147 research outputs found

    Patient Experiences of Terminal Illness Toward the End of Life: A Reflective Narrative Report

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    The care of patients, towards their end of life, in the community is complex and challenging. We prefer to see them in their home environment, with their spouse or next of kin present, often accompanied by a junior colleague for help and support

    Racial discrimination, low trust in the health system and COVID-19 vaccine uptake: a longitudinal observational study of 633 UK adults from ethnic minority groups

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    OBJECTIVES: To examine whether racial/ethnic discrimination predicts future COVID-19 vaccine refusal, and whether this association is explained by trust in government and the health system. DESIGN: Longitudinal observational study of racial/ethnic discrimination occurring since the start of the first lockdown (measured in July 2020) and later COVID-19 vaccine status. SETTING: UK (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland). PARTICIPANTS: A total of 633 adults belonging to ethnic minority groups who took part in the UCL COVID-19 Social Study. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: COVID-19 vaccine refusal (vs. accepted/waiting/had at least one dose) between 23 December 2020 and 14 June 2021. RESULTS: Nearly 1 in 10 (6.69%) who had refused a COVID-19 vaccine had experienced racial/ethnic discrimination in a medical setting since the start of the pandemic and had experienced twice as many incidents of racial/ethnic discrimination than those who had accepted the vaccine. Structural equation modelling results indicated a nearly four fold (odds ratio = 3.91, 95% confidence interval = 1.40 to 10.92) total effect of racial/ethnic discrimination on refusing the vaccine which was mediated by low trust in the health system to handle the pandemic (odds ratio = 2.49, 95% confidence interval = 1.12 to 5.39). Analyses adjusted for a range of demographic and COVID-19 related factors. CONCLUSIONS: Findings underscore the importance of addressing racial/ethnic discrimination and the role the National Health Service in regaining trust from ethnic minority groups to increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake among ethnic minority adults


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    This issue champions the continued development of the UCLJLJ. 2015 was the first year to witness the publication of two issues of the Journal and we are proud to continue this tradition in 2016. Moreover, we pride ourselves on being at the forefront of the shift towards open access in academia. The UCLJLJ is one of the first law journals in the UK to offer equitable access to cutting-edge scholarship for any reader, anywhere. At the same time, the UCLJLJ remains true to its core values by offering a generalist publication on a variety of topics of law and jurisprudence that is open to practitioners and academics alike. Each of the seven papers assembled here offers an original contribution to a particular area of law or covers a subject that we hope is both topical and interesting to our readers

    Pengembangan Budidaya Mangrove Kearah Wisata Edukasi-Konservasi Dimasa Pandemi Covid-19 pada Kelompok Mangrove Bintan Lestari

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    Pengembangan kegiatan budidaya mangrove kearah wisata edukasi dan konservasi dimasa pandemi Covid 19 pada kelompok Mangrove Bintan Lestari Conservation di Kabupaten Bintan, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau, merupakan suatu pengembangan yang perlu dilakukan dalam upaya beradaptasi dengan kondisi pandemi Covid 19 agar usaha budidaya mangrove tersebut dapat berkelanjutan. Melalui kegiatan wisata edukasi dan koservasi pada kelompok Mangrove Bintan Lestari Conservation serta kegiatan usaha yang dikembangakan ini masuk dalam aspek kemaritiman yaitu pengembangan industri pariwisata bahari serta konservasi dan rehabilitasi ekosistem pesisir dan laut. Produksi bibit mangrove Mitra mencapai 20.000 bibit dimana yang Rhizopohora sp sebanyak 15.000 bibit, Bruguiera sp sebanyak 4.900 bibit, dan Sonneratia sp sebanyak 100 bibit. Kegiatan Eduwisata berbasis konservsi secara offline sebagai bentuk hilirisasi bibit hasil budidaya berhasil dilakukan dimana pada kegiatan konservasi penanaman mangrove yang melibatkan stakeholder mahasiswa, siswa Sekolah Dasar, masyarakat dan pemerintahan. Mitra berpartisipasi aktif dalam kegiatan, dimana dalam kegiatan pembibitan mangrove, Mitra melakukan kembali apa yang telah dipelajari, dalam kegiatan ekowisata berbasis edukasinya Mitra menerapkan kembali hal-hal yang telah di pelajari kepada para wisatawan.The development of mangrove cultivation activities towards educational and conservation tourism during the Covid 19 pandemic in the Bintan Lestari Conservation Mangrove group in Bintan Regency, Riau Islands Province, is a development that needs to be carried out in an effort to adapt to the conditions of the Covid 19 pandemic so that the mangrove cultivation business can be sustainable. Through educational tourism and conservation activities in the Bintan Lestari Conservation Mangrove group and the business activities being developed are included in the maritime aspect, namely the development of the marine tourism industry and the conservation and rehabilitation of coastal and marine ecosystems. Mitra's mangrove seed production reached 20,000 seedlings of which 15,000 Rhizopohora sp, 4,900 Bruguiera sp, and 100 Sonneratia sp. Offline conservation-based educational activities as a form of downstream cultivation of cultivated seeds have been successfully carried out where mangrove planting conservation activities involve student stakeholders, elementary school students, the community and government. Partners participate actively in activities, where in mangrove nursery activities, Partners repeat what they have learned, in their educational-based ecotourism activities Partners re-apply things that have been learned to tourists