3 research outputs found

    Relaci贸n entre estilos educativos familiares y la inclusi贸n en Programas Diversificaci贸n Curricular: un elemento a considerar para la mejora de la convivencia escolar

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    Este estudio tiene como objetivo principal estudiar las diferencias existentes referidas a estilos educativos familiares, del alumnado inserto en Programas de Diversificaci贸n Curricular comparado con el alumnado que cursa el plan ordinario. Para ello se ha realizado un estudio ex post facto retrospectivo con grupo cuasi control, en el que han participado un total de 178 adolescentes (chicas 42.5 %), con edades comprendidas entre los 13 y 18 a帽os. Los resultados obtenidos muestran como los distintos niveles de control, afecto, comunicaci贸n y humor podr铆an influir en la inclusi贸n de estas medidas de atenci贸n a la diversidad para disminuir el fracaso escolar. De esta forma la probabilidad de tener menor fracaso acad茅mico ser铆a el resultado de tener una educaci贸n familiar basada en la comunicaci贸n, el respeto y el afecto, combinada con dosis de control y establecimiento de l铆mites, impregnado de sentido de humor y optimismo.The primary objective of this study is to examine existing educational style differences of those referred to the Curricular Diversification Program compared to the students coursing an ordinary plan. For this, a retrospective ex post facto study has been completed with a quasi-control group; in which a total of 178 adolescents (girls 42.5%) between the ages of 13 and 18 have participated. Results have been obtained could demonstrate varied levels of control, affect, communication, and humor that could influence with the inclusion of these diversified measures to decrease failure in school. In this manner, the probability of having a lower academic failure would be the result of family education based on communication, respect, and affect; combined with a dose of control and limit setting while submerged in sense of humor and optimism

    Subjective well-being and vulnerability related to problematic Internet use among university students with and without disabilities: A comparative study

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    This study aims to observe whether people with disabilitiesexperience problematic Internet use (PIU) like that of youngpeople without disabilities; to relate PIU to psychological dis-tress in young disabled people and to determine whether theseproblems are similar to or different from those experienced byyoung people without disabilities. The sample comprised 408university students with disabilities and 1386 university stu-dents without disabilities from several Spanish universities. PIUwas evaluated using theInternet Addiction Test(IAT) and psy-chological distress was evaluated using theClinical Outcomes inRoutine Evaluation鈥怬utcome Measure(CORE鈥怬M). The groupof university students with disabilities showed less PIU thanthe nondisabled students, but the worst scores in variablesreferencing psychological discomfort were found among thosestudents with disabilities who also had PIU. Although the re-sults are not completely generalizable, PIU is related to biggerproblems in disabled people for whom it represents a higherrisk than for people without disabilities