2 research outputs found

    Model of LPG Refrigerator: A Literature Review

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    This work investigates the result of an experimental study carried out to determine the Coefficient of performance of domestic refrigerator when a propane-butane mixture is liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) which is available and comprises 56.4% butane, 24.4%propane, and 17.2% isobutene. This paper also presented an experimental investigation of COP by the effect of changing capillary tube length, capillary tube inner diameter and capillary coil diameter on the mass flow rate of refrigerant in an adiabatic helical capillary tube. Large amount of electricity supply is not available easily in large part of underdevelopment country like India. It will also prove to be an effective for remote area such as research sites, mines, & deserts where electricity is generally not available. The LPG is cheaper and possesses an environmental free in nature with no ozone depletion potential (ODP). Also LPG is available as a side product in local refineries. The results of the present work indicate the successful use of this propane-butane mixture as an alternative refrigerant to CFCs and HFCs in domestic refrigerator. It would include Experimental setup of working model and detailed observation of the LPG refrigerator and represents its application in refinery, hotel, chemical industries where requirement of LPG is more. Keywords: LPG refrigerator, domestic refrigerator, eco friendly refrigerants, Mixed Refrigerant

    Glycosylation of Erythrocyte Spectrin and Its Modification in Visceral Leishmaniasis

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    Using a lectin, Achatinin-H, having preferential specificity for glycoproteins with terminal 9-O-acetyl sialic acid derivatives linked in Ξ±2-6 linkages to subterminal N-acetylgalactosamine, eight distinct disease-associated 9-O-acetylated sialoglycoproteins was purified from erythrocytes of visceral leishmaniaisis (VL) patients (RBCVL). Analyses of tryptic fragments by mass spectrometry led to the identification of two high-molecular weight 9-O-acetylated sialoglycoproteins as human erythrocytic Ξ±- and Ξ²-spectrin. Total spectrin purified from erythrocytes of VL patients (spectrinVL) was reactive with Achatinin-H. Interestingly, along with two high molecular weight bands corresponding to Ξ±- and Ξ²-spectrin another low molecular weight 60 kDa band was observed. Total spectrin was also purified from normal human erythrocytes (spectrinN) and insignificant binding with Achatinin-H was demonstrated. Additionally, this 60 kDa fragment was totally absent in spectrinN. Although the presence of both N- and O-glycosylations was found both in spectrinN and spectrinVL, enhanced sialylation was predominantly induced in spectrinVL. Sialic acids accounted for approximately 1.25 kDa mass of the 60 kDa polypeptide. The demonstration of a few identified sialylated tryptic fragments of Ξ±- and Ξ²-spectrinVL confirmed the presence of terminal sialic acids. Molecular modelling studies of spectrin suggest that a sugar moiety can fit into the potential glycosylation sites. Interestingly, highly sialylated spectrinVL showed decreased binding with spectrin-depleted inside-out membrane vesicles of normal erythrocytes compared to spectrinN suggesting functional abnormality. Taken together this is the first report of glycosylated eythrocytic spectrin in normal erythrocytes and its enhanced sialylation in RBCVL. The enhanced sialylation of this cytoskeleton protein is possibly related to the fragmentation of spectrinVL as evidenced by the presence of an additional 60 kDa fragment, absent in spectrinN which possibly affects the biology of RBCVL linked to both severe distortion of erythrocyte development and impairment of erythrocyte membrane integrity and may provide an explanation for their sensitivity to hemolysis and anemia in VL patients