62 research outputs found

    Optic Nerve Sheath Mechanics in VIIP Syndrome

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    Visual Impairment and Intracranial Pressure (VIIP) syndrome results in a loss of visual function and occurs in astronauts following long-duration spaceflight. Understanding the mechanisms that lead to the ocular changes involved in VIIP is of critical importance for space medicine research. Although the exact mechanisms of VIIP are not yet known, it is hypothesized that microgravity-induced increases in intracranial pressures (ICP) drive the remodeling of the optic nerve sheath, leading to compression of the optic nerve which in turn may reduce visual acuity. Some astronauts present with a kink in the optic nerve after return to earth, suggesting that tissue remodeling in response to ICP increases may be taking place. The goal of this work is to characterize the mechanical properties of the optic nerve sheath (dura mater) to better understand its biomechanical response to increased ICP

    Lumped Parameter Models of the Central Nervous System for VIIP Research

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    INTRODUCTION: Current long-duration missions to the International Space Station and future exploration-class missions beyond low-Earth orbit, such as to Mars and asteroids, expose astronauts to increased risk of Visual Impairment and Intracranial Pressure (VIIP) syndrome [1]. It has been hypothesized that the headward shift of cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) and blood in microgravity may cause significant elevation of intracranial pressure (ICP), which in turn induces VIIP syndrome through biomechanical pathways [1, 2]. However, there is insufficient evidence to confirm this hypothesis. In this light, we are developing lumped-parameter models of fluid transport in the central nervous system (CNS) as a means to simulate the influence of microgravity on ICP. The CNS models will also be used in concert with the lumped parameter and finite element models of the eye described in the realted IWS abstracts submitted by Nelson et al., Feola et al. and Ethier et al. METHODS: We have developed a nine compartment CNS model (Figure 1) capable of both time-dependent and steady state fluid transport simulations, based on the works of Stevens et al. [3]. The breakdown of compartments within the model includes: vascular (3), CSF (2), brain (1) and extracranial (3). The boundary pressure in the Central Arteries [A] node is prescribed using an oscillating pressure function PA(t) simulating the carotid pulsatile pressure wave as developed by Linninger et al. [4]. For each time step, pressures are integrated through time using an adaptive-timestep 4th and 5th order Runga-Kutta solver. Once pressures are found, constitutive equations are used to solve for flowrates (Q) between each compartment. In addition to fluid flow between the different compartments, compliance (C) interactions between neighboring compartments are represented. We are also developing a second CNS model based on the works of Linninger et al. [4] which takes a more granular approach to represent the interactions of the intracranial and spinal compartments with the inclusion of arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins, venous sinus, and ventricles. The flow through the arteries, veins and CSF compartments are governed by continuity, momentum and distensibility balance equations. Furthermore, unlike the Stevens et al. approach, the Monro-Kellie doctrine of constant cranial volume and the bi-phasic nature of the brain parenchyma are implemented. These features appear to be more consistent with the physiologic and anatomical behavior of the CNS, and follow a modeling philosophy similar to the lumped parameter eye model that is intended to be integrated with the CNS model. However, Linningers approach has never been implemented to include hydrostatic gradient and microgravity simulation capabilities. Therefore, we aim at implement this modeling approach for spaceflight simulations and assess its overall applicability to VIIP research. OBJECTIVES: We will present verification and validation test results for both models, as well as head-to-head comparison to explore their strengths and limitations with respect to mathematical implementation and physiological significance for VIIP research. In doing so, we hope to provide some guidance to the HRP research community on how to appropriately leverage lumped parameter models for space biomedical research

    Finite Element Modeling of the Posterior Eye in Microgravity

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    Microgravity experienced during spaceflight affects astronauts in various ways, including weakened muscles and loss of bone density. Recently, visual impairment and intracranial pressure (VIIP) syndrome has become a major concern for space missions lasting longer than 30 days. Astronauts suffering from VIIP syndrome have changes in ocular anatomical and visual impairment that persist after returning to earth. It is hypothesized that a cephalad fluid shift in microgravity may increase the intracranial pressure (ICP), which leads to an altered biomechanical environment of the posterior globe and optic nerve sheath (ONS).Currently, there is a lack of knowledge of how elevated ICP may lead to vision impairment and connective tissue changes in VIIP. Our goal was to develop a finite element model to simulate the acute effects of elevated ICP on the posterior eye and optic nerve sheath. We used a finite element (FE) analysis approach to understand the response of the lamina cribrosa and optic nerve to the elevations in ICP thought to occur in microgravity and to identify which tissue components have the greatest impact on strain experienced by optic nerve head tissues

    Numerical Modeling of Ophthalmic Response to Space

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    To investigate ophthalmic changes in spaceflight, we would like to predict the impact of blood dysregulation and elevated intracranial pressure (ICP) on Intraocular Pressure (IOP). Unlike other physiological systems, there are very few lumped parameter models of the eye. The eye model described here is novel in its inclusion of the human choroid and retrobulbar subarachnoid space (rSAS), which are key elements in investigating the impact of increased ICP and ocular blood volume. Some ingenuity was required in modeling the blood and rSAS compartments due to the lack of quantitative data on essential hydrodynamic quantities, such as net choroidal volume and blood flowrate, inlet and exit pressures, and material properties, such as compliances between compartments

    Quality of life at machine operators of agriculture

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    The purpose this research was to investigate the quality of life machine operators of agriculture, depending on the status of the age and length of service in the profession. To assess the quality of life was used widely used international Russian-language health a validated questionnaire SF-36. Studies have been conducted practically healthy quality of life (based on the results of periodic medical examinations) machine operators of agriculture Saratov region (102 people) aged 30 to 59 years of experience in the profession from 3 to 35 years. Average values of an indicator for age groups 2 and 3 made "the general health", respectively, 95,2 and 78,7 % from level characteristic for younger age group. Intergroup distinction was noted between average sizes of this indicator at persons at the age of 30-39 years and 50-59 years, and also 40-49 summer machine operators and workers of advanced age (50-59 years). 1t is established that with increase in calendar age at machine operators of agriculture statistically significant decrease in values of indicators of quality of life to scales the general health, physical functioning, physical and role functioning and viability. With increase in length of service at machine operators decrease in values of indicators of physical functioning and role physical functioning. A statistically significant weak negative correlation between the level of quality of life, age (r = -0,39) and professional experience (r = -0,31). 1n this case, the highest correlation between the age of the examined patients and quality of life was typical of the general health scale (r = -0,37), physical functioning (r = -0,41), and role physical functioning (r = -0,34). Professional experience correlated with the level of physical functioning (r = -0,30) and role^hysical functioning (r = -0,32), has practically no effect on the subjective assessment of general health (r = -0,22). Results of researches allow recommending questionnaire SF-36 use when forming individual and group improving programs for machine operators of agricultural production

    Enumeration of simple random walks and tridiagonal matrices

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    We present some old and new results in the enumeration of random walks in one dimension, mostly developed in works of enumerative combinatorics. The relation between the trace of the nn-th power of a tridiagonal matrix and the enumeration of weighted paths of nn steps allows an easier combinatorial enumeration of the paths. It also seems promising for the theory of tridiagonal random matrices .Comment: several ref.and comments added, misprints correcte

    Schwinger-boson approach to quantum spin systems: Gaussian fluctuactions in the "natural" gauge

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    We compute the Gaussian-fluctuation corrections to the saddle-point Schwinger-boson results using collective coordinate methods. Concrete application to investigate the frustrated J1-J2 antiferromagnet on the square lattice shows that, unlike the saddle-point predictions, there is a quantum nonmagnetic phase for 0.53 < J2/J1 < 0.64. This result is obtained by considering the corrections to the spin stiffness on large lattices and extrapolating to the thermodynamic limit, which avoids the infinite-lattice infrared divergencies associated to Bose condensation. The very good agreement of our results with exact numerical values on finite clusters lends support to the calculational scheme employed.Comment: 4 pages, Latex, 3 figures included as eps files,minor correction

    Microgravity-Driven Optic Nerve/Sheath Biomechanics Simulations

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    Visual Impairment and Intracranial Pressure (VIIP) syndrome is a concern for long-duration space flight. Current thinking suggests that the ocular changes observed in VIIP syndrome are related to cephalad fluid shifts resulting in altered fluid pressures [1]. In particular, we hypothesize that increased intracranial pressure (ICP) drives connective tissue remodeling of the posterior eye and optic nerve sheath (ONS). We describe here finite element (FE) modeling designed to understand how altered pressures, particularly altered ICP, affect the tissues of the posterior eye and optic nerve sheath (ONS) in VIIP. METHODS: Additional description of the modeling methodology is provided in the companion IWS abstract by Feola et al. In brief, a geometric model of the posterior eye and optic nerve, including the ONS, was created and the effects of fluid pressures on tissue deformations were simulated. We considered three ICP scenarios: an elevated ICP assumed to occur in chronic microgravity, and ICP in the upright and supine positions on earth. Within each scenario we used Latin hypercube sampling (LHS) to consider a range of ICPs, ONH tissue mechanical properties, intraocular pressures (IOPs) and mean arterial pressures (MAPs). The outcome measures were biomechanical strains in the lamina cribrosa, optic nerve and retina; here we focus on peak values of these strains, since elevated strain alters cell phenotype and induce tissue remodeling. In 3D, the strain field can be decomposed into three orthogonal components, denoted as first, second and third principal strains. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: For baseline material properties, increasing ICP from 0 to 20 mmHg significantly changed strains within the posterior eye and ONS (Fig. 1), indicating that elevated ICP affects ocular tissue biomechanics. Notably, strains in the lamina cribrosa and retina became less extreme as ICP increased; however, within the optic nerve, the occurrence of such extreme strains greatly increased as ICP was elevated (Fig. 2). In particular, c. 48 of simulations in the elevated ICP condition showed peak strains in the optic nerve that exceeded the strains expected on earth. Such extreme strains are likely important, since they represent a larger signal for mechano-responsive resident cells [2]. The models predicted little to no anterior motion of the prelaminar neural tissue (optic nerve swelling, or papilledema, secondary to axoplasmic stasis), typically seen with elevated ICP. Specialized FE models to capture axoplasmic stasis would be required to study papilledema. These results suggest that the most notable effect of elevated ICP may occur via direct optic nerve loading, rather than through connective tissue deformation. These FE models can inform the design of future studies designed to bridge the gap between biomechanics and pathophysiological function in VIIP

    Superconductivity and Quantum Spin Disorder in Cuprates

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    A fundamental connection between superconductivity and quantum spin fluctuations in underdoped cuprates, is revealed. A variational calculation shows that {\em Cooper pair hopping} strongly reduces the local magnetization m0m_0. This effect pertains to recent neutron scattering and muon spin rotation measurements in which m0m_0 varies weakly with hole doping in the poorly conducting regime, but drops precipitously above the onset of superconductivity

    Finite time and asymptotic behaviour of the maximal excursion of a random walk

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    We evaluate the limit distribution of the maximal excursion of a random walk in any dimension for homogeneous environments and for self-similar supports under the assumption of spherical symmetry. This distribution is obtained in closed form and is an approximation of the exact distribution comparable to that obtained by real space renormalization methods. Then we focus on the early time behaviour of this quantity. The instantaneous diffusion exponent νn\nu_n exhibits a systematic overshooting of the long time exponent. Exact results are obtained in one dimension up to third order in n−1/2n^{-1/2}. In two dimensions, on a regular lattice and on the Sierpi\'nski gasket we find numerically that the analytic scaling νn≃ν+An−ν\nu_n \simeq \nu+A n^{-\nu} holds.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted J. Phys.
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