204 research outputs found

    Proteotoxic crisis, the ubiquitin-proteasome system, and cancer therapy

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    Genomic alterations may make cancer cells more dependent than normal cells on mechanisms of proteostasis, including protein folding and degradation. This proposition is the basis for the clinical use of proteasome inhibitors to treat multiple myeloma and mantle cell lymphoma. However, proteasome inhibitors have not proved effective in treating other cancers, and this has called into question the general applicability of this approach. Here, I consider possible explanations for this apparently limited applicability, and discuss whether inhibiting other broadly acting components of the ubiquitin-proteasome system - including ubiquitin-activating enzyme and the AAA-ATPase p97/VCP - might be more generally effective in cancer therapy

    Characterization of a Dominant Negative Mutant of the Cell Cycle Ubiquitin-conjugating Enzyme Cdc34

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    The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae CDC34 gene encodes a ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme that is required for the cell cycle G(1)/S transition. We show here that a dominant negative Cdc34 protein is generated by simultaneously replacing both Cys and Leu with Ser residues. Cys is an essential catalytic residue that forms a transient thiol ester with ubiquitin during catalysis, and Leu is highly conserved among all known ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes. Mutants that encode either an alanine or a serine at one or both of these two positions are inactive. Of these eight mutants, overexpression of CDC34-C95S,L99S in wild type strains was found to block cell growth. Although cells overexpressing Cdc34-C95S,L99S do not exhibit the characteristic multibudded phenotype of cdc34 temperature-sensitive or null mutants, this blockade is relieved by simultaneous overexpression of wild type Cdc34. Purified Cdc34-C95S,L99S protein can be shown to inhibit in vitro ubiquitination of the Cdc34-specific substrate, Cln2 protein. We suggest that Cdc34-C95S,L99S selectively sequesters a subset of Cdc34 substrates or regulators. These findings have implications for the structure/function relationships of ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes, and suggest a general method for identifying components and substrates of specific ubiquitination pathways of eukaryotes

    SIC1 is ubiquitinated in vitro by a pathway that requires CDC4, CDC34, and cyclin/CDK activities

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    Traversal from G1 to S-phase in cycling cells of budding yeast is dependent on the destruction of the S-phase cyclin/CDK inhibitor SIC1. Genetic data suggest that SIC1 proteolysis is mediated by the ubiquitin pathway and requires the action of CDC34, CDC4, CDC53, SKP1, and CLN/CDC28. As a first step in defining the functions of the corresponding gene products, we have reconstituted SIC1 multiubiquitination in DEAE-fractionated yeast extract. Multiubiquitination depends on cyclin/CDC28 protein kinase and the CDC34 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme. Ubiquitin chain formation is abrogated in cdc4ts mutant extracts and assembly restored by the addition of exogenous CDC4, suggesting a direct role for this protein in SIC1 multiubiquitination. Deletion analysis of SIC1 indicates that the N-terminal 160 residues are both necessary and sufficient to serve as substrate for CDC34-dependent ubiquitination. The complementary C-terminal segment of SIC1 binds to the S-phase cyclin CLB5, indicating a modular structure for SIC1

    Multimodal activation of the ubiquitin ligase SCF by Nedd8 conjugation

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    Conjugation of ubiquitin-like protein Nedd8 to cullins (neddylation) is essential for the function of cullin-RING ubiquitin ligases (CRLs). Here, we show that neddylation stimulates CRL activity by multiple mechanisms. For the initiator ubiquitin, the major effect is to bridge the ~50 A° gap between naked substrate and E2 ~ Ub bound to SCF. The gap between the acceptor lysine of ubiquitinated substrate and E2 ~ Ub is much smaller, and, consequentially, the impact of neddylation on transfer of subsequent ubiquitins by Cdc34 arises primarily from improved E2 recruitment and enhanced amide bond formation in the E2 active site. The combined effects of neddylation greatly enhance the probability that a substrate molecule acquires ≥ 4 ubiquitins in a single encounter with a CRL. The surprisingly diverse effects of Nedd8 conjugation underscore the complexity of CRL regulation and suggest that modification of other ubiquitin ligases with ubiquitin or ubiquitin-like proteins may likewise have major functional consequences

    Multiple telophase arrest bypassed (tab) mutants alleviate the essential requirement for Cdc15 in exit from mitosis in S. cerevisiae

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    BACKGROUND: The Mitotic Exit Network (MEN) proteins – including the protein kinase Cdc15 and the protein phosphatase Cdc14 – are essential for exit from mitosis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. To identify downstream targets of the MEN, we sought telophase arrest bypassed (tab) mutations that bypassed the essential requirement for CDC15. Previous studies identified net1(tab2-1) and CDC14(TAB6-1) as mutations in the RENT complex subunits Net1 and Cdc14, respectively, and revealed that the MEN acts by promoting release of Cdc14 from its nucleolar Net1 anchor during anaphase. However, the remaining tab mutants were not characterized. RESULTS: Fourteen out of fifteen tab mutants were mapped to three recessive (tab1-tab3) and three dominant (TAB5-TAB7) linkage groups. We show that net1(tab2-1) enables growth of tem1Δ, cdc15Δ, dbf2Δ dbf20Δ, and mob1Δ, but not cdc5Δ or cdc14Δ, arguing that whereas the essential task of the first four genes is to promote exit from mitosis, CDC5 possesses additional essential function(s). net1(tab2-1) but not CDC14(TAB6-1) resulted in a high rate of chromosome loss, indicating that Net1 promotes accurate chromosome segregation in addition to its multiple known roles. Finally, TAB1 was shown to be MTR10, a gene encoding nuclear transport receptor/adaptor. In some of the tab mutants including mtr10(tab1-1), defective nuclear export of the ribosomal protein Rpl11b was observed. Furthermore, the transport-defective -31 allele of the karyopherin SRP1, but not the transport competent -49 allele, exhibited a tab phenotype. CONCLUSIONS: Transport-defective mutations in two karyopherins can bypass cdc15Δ, suggesting that the function of the MEN is to promote mitotic exit by regulating nuclear transport

    Function and regulation of Cullin-RING ubiquitin ligases

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    Cullin–RING complexes comprise the largest known class of ubiquitin ligases. Owing to the great diversity of their substrate-receptor subunits, it is possible that there are hundreds of distinct cullin–RING ubiquitin ligases in eukaryotic cells, which establishes these enzymes as key mediators of post-translational protein regulation. In this review, we focus on the composition, regulation and function of cullin–RING ligases, and describe how these enzymes can be characterized by a set of general principles

    Detection of sequential polyubiquitylation on a millisecond timescale

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    The pathway by which ubiquitin chains are generated on substrate through a cascade of enzymes consisting of an E1, E2 and E3 remains unclear. Multiple distinct models involving chain assembly on E2 or substrate have been proposed. However, the speed and complexity of the reaction have precluded direct experimental tests to distinguish between potential pathways. Here we introduce new theoretical and experimental methodologies to address both limitations. A quantitative framework based on product distribution predicts that the really interesting new gene (RING) E3 enzymes SCF^(Cdc4) and SCF^(β-TrCP) work with the E2 Cdc34 to build polyubiquitin chains on substrates by sequential transfers of single ubiquitins. Measurements with millisecond time resolution directly demonstrate that substrate polyubiquitylation proceeds sequentially. Our results present an unprecedented glimpse into the mechanism of RING ubiquitin ligases and illuminate the quantitative parameters that underlie the rate and pattern of ubiquitin chain assembly

    Targeted silencing of Jab1/Csn5 in human cells downregulates SCF activity through reduction of F-box protein levels

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    BACKGROUND: SCF ubiquitin ligases target numerous proteins for ubiquitin dependent proteolysis, including p27 and cyclin E. SCF and other cullin-RING ligases (CRLs) are regulated by the ubiquitin-like protein Nedd8 that covalently modifies the cullin subunit. The removal of Nedd8 is catalyzed by the Jab1/MPN domain metalloenzyme (JAMM) motif within the Csn5 subunit of the Cop9 Signalosome. RESULTS: Here, we conditionally knock down Csn5 expression in HEK293 human cells using a doxycycline-inducible shRNA system. Cullin levels were not altered in CSN-deficient human cells, but the levels of multiple F-box proteins were decreased. Molecular analysis indicates that this decrease was due to increased Cul1- and proteasome-dependent turnover. Diminished F-box levels resulted in reduced SCF activity, as evidenced by accumulation of two substrates of the F-box protein Fbw7, cyclin E and c-myc, in Csn5-depleted cells. CONCLUSION: We propose that deneddylation of Cul1 is required to sustain optimal activity of SCF ubiquitin ligases by repressing 'autoubiquitination' of F-box proteins within SCF complexes, thereby rescuing them from premature degradation

    Analysis of polyubiquitin conjugates reveals that the Rpn10 substrate receptor contributes to the turnover of multiple proteasome targets

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    The polyubiquitin receptor Rpn10 targets ubiquitylated Sic1 to the 26S proteasome for degradation. In contrast, turnover of at least one ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) substrate, CPY*, is impervious to deletion of RPN10. To distinguish whether RPN10 is involved in the turnover of only a small set of cell cycle regulators that includes Sic1 or plays a more general role in the UPS, we sought to develop a general method that would allow us to survey the spectrum of ubiquitylated proteins that selectively accumulate in rpn10 cells. Polyubiquitin conjugates from yeast cells that express hexahistidine-tagged ubiquitin (H6-ubiquitin) were first enriched on a polyubiquitin binding protein affinity resin. This material was then denatured and subjected to IMAC to retrieve H6-ubiquitin and proteins to which it may be covalently linked. Using this approach, we identified 127 proteins that are candidate substrates for the 26S proteasome. We then sequenced ubiquitin conjugates from cells lacking Rpn10 (rpn10) and identified 54 proteins that were uniquely recovered from rpn10 cells. These include two known targets of the UPS, the cell cycle regulator Sic1 and the transcriptional activator Gcn4. Our approach of comparing the ubiquitin conjugate proteome in wild-type and mutant cells has the resolving power to identify even an extremely inabundant transcriptional regulatory protein and should be generally applicable to mapping enzyme substrate networks in the UPS

    Alcohol-abuse drug disulfiram targets cancer via p97 segregase adaptor NPL4

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    Cancer incidence is rising and this global challenge is further exacerbated by tumour resistance to available medicines. A promising approach to meet the need for improved cancer treatment is drug repurposing. Here we highlight the potential for repurposing disulfiram (also known by the trade name Antabuse), an old alcohol-aversion drug that has been shown to be effective against diverse cancer types in preclinical studies. Our nationwide epidemiological study reveals that patients who continuously used disulfiram have a lower risk of death from cancer compared to those who stopped using the drug at their diagnosis. Moreover, we identify the ditiocarb–copper complex as the metabolite of disulfiram that is responsible for its anti-cancer effects, and provide methods to detect preferential accumulation of the complex in tumours and candidate biomarkers to analyse its effect on cells and tissues. Finally, our functional and biophysical analyses reveal the molecular target of disulfiram’s tumour-suppressing effects as NPL4, an adaptor of p97 (also known as VCP) segregase, which is essential for the turnover of proteins involved in multiple regulatory and stress-response pathways in cells
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