20,524 research outputs found

    The ideal relativistic rotating gas as a perfect fluid with spin

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    We show that the ideal relativistic spinning gas at complete thermodynamical equilibrium is a fluid with a non-vanishing spin density tensor \sigma_\mu \nu. After having obtained the expression of the local spin-dependent phase space density f(x,p)_(\sigma \tau) in the Boltzmann approximation, we derive the spin density tensor and show that it is proportional to the acceleration tensor Omega_\mu \nu constructed with the Frenet-Serret tetrad. We recover the proper generalization of the fundamental thermodynamical relation, involving an additional term -(1/2) \Omega_\mu \nu \sigma^\mu \nu. We also show that the spin density tensor has a non-vanishing projection onto the four-velocity field, i.e. t^\mu= sigma_\mu \nu u^\nu \ne 0, in contrast to the common assumption t^\mu = 0, known as Frenkel condition, in the thus-far proposed theories of relativistic fluids with spin. We briefly address the viewpoint of the accelerated observer and inertial spin effects.Comment: Final published version in Annals of Physic

    Energy regeneration from suspension dynamic modes and self-powered actuation

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper concerns energy harvesting from vehicle suspension systems. The generated power associated with bounce, pitch and roll modes of vehicle dynamics is determined through analysis. The potential values of power generation from these three modes are calculated. Next, experiments are carried out using a vehicle with a four jack shaker rig to validate the analytical values of potential power harvest. For the considered vehicle, maximum theoretical power values of 1.1kW, 0.88kW and 0.97kW are associated with the bounce, pitch and roll modes, respectively, at 20 Hz excitation frequency and peak to peak displacement amplitude of 5 mm at each wheel, as applied by the shaker. The corresponding experimentally power values are 0.98kW, 0.74kW and 0.78kW. An experimental rig is also developed to study the behavior of regenerative actuators in generating electrical power from kinetic energy. This rig represents a quarter-vehicle suspension model where the viscous damper in the shock absorber system is replaced by a regenerative system. The rig is able to demonstrate the actual electrical power that can be harvested using a regenerative system. The concept of self-powered actuation using the harvested energy from suspension is discussed with regard to applications of self-powered vibration control. The effect of suspension energy regeneration on ride comfort and road handling is presented in conjunction with energy harvesting associated with random road excitations.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Search for water in a super-Earth atmosphere: High-resolution optical spectroscopy of 55 Cancri e

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    We present the analysis of high-resolution optical spectra of four transits of 55Cnc e, a low-density, super-Earth that orbits a nearby Sun-like star in under 18 hours. The inferred bulk density of the planet implies a substantial envelope, which, according to mass-radius relationships, could be either a low-mass extended or a high-mass compact atmosphere. Our observations investigate the latter scenario, with water as the dominant species. We take advantage of the Doppler cross-correlation technique, high-spectral resolution and the large wavelength coverage of our observations to search for the signature of thousands of optical water absorption lines. Using our observations with HDS on the Subaru telescope and ESPaDOnS on the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, we are able to place a 3-sigma lower limit of 10 g/mol on the mean-molecular weight of 55Cnc e's water-rich (volume mixing ratio >10%), optically-thin atmosphere, which corresponds to an atmospheric scale-height of ~80 km. Our study marks the first high-spectral resolution search for water in a super-Earth atmosphere and demonstrates that it is possible to recover known water-vapour absorption signals, in a nearby super-Earth atmosphere, using high-resolution transit spectroscopy with current ground-based instruments.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ 12 pages, 9 figures. Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

    Physical properties of Tolman-Bayin solutions: some cases of static charged fluid spheres in general relativity

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    In this article, Einstein-Maxwell space-time has been considered in connection to some of the astrophysical solutions as previously obtained by Tolman (1939) and Bayin (1978). The effect of inclusion of charge into these solutions has been investigated thoroughly and also the nature of fluid pressure and mass density throughout the sphere have been discussed. Mass-radius and mass-charge relations have been derived for various cases of the charged matter distribution. Two cases are obtained where perfect fluid with positive pressures give rise to electromagnetic mass models such that gravitational mass is of purely electromagnetic origin.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure
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