44 research outputs found

    The Value of Regional Annual Nitrogen Needs Information for Wheat Producers in Oklahoma

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    Crop producers are increasingly interested in reducing nitrogen use without sacrificing yield. Technology is available for precise application at the sub-field level, but adoption has been sluggish. This paper estimates the relative profitability of a field level annual predictor of mid-season N requirements and a regional predictor of the same.nitrogen seeds, nitrogen use efficiency, precision agriculture, wheat, Crop Production/Industries, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Microorganisms Found in Field Specimens Of Diseased Corn Borer Larvae

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    Two hundred and eighty-six abnormal, field collected larvae of the European corn borer were examined for the presence of microorganisms which could have caused the abnormality or death. The most common microorganism found was a microsporidian, Perezia pyraustae Paillot. Next most numerous was a group of enterobacteria. Spore forming rods apparently of the genus Bacillus, and fungi belonging to the genera Beauvaria and Metarrhizium were also isolated. An examination of 100 apparently normal pupae revealed that 82 were hosts to Perezia pyraustae and two contained bacteria

    Some Characteristics of Bacteria Isolated From Diseased Larvae of the European Corn Borer

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    A large proportion of the bacteria isolated from diseased corn borer larvae are pleomorphic, with rods, diplococci, filaments and various transition forms occurring in many cultures. Gram reaction is negative, although the coccoid forms show a tendency to retain gram positivity. In morphology and biochemical characteristics, these isolates resemble certain entomogenous bacteria described by earlier workers, but are similar also to a group of bacteria from human sources which have been designated as members of the tribe Mimeae DeBord. Further studies have been initiated to determine the pathogenicity and the proper taxonomic position of these cultures

    Replicability of nitrogen recommendations from ramped calibration strips in winter wheat

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    Ramped calibration strips have been suggested as a way for grain producers to determine nitrogen needs more accurately. The strips use incrementally increasing levels of nitrogen and enable producers to conduct an experiment in each field to determine nitrogen needs. This study determines whether predictions from the program Ramp Analyzer 1.2 are replicable in Oklahoma hard red winter wheat (Triticum aestivum). Predictions are derived from 36 individual strips from on-farm experiments—two pairs of adjacent strips at each of nine winter wheat fields in Canadian County, OK. The two pairs of strips within each field were between 120 and 155 m apart. Each strip was analyzed three times during the 2006–2007 growing season. Nitrogen recommendations from Ramp Analyzer 1.2 are not correlated even for strips that were placed side by side, and recommendations from strips in the same field show no more homogeneity than randomly selected strips throughout the county. The results indicate that ramped calibration strips are unlikely to produce accurate nitrogen requirement predictions at any spatial scale, whether at the county level or for subsections of a single field. In contrast, a procedure that uses only measures from the plot with no nitrogen and the plot with the highest level of nitrogen applied does show replicability. Thus, improvements in the ramped calibration strip technology are needed if it is to become viable.Fertilizer; Nitrogen; Precision agriculture; Ramped calibration strip; Winter wheat

    Economics of Pre-Plant, Topdress, and Variable Rate Nitrogen Application in Winter Wheat

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    Past research about the efficiency of nitrogen application in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) based on source and timing has produced inconsistent results. The majority of the literature used data from few locations over short time periods. This study used a unique data set of yields and nitrogen quantities from 2002-2009 at ten different locations in Oklahoma, USA. The objective of this research was to determine wheat yield response for granular pre-plant, uniform foliar topdress, and variable rate foliar topdress. Topdress liquid nitrogen had a 19% higher NUE than pre-plant urea, and was the most profitable source of nitrogen.linear stochastic plateau, nitrogen use efficiency, profitability, wheat, Crop Production/Industries,

    Maximum Value of a Precise Nitrogen Application System for Wheat

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    Research is ongoing to develop sensor-based systems to determine crop nitrogen needs. The objective is to determine the expected maximum value of an in season precision nitrogen application system for winter wheat. Farmers could not afford to pay much more than $9 per acre for a precision system.Crop Production/Industries,

    Oklahoma homeowner's handbook for soil and nutrient management

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    The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service periodically issues revisions to its publications. The most current edition is made available. For access to an earlier edition, if available for this title, please contact the Oklahoma State University Library Archives by email at [email protected] or by phone at 405-744-6311

    Effect of Preplant Irrigation, Nitrogen Fertilizer Application Timing, and Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilization on Winter Wheat Grain Yield and Water Use Efficiency

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    Preplant irrigation can impact fertilizer management in winter wheat. The objective of this study was to evaluate the main and interactive effects of preplant irrigation, N fertilizer application timing, and different N, P, and K fertilizer treatments on grain yield and WUE. Several significant two-way interactions and main effects of all three factors evaluated were observed over four growing seasons for grain yield and WUE. These effects could be described by differences in rainfall and soil moisture content among years. Overall, grain yield and WUE were optimized, if irrigation or adequate soil moisture were available prior to planting. For rain-fed treatments, the timing of N fertilizer application was not as important and could be applied before planting or topdressed without much difference in yield. The application of P fertilizer proved to be beneficial on average years but was not needed in years where above average soil moisture was present. There was no added benefit to applying K fertilizer. In conclusion, N and P fertilizer management practices may need to be altered yearly based on changes in soil moisture from irrigation and/or rainfall

    SOILS Ammonium and Nitrate Nitrogen in Soil Profiles of Long-Term Winter Wheat Fertilization Experiments

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    ABSTRACT Accumulation of NH~ -N and NO3 -N in soils has not been thor. oughly evaluated in long-term continuous winter wheat (Triticum aes. tivum L.) production systems. The objectives of this study were to determine long-term response of winter wheat to N fertilization and to evaluate accumulation of NH~ -N and NO3 -N in the soil profile. Four long-term winter wheat soil fertility experiments on thermic Ustoll soils that received annual applications of N for > 18 yr at selected N rates were sampled. At each location, one soil core 4.4 cm in diameter was taken to a depth of 240 cm from plots receiving variable N rates. Cores were separated into 30-cm increments and analyzed for 2 M KCI-extractable NH~ -N and NO~-N. At all locations, NH~ -N levels were not significantly different from the check (no fertilizer N) when rates were applied at or below yield goal requirements (90 or45 kg N ha -~ vs. 0 N). At N rates >90 kg N ha -~, surface (0-15 cm) NH~ -N increased compared with the check, while subsurface NH~ -N did not. Similarly, when N rates were <90 kg N ha -~, no significant differences in either surface or subsurface NO 3 -N were found. At N rates >90 kg N ha -1, NO5 -N accumulated in the subsurface soil profile (>30 cm). Estimates of N rates determined from simultaneous solutions of NO5 -N accumulation minimums and yield maximums generated from quadratic regression were greater than N rates currently recommended to achieve yield goals at all locations. For these long-term continuous winter wheat experiments, no accumulation of NH~ -N and NO5 -N occurred at recommended N rates where near maximum yields were obtained. p AST AND PRESENT use of N fertilizers for winter wheat production has been related to the potential for NOA--N contamination of surface and subsurface water. Although N fertilizers are essential for economic grain production, long-term N accumulation as a result of excessive N rates has not been monitored closely. Work by Liang et al. (1991) found that residual soil NO~--N did not increase in the soil profile (0-60 cm) over a 4-yr period when comparing N rates of 170 and 400 kg ha -1 applied to corn. MacDonald et al. (1989) indicated that following harvest, unfertilized wheat plots had inorganic N contents equal to those where 234 kg N ha -1 had been applied. This work further suggested that almost all of the NO~--N at risk to leaching over the winter period comes from mineralization of organic N and not from unused fertilizer applied in the spring; therefore, even a drastic reduction in N fertilizer use would have little effect on NO~--N leaching. Lamb et al. (1985) reported that the addition of N fertilizer increased the amount of NO~-N accumulated but did not change the accumulation pattern. Tillage system (no-till, stubble mulch, and plow) did not affect the time at which the NOA--N started to accumulate during the fallow period nor the rate of accumulation (Lamb et al., 1985). Sharpley al. (1991) reported no evidence of N accumulation the soil profile (0--180 cm) after 5 yr for either no-till or reduced-till cultural practices with N fertilizer applied to sorghum at recommended rates (0--146 kg ha-1 yr-1), although annual total N in surface runoff . was 0.76 kg N ha -1 for no-till, 0.99 kg N ha -1 for reduced-till, and 7.28 kg N ha -1 for conventional till. Smika (1990) reported that time must be allowed for the equilibration of soil conditions before evaluating NO~--N accumulation, citing research that showed less NO~--N accumulation to 120 cm for reduced-till methods compared with conventional tillage for short-term studies, but more NO~--N accumulation for reducedtill methods in long-term studies. Tracy et al. (1990) noted that tillage method (conventional, no-till) did not affect NO~--N accumulation below 5 cm; differences in NO~--N in the topsoil were attributed to organic matter incorporation over 16 yr of winter wheat farming. Varvel and Peterson (1990) reported that high N application rates (180 kg N ha-1) resulted in greater residual soil NO~--N to 150 cm for continuous corn and grain sorghum systems than for other cropping systems. This same study found that all systems had similar NO~--N accumulation at lower N application rates. Work by Liang et al. (1991) found that under irrigation, 100 kg NOA--N ha -~ was lost from the rooting zone (0-60 cm) during four growing seasons, with the majority coming from the surface 40 cm. The effects of N fertilizer rate (90 and 180 kg ha -x) and nitrification inhibitors on urea lSN leaching and balance on a irrigated sandy loam were summarized by Waiters and Malzer (1990). The higher N application rate resulted in 3.4 times more N leached over a 3-yr period (206 vs. 88 kg ha -1 to 1.2 m depth). Nitrification inhibitors delayed N losses, but did not decrease the total N lost. Westerman and Tucker (1979) noted that the presence of organic residue can lower denitrification by increased immobilization of inorganic or mineralized N. Immobilization was thus considered to be an N conserving process competing with denitrification for nitrate. Nitrate studies in field microplots showed that 17% of applied 15N (120 kg N ha -~ equivalent) was still in the 45-cm soil profile after 1 yr (Kowalenko, 1989). Webster et al. (1986) evaluated the movement (92 and 102 kg NHnNO 3 ha -~) in clay and sandy loam field microplots and found that < 1% of the fertilizer was leached beyond 130 cm in the first winter following application. Response of wheat grain yields to N fertilization has been documented in numerous soil fertility experiments. However, very few of these experiments have included evaluation for more than 3 to 5 yr that also accounted for accumulation of NOA--N and NH~--N within the soil profile. The objectives of this study were to determine the long-term response of 9

    Yield response of corn and grain sorghum to row offsets on subsurface drip laterals

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    Subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) is a micro-irrigation system that could be adopted by producers in the semi-arid regions around the world for efficient use of water. Yet, several crop management issues related to SDI system need to be addressed to assess the feasibility of SDI. One such issue is the impact of crop row placement on crop performance, irrigation water use efficiency and yield under SDI. A study was conducted in the Southern U.S. Great Plains, in which drip tape laterals were buried 30 cm deep at 153 cm spacing, with two crop rows planted at 76 cm spacing, and irrigated with one tape. Corn (Zea mays L.) and grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) rows were offset from equidistance from the drip tape by 0, 8, 15, 23, and 38 cm using high precision guidance system (real time kinematics). This resulted in 5 treatments and 4 replications. This treatment structure was imposed on three irrigation (high, medium and low) regimes. Analysis of Variance showed no interaction between offset treatments and irrigation or year in corn and grain sorghum yields. The row offset did not impact the overall yield as the yield loss in row farther from the tape was compensated by the increased yield in row moved closer to the tape. The yield distribution ranged from 50% in both rows for 0 cm offset to 59% in row closer to the tape for 38 cm offset. The findings of this study suggests that while driver accuracy is important to maintain equal yields in neighboring crop rows, the overall yields are affected more by irrigation and climatic conditions and not by the row offsets with respect to SDI tape. This data suggests that SDI can be successful regardless of access to high precision guidance systems.Peer reviewedPlant and Soil Science