan dan penjagaan pantai, kemudahan asas yang disediakan, kepelbagaian aktiviti yang ditawarkan, faktor aksesibiliti dan promosi serta persaingan dengan pantai yang berdekatan. Strategi yang dicadangkan untuk meningkatkan populariti Pantai Kelanang termasuklah pembinaan ja lan baru dan pengurusan lalu lintas, pembangunan Kelanang Waterfront, pengindahan persekitaran desa serta meningkatkan publisti dan promosi

    Isu-isu sosioekonomi dan persekitaran di perkampungan air di Semporna dan Kudat, Sabah

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    Petempatan kampung air adalah bentuk petempatan tradisi yang terdapat di sebahagian besar pinggir pantai, pulau-pulau dan muara sungai di negeri Sabah. Petempatan kampung air sering kali dikaitkan dengan kawasan setinggan yang bermasalah atau black area. Meskipun ada dalam kalangan komuniti di kampung air adalah mereka yang berpendidikan, bekerja di sektor awam dan swasta, namun secara umumnya terdapat beberapa isu sosioekonomi yang dapat dikenal pasti. Antaranya, keterlibatan dalam sektor informal (berniaga di tepi jambatan kampung air atau di hadapan rumah serta berniaga kecil-kecilan di pekan), isu bekalan air dan elektrik serta isu kewarganaegaraan dan pendidikan anak-anak. Antara gejala sosial yang turut dikaitkan dengan perkampungan air ialah penyeludupan barangan (rokok, dadah dan barangan jualan runcit dari negara jiran), jenayah mencuri dan pecah rumah, penyalahgunaan dadah terutamanya syabu, pembunuhan, perjudian dan pelacuran. Berdasarkan kedudukan dan struktur rumah di atas air dan ada kalanya dibina secara tidak teratur, rapat-rapat dan hanya menggunakan titi kecil antara rumah, maka didapati isu persekitaran adalah agak kritikal terutamanya isu pembuangan sisa pepejal dan kumbahan, pembuangan sampah, pencemaran air laut dan pantai serta pencemaran bau dan pemandangan fizikal terutamanya pelancong dan pengunjung apatah lagi jika ia dibina berdekatan dengan pekan atau bandar. Untuk itu, kertas kerja ini akan meneliti isu sosiekonomi dan persekitaran berdasarkan tinjauan awal melalui pemerhatian penyelidik di Semporna dan Kudat

    Synthesis and characterization of sodium tungstate: investigation of energy storage mechanism effect and its photocatalytic application

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    In the present work, Na2WO4 was synthesized for photocatalytic degradation towards palm oil mill effluent (POME). The synthesized Na2WO4 was characterized of their thermal and optical properties via thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), respectively. The energy storage potential as the newest scheme in photocatalytic performance was assessed by their color and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) removal. Result revealed that Na2WO4 photocatalyst is inconsistent for photocatalysis of the aforementioned decolorization and degradation towards POME. In addition, result showed an optimal calcination temperature for maximal degradation of POME at 400°C. The highest efficiency of decolorization and degradation of POME were found to be W4 (25%) under visible-light-driven (VLD) scheme, and W6 (53%) for energy storage material (ESM) scheme under visible-light irradiation. The results indicated that the influence of calcination temperature of Na2WO4 with addition of citric acid used in the synthesis procedure did not have a strong influence on the thermal and optical properties. Meanwhile, the decolorization and degradation of POME have been observed during temperature increment. It was found that increased calcination temperature led to smaller bandgaps, which emerged at the optical absorption edges. This shows synthesized Na2WO4 demonstrated suitable bandgap of photocatalyst and can, therefore, have promising photocatalytic applications

    Review on tungsten trioxide as a photocatalysts for degradation of recalcitrant pollutants

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    Recently, the increasing level of water pollution worldwide has not only contributed to environmental issues, but also triggered considerable interest in photocatalysis that act as promising wastewater treatment. Among the explored photocatalysts, tungsten trioxide (WO3) known for its extraordinary characteristics for photocatalytic degradation applications, such as photostability, high crystallinity with high yield and recyclability, inexpensiveness, and photo-corrosion resistance. However, critical issues of high-risk method for inefficient photonic and quantum, and their insignificant structure would lead to recombination of photogenerated carriers, which diminishes photocatalytic efficiency; this is deemed to be a major hurdle to the widespread application of WO3. As a solution, the objective of this review was representing the interpretation several scopes of WO3-based photocatalyst such as the introduction of its basic principles, significant each different precursor, synthesis methods, numerous types of modifications, influential operating parameter and their pro and cons into a photocatalytic system under irradiation. This significant scope could be done to further increase their activity level that attracted much attention in many published studies between year 2010 and 2020. Although energy storage mechanism of photocatalyst is still at an embryonic stage, studies have suggested for the development of photocatalyst with great potential and high rate of degradation. The interesting and unique features of tertiary composites of WO3-based photocatalyst are found to be more effective for photocatalytic degradation due to their more efficient absorption band, band gap, and surface area, as compared to binary and unitary. The enhanced photocatalytic capabilities of WO3-based photocatalyst with their different significant parameters are reviewed towards various pollutant removal, such as synthetic wastewater and real industrial wastewater, among others. Finally, the benefits with ongoing challenges of WO3 are proposed with the aim to improve the design of a highly efficient WO3-based photocatalyst