1,780 research outputs found

    Estimates of genetic components and regression analysis for grain yield and various morphological traits in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

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    The present study was conducted to estimate the gentic components and regression analysis for grain yield and various morphological traits in bread wheat involving 10 parents and their 45 F1s (half diallel) during 2012- 13 and 2013-14. Significant additive (D) and dominance (H1) variance for the traits indicated that expression of these traits is control by both additive and dominance gene action. Average degree of dominance (H1/D)1/2 were more than unity for the traits (peduncle length, flag leaf area, productive tillers, biological yield, grain yield, harvest index) indicating the preponderance of over dominance gene action. The estimates of h2 were positive and significant for days to ear emergence, peduncle length, productive tillers, biological yield and grain yield indicated dominance of genetic components in F1s. Positive and significant values of F were estimated for days to ear emergence, days to 50% flowering, spike length, flag leaf area and grain yield in F1s indicating the preponderance of dominance and positive genes in the parents involved. The theoretical value (0.25) of (H2/4H1) for all the traits indicated asymmetrical distribution of positive and negative genes. The proportion of dominant and recessive alleles indicated presence of dominant alleles in the parents. The traits showing more than 30% narrow sanse heritability could be rewarding for further improvement in grain yield in bread wheat. Regression analysis indicated that the traits (days to ear emergence, days to 50% flowering, peduncle length, flag leaf area, productive tillers, harvest index, biological yield and grain yield) control by over dominance type of gene action. The parent RAJ 4246 contained maximum dominant genes for days to ear emergence and days to 50% flowering; HD 2733 for spike length and flag leaf area and HD 2824 for productive tillers, biological yield and grain yield used as donors in multiple traits breeding programme to develop high yielding wheat genotypes

    Identification of heterotic cross combinations for various agromorphological and some quality traits in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

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    A study was conducted to identify the best heterotic cross for various agromorphological and some quality traits involving 10 parents and their 45 F1s excluding reciprocals during 2012-13 and 2013-14. The higher magnitude of heterosis for all the agromorphological and quality traits was not expressed in a single cross combination. It varied from cross to cross due to diverse genetic background of their parents. The highest heterobeltiosis (35.68%, 11.11%, 11.44%), average heterosis (38.97%, 9.13%, 10.26%) and standard heterosis (31.09%, 7.84%, 10.41%) for grain yield, spikelets per spike and grains per spike respectively, was showed by HD 3095 x RAJ 4246 and this cross also showed highly significant (at <1% level of significant) heterosis for biological yield, flag leaf area, spike length and productive tillers. Whereas PBW 435 x RAJ 4246 were common for gluten content (8.52% and 7.72%), grain yield (33.11% and 33.64%), productive tillers (16.15% and 13.53%) and biological yield (36.27% and 21.98%) which showed superior average heterosis and heterobeltiosis respectively, therefore, these crosses may be exploit-ed in a national hybrid wheat breeding programme may offer genetic improvement in breeding for higher grain yield, agromorphological and quality traits in bread wheat. The presence of high heterosis for yield contributing compo-nents is not only for developing hybrids through exploitation of heterosis but also helps to produce transgressive segregants for developing of superior homozygous lines

    An application of PIXE technique to Proto Crustal Rocks: Geo chemical evaluation of Granulitic Charnockites of Eastern Ghats, Andhrapradesh, India

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    In this work, PIXE has been used for a variety of Precambrian proto crustal rocks in the form of granulitic charnockites,Eastern Ghats AP,India.In previous study of exterior part of the charnockite hill elemental analysis using electron microprobe analysis, the elements in host charnockites no Na, traces of Mn,Ca and high Ti,Cl,F (Biotite), no Mn, low Na,and high K,Cl (Hastingsite), and Cl, Fe (Apatite) were only detected, but by using PIXE technique in addition to the above twenty two trace elements are identified. PIXE is highly sensitive and non-destructive method for multi elemental analysis in a variety of Precambrian charnockite rocks down to levels of a few parts per million. The samples chosen for analysis from the central portion of a charnockite hill near Visakhapatnam airport. A big reticular mass of relict litho logical body which is compositionally and physically different from host chatnockite was observed in the central portion of the hill. These experiments are carried out using a 3MV pelletron accelerator facility at the Institute of physics, Bhubaneswar. A collimated proton beam of 2mm diameter is made to fall on to the sample, and the beam current is kept at 20na. A high resolution Si(Li) detector(160ev FWHM at 5.9kev energy) is employed in the present experiments and the Guelph PIXE (GUPIX) software package is used to analyze the spectra. The elements identified in this Precambrian charnockite rock are Cl, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Se, Br, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Ru, Ag, Pb..From this study these rocks are early crust(proto crust) rocks. These samples are to belong to a very important geological phase and further work on petrography and REE (Rare Earth Elements in Geology)of the rock is indeed to firmly establish its exact parentage


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      Objective: Genotoxicity is regarded as one of the potential risk factors for causing pathological diseases. It was confirmed that many chemicals have the mutagenic activity which leads to cancer. A compound which interacts with genetic material DNA and shows adverse effects by altering its structure or function is referred to as genotoxic.Methods: The present study involved 40 Swiss albino mice weighing between 25 and 30 g body weights categorized into four different groups. Group-I (normal control) received 0.5% carboxymethyl cellulose as vehicle. Group-II (toxicant control) received 40 mg/kg/body weight cyclophosphamide on the 28th day. Group-III and IV received test drug JB 15.6 mg/kg and 78 mg/kg, respectively, for 28 consecutive days. Blood samples were collected and processed for evaluating by comet assay. The animals were sacrificed and collected the bone marrow from both the femur for chromosomal aberration and micronuclei assay.Results: JB administered at two different dose levels did not show any significant changes in the comet assay parameters, no micronucleus was found and did not produce any chromosomal aberrations both numerically and structurally when compared to positive test control group.Conclusion: The genotoxicity evaluation of JB did not show any chromosomal aberrations and presence of micronucleus. Thus, the safety data will refine therapeutic utility of JB encouraging their rationale use and translate into greater and broader utilization of JB

    Effect of plasma ion implantation on the hydrogen embrittlement of Cu strengthened HSLA-100 steel

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    The effect of low dosage plasma ion implantation on hydrogen embrittlement was studied for an HSLA steel using notched tensile samples. The plasma treatment caused an enhancement in the linear strain to failure under embrittling conditions. This was however not reflected in the fracture surfaces of the treated samples which had similar fractographic features as those of untreated samples. The plasma treatment delayed the process of embrittlement without causing any alteration in the basic mechanism of embrittlement. This was due to introduction of residual compressive stresses as well as reduction in the hydrogen permeation flux. Implantation in pure nitrogen seemed most beneficial while implantation in pure argon caused very little improvement

    Intergranular Corrosion of Deformed SS304

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    Intergranuular corrosion (IGC) and intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) of commercial stainless steels e.g. type 304 and 316 are frequently observed in several process environments. These localized attacks are normally attributed to the carbide precipitation and concomitant depletion of chromium near grain boundary due to alloy exposure to sensitization temperature. Such undesirable microchemistry is expected to be changed further if the material undergoes deformation prior to sensitization

    Electronic structure studies of Fe- ZnO nanorods by x-ray absorption fine structure

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    We report the electronic structure studies of well characterized polycrystalline Zn_{1-x}Fe_xO (x = 0.0, 0.01, 0.03, and 0.05) nanorods synthesized by a co-precipitation method through x-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS). X-ray diffraction (XRD) reveals that Fe doped ZnO crystallizes in a single phase wurtzite structure without any secondary phase. From the XRD pattern, it is observed that peak positions shift towards lower 2\theta value with Fe doping. The change in the peak positions with increase in Fe contents clearly indicates that Fe ions are replacing Zn ions in the ZnO matrix. Linear combination fittings (LCF) at Fe K-edge demonstrate that Fe is in mixed valent state (Fe3+/Fe2+) with a ratio of ~ 7:3 (Fe3+:Fe2+). XAFS data is successfully fitted to wurtzite structure using IFEFFIT and Artemis. The results indicate that Fe substitutes Zn site in the ZnO matrix in tetrahedral symmetry.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, regular articl

    A Grey Wolf Optimization-Based Clustering Approach for Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In the realm of Wireless Sensor Networks, the longevity of a sensor node's battery is pivotal, especially since these nodes are often deployed in locations where battery replacement is not feasible. Heterogeneous networks introduce additional challenges due to varying buffer capacities among nodes, necessitating timely data transmission to prevent loss from buffer overflows. Despite numerous attempts to address these issues, previous solutions have been deficient in significant respects. Our innovative strategy employs Grey Wolf Optimization for Cluster Head selection within heterogeneous networks, aiming to concurrently optimise energy efficiency and buffer capacity. We conducted comprehensive simulations using Network Simulator 2, with results analysed in MATLAB, focusing on metrics such as energy depletion rates, remaining energy, node-to-node distance, node count, packet delivery, and average energy in the cluster head selection process. Our approach was benchmarked against leading protocols like LEACH and PEGASIS, considering five key performance indicators: energy usage, network lifespan, the survival rate of nodes over time, data throughput, and remaining network energy. The simulations demonstrate that our Grey Wolf Optimisation method outperforms conventional protocols, showing a 9% reduction in energy usage, a 12% increase in node longevity, a 9.8% improvement in data packet delivery, and a 12.2% boost in data throughput

    First time observation of latitudinal and vertical distribution of infra-red radiative flux using radiometer sonde over Indian Ocean during the INDOEX IFP-1999 and its comparison with other Indian stations

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    Latitudinal distribution of radiative flux at different layers has been measured for the first time over the Indian Ocean from 15°N to 20°S during intensive field phase of INDOEX 1999. Simultaneously measurements have been made over three Indian ground stations, viz. Delhi, Pune and Trivandrum. The basic feature of radiative flux over the Indian Ocean, Delhi, Pune and Trivandrum is similar, i.e. the radiative flux increases with altitude and reaches a maximum value at 15 km and after that the increasing rate slows down. The most striking feature of this observation is the existence of radiative flux between 12 and 15 km of height near the equator (1.75°N, 62.98°E) which may be due to the combined effect of partly cloudy sky, presence of aerosol and ozone. In addition, at 13.3°N, 60.5°E a similar feature has been observed at a height of 14–15 km, which may be due to the increment of ozone by 25 Dobson Unit (D.U.) during the onward journey since no aerosol was observed. During the return journey, at 12°S, 60.4°E global warming is also observed at a height of 13–15 km, which may also be due to the combined effect of partly cloudy sky and the presence of aerosol and increment of ozone