119 research outputs found

    Determination of the glycoforms of human chorionic gonadotropin b-core fragment by matrix-assisted laser desoption/ionisation time of flight mass spectrometry

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    Background: Metabolism of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the serum and kidney yields the terminal urinary product hCG ß-core fragment (hCGßcf), comprising two disulfide-linked peptides (ß6-ß40 and ß55-ß92) of which one (ß6-ß40) retains truncated N-linked sugars. Hyperglycosylated hCGßcf may indicate choriocarcinoma or Down syndrome, but the glycosylation profile of hCGßcf has not been thoroughly evaluated. Methods: hCGßcf, purified from pregnancy urine, was reduced by "on-target" dithiothreitol (DTT) reduction and analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). The mass ([M+H]+) of the primary sequence of the glycosylated peptide ß6-ß40 was subtracted from the m/z values of the discrete peaks observed to give the masses of the carbohydrate moieties. Carbohydrate structure was predicted by sequentially subtracting the masses of the monosaccharide residues corresponding to N-linked carbohydrates of the hCG ß-subunit reported in the literature. Results: Mass spectra of hCGßcf revealed a broad triple peak at m/z 8700–11300. After reduction, the triple peak was replaced by a discrete set of peaks between m/z 4156 and 6354. A peak at m/z 4156.8 corresponded to the nonglycosylated peptide (ß55-ß92). The remaining nine peaks indicated that urinary hCGßcf comprises a set of glycoforms smaller and larger than the trimannosyl core. Conclusions: hCGßcf comprises a wider set of glycoforms than reported previously. Peaks of highest mass indicate evidence of hyperglycosylated carbohydrate moieties. The data support previous reports that hCGßcf oligosaccharides lack sialic acid and galactose residues. No indication was found of a ß6-ß40 peptide that was entirely devoid of carbohydrate

    Human chorionic gonadotropin isoforms in the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy

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    This paper has set the scene for re-defining clinical chemistry data for the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. Indeed it has proved some assumptions on hCG levels to be false. Professor Iles was/is the principal investigator on these studies

    Estradiol, progesterone, testosterone profiles in human follicular fluid and cultured granulosa cells from luteinized pre-ovulatory follicles

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    BACKGROUND: The production of sex steroids by follicular cells is proposed to be influenced by the maturity of the incumbent oocyte. Thus steroid levels may reflect suitability of an oocyte for IVF. We examined follicular fluids and granulosa cell production of steroid from IVF patients in order to test the relationship between steroid levels and fertilization. METHODS: Follicular fluid and granulosa cells were extracted from 206 follicles of 35 women undergoing controlled ovarian stimulation. Follicular fluid was assayed for estradiol, progesterone and testosterone. Granulosa cells were cultured from individual follicles and their culture media assayed for production of these hormones after 24 hrs in vitro. Levels of steroids were correlated with follicular diameter, oocyte recovery and subsequent fertilization. RESULTS: Follicular fluid levels of progesterone were 6100 times higher than that of estradiol, and 16,900 times higher that of testosterone. Despite the size of follicle triggered after controlled luteinization, the levels of progesterone and testosterone were maintained at relatively constant levels (median 98.1 micromoles/L for progesterone, and 5.8 nanomoles/L for testosterone). However, estradiol levels were slightly lower in the larger follicles (follicular diameter 10-15 mm, median 25.3 nanomoles/L; follicles > = 15 mm, median 15.1 nanomoles/L; linear correlation r = -0.47, p < 0.0001). With respect to oocyte recovery, no steroid showed a significant association in follicular fluid levels. Similarly no difference in follicular fluid steroid levels was found for those oocytes that did or did not fertilize. Significant quantities of progesterone were produced by the granulosa cells but production was constant regardless of the size of follicle from which the cells originated. Estradiol levels were only detectable in 10 of 121 cultures examined, and testosterone in none. Interestingly, when an oocyte was present follicular estradiol levels correlated with progesterone levels. However, when absent, follicular estradiol levels correlated with testosterone levels but not with progesterone. CONCLUSIONS: The principle steroid product of luteinized pre-ovulatory granulosa is progesterone, a differentiation triggered by the gonadotropin surge. However, absolute steroid levels are associated with follicular size, not oocyte maturation/ability to fertilize

    SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Binding of Glycated Serum Albumin-Its Potential Role in the Pathogenesis of the COVID-19 Clinical Syndromes and Bias towards Individuals with Pre-Diabetes/Type 2 Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases

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    The immune response to SARS‐CoV‐2 infection requires antibody recognition of the spike protein. In a study designed to examine the molecular features of anti‐spike and anti‐nucleocapsid antibodies, patient plasma proteins binding to pre‐fusion stabilised complete spike and nucleocap-sid proteins were isolated and analysed by matrix‐assisted laser desorption ionisation–time of flight (MALDI‐ToF) mass spectrometry. Amongst the immunoglobulins, a high affinity for human serum albumin was evident in the anti‐spike preparations. Careful mass comparison revealed the preferential capture of advanced glycation end product (AGE) forms of glycated human serum albumin by the pre‐fusion spike protein. The ability of bacteria and viruses to surround themselves with serum proteins is a recognised immune evasion and pathogenic process. The preference of SARS‐ CoV‐2 for AGE forms of glycated serum albumin may in part explain the severity and pathology of acute respiratory distress and the bias towards the elderly and those with (pre)diabetic and athero-sclerotic/metabolic disease

    Exploring the relationship of sleep, cognition, and cortisol in sickle cell disease

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    Background: Neurocognitive impairment is common in people with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) and evidence is accumulating that sleep disturbances play a role. The interaction between cortisol and sleep in the general population is associated with cognition as well as general wellbeing but there are few data in SCD. We aimed to understand the relationship between cortisol and sleep in individuals with SCD and explored associations with cognition. Methods: Forty-five participants of black heritage (SCD: N = 27, 9–29 years, 16 females; Controls: N = 18, 11–25 years, 13 females) were recruited from the community between 2018 - 2020. Participants completed standardized questionnaires about their sleep behaviour and wore actigraphy MotionWatch8 for 7 nights to assess nocturnal sleep patterns. Salivary cortisol samples were taken on wakening and 3 times after 14:00. Cognition was assessed using the Wechsler Intelligence Scales for children and adults. Results: People with SCD took longer to fall asleep and experienced greater wake bouts, mobile minutes and fragmented sleep compared to controls. Although non-significant, people with SCD experienced lower morning cortisol, with a flattened diurnal cortisol ratio compared to controls. Interestingly, SCD participants, but not controls, with low diurnal variation scored lowest on processing speed (PSI) and perceptual reasoning index (PRI). A moderator analysis revealed that the effect of morning cortisol and diurnal cortisol ratio on PRI by group health (i.e., SCD and healthy controls) depended on sleep quality. Discussion: Sleep and cortisol may play a crucial role in the expression of cognitive difficulties seen in SCD. This should be considered for the development of interventions to optimise cognitive functioning and sleep. This, in turn, could positively impact on secretion of cortisol and general health in SCD
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