4 research outputs found

    Residual Complex I activity and amphidirectional Complex II operation support glutamate catabolism through mtSLP in anoxia

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    Anoxia halts oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) causing an accumulation of reduced compounds in the mitochondrial matrix which impedes dehydrogenases. By simultaneously measuring oxygen concentration, NADH autofluorescence, mitochondrial membrane potential and ubiquinone reduction extent in isolated mitochondria in real-time, we demonstrate that Complex I utilized endogenous quinones to oxidize NADH under acute anoxia. 13C metabolic tracing or untargeted analysis of metabolites extracted during anoxia in the presence or absence of site-specific inhibitors of the electron transfer system showed that NAD+ regenerated by Complex I is reduced by the 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase Complex yielding succinyl-CoA supporting mitochondrial substrate-level phosphorylation (mtSLP), releasing succinate. Complex II operated amphidirectionally during the anoxic event, providing quinones to Complex I and reducing fumarate to succinate. Our results highlight the importance of quinone provision to Complex I oxidizing NADH maintaining glutamate catabolism and mtSLP in the absence of OXPHOS.</p

    Two transgenic mouse models for beta subunit components of succinate-CoA ligase yielding pleiotropic metabolic alterations

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    Succinate-CoA ligase is a heterodimer enzyme composed of Suclg1 -alpha- and a substrate-specific Sucla2 or Suclg2 -beta- subunit yielding ATP or GTP, respectively. In humans, the deficiency of this enzyme leads to encephalomyopathy with, or without methylmalonyl aciduria, in addition to resulting in mitochondrial DNA depletion. We generated mice lacking either one Sucla2 or Suclg2 allele. Sucla2 heterozygote mice exhibited tissue- and age-dependent decreases in Sucla2 expression associated with decreases in ATP-forming activity, but rebound increases in cardiac Suclg2 expression and GTP-forming activity. Bioenergetic parameters including substrate-level phosphorylation were not different between wild type and Sucla2 heterozygote mice unless a submaximal pharmacological inhibition of succinate-CoA ligase was concomitantly present. mtDNA contents were moderately decreased, but blood carnitine esters were significantly elevated. Suclg2 heterozygote mice exhibited decreases in Suclg2 expression but no rebound increases in Sucla2 expression or changes in bioenergetic parameters. Surprisingly, deletion of one Suclg2 allele in Sucla2 heterozygote mice still led to a rebound but protracted increase in Suclg2 expression, yielding double heterozygote mice with no alterations in GTP-forming activity or substrate-level phosphorylation, but more pronounced changes in mtDNA content and blood carnitine esters, and an increase in succinate dehydrogenase activity. We conclude that a partial reduction in Sucla2 elicits rebound increases in Suclg2 expression which is sufficiently dominant to overcome even a concomitant deletion of one Suclg2 allele, pleiotropically affecting metabolic pathways associated with succinate-CoA ligase. These results as well as the availability of the transgenic mouse colonies will be of value in understanding succinate-CoA ligase deficiency

    Proline Oxidation Supports Mitochondrial ATP Production When Complex I Is Inhibited

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    The oxidation of proline to pyrroline-5-carboxylate (P5C) leads to the transfer of electrons to ubiquinone in mitochondria that express proline dehydrogenase (ProDH). This electron transfer supports Complexes CIII and CIV, thus generating the protonmotive force. Further catabolism of P5C forms glutamate, which fuels the citric acid cycle that yields the reducing equivalents that sustain oxidative phosphorylation. However, P5C and glutamate catabolism depend on CI activity due to NAD+ requirements. NextGen-O2k (Oroboros Instruments) was used to measure proline oxidation in isolated mitochondria of various mouse tissues. Simultaneous measurements of oxygen consumption, membrane potential, NADH, and the ubiquinone redox state were correlated to ProDH activity and F1FO-ATPase directionality. Proline catabolism generated a sufficiently high membrane potential that was able to maintain the F1FO-ATPase operation in the forward mode. This was observed in CI-inhibited mouse liver and kidney mitochondria that exhibited high levels of proline oxidation and ProDH activity. This action was not observed under anoxia or when either CIII or CIV were inhibited. The duroquinone fueling of CIII and CIV partially reproduced the effects of proline. Excess glutamate, however, could not reproduce the proline effect, suggesting that processes upstream of the glutamate conversion from proline were involved. The ProDH inhibitors tetrahydro-2-furoic acid and, to a lesser extent, S-5-oxo-2-tetrahydrofurancarboxylic acid abolished all proline effects. The data show that ProDH-directed proline catabolism could generate sufficient CIII and CIV proton pumping, thus supporting ATP production by the F1FO-ATPase even under CI inhibition