801 research outputs found

    Clouds in the atmospheres of extrasolar planets. IV. On the scattering greenhouse effect of CO2 ice particles: Numerical radiative transfer studies

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    Owing to their wavelengths dependent absorption and scattering properties, clouds have a strong impact on the climate of planetary atmospheres. Especially, the potential greenhouse effect of CO2 ice clouds in the atmospheres of terrestrial extrasolar planets is of particular interest because it might influence the position and thus the extension of the outer boundary of the classic habitable zone around main sequence stars. We study the radiative effects of CO2 ice particles obtained by different numerical treatments to solve the radiative transfer equation. The comparison between the results of a high-order discrete ordinate method and simpler two-stream approaches reveals large deviations in terms of a potential scattering efficiency of the greenhouse effect. The two-stream methods overestimate the transmitted and reflected radiation, thereby yielding a higher scattering greenhouse effect. For the particular case of a cool M-type dwarf the CO2 ice particles show no strong effective scattering greenhouse effect by using the high-order discrete ordinate method, whereas a positive net greenhouse effect was found in case of the two-stream radiative transfer schemes. As a result, previous studies on the effects of CO2 ice clouds using two-stream approximations overrated the atmospheric warming caused by the scattering greenhouse effect. Consequently, the scattering greenhouse effect of CO2 ice particles seems to be less effective than previously estimated. In general, higher order radiative transfer methods are necessary to describe the effects of CO2 ice clouds accurately as indicated by our numerical radiative transfer studies.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    Atmospheric studies of habitability in the Gliese 581 system

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    The M-type star Gliese 581 is orbited by at least one terrestrial planet candidate in the habitable zone, i.e. GL 581 d. Orbital simulations have shown that additional planets inside the habitable zone of GL 581 would be dynamically stable. Recently, two further planet candidates have been claimed, one of them in the habitable zone. In view of the ongoing search for planets around M stars which is expected to result in numerous detections of potentially habitable Super-Earths, we take the GL 581 system as an example to investigate such planets. In contrast to previous studies of habitability in the GL 581 system, we use a consistent atmospheric model to assess surface conditions and habitability. Furthermore, we perform detailed atmospheric simulations for a much larger subset of potential planetary and atmospheric scenarios than previously considered. A 1D radiative-convective atmosphere model is used to calculate temperature and pressure profiles of model atmospheres, which we assumed to be composed of molecular nitrogen, water, and carbon dioxide. In these calculations, key parameters such as surface pressure and CO2 concentration as well as orbital distance and planetary mass are varied. Results imply that surface temperatures above freezing could be obtained, independent of the here considered atmospheric scenarios, at an orbital distance of 0.117 AU. For an orbital distance of 0.146 AU, CO2 concentrations as low as 10 times the present Earth's value are sufficient to warm the surface above the freezing point of water. At 0.175 AU, only scenarios with CO2 concentrations of 5% and 95% were found to be habitable. Hence, an additional Super-Earth planet in the GL 581 system in the previously determined dynamical stability range would be considered a potentially habitable planet.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted in Astronomy&Astrophysic

    Quantum read-out for cold atomic quantum simulators

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    Quantum simulators allow to explore static and dynamical properties of otherwise intractable quantum many-body systems. In many instances, however, the read-out limits such quantum simulations. In this work, we introduce an innovative experimental read-out exploiting coherent non-interacting dynamics. Specifically, we present a tomographic recovery method allowing to indirectly measure the second moments of the relative density fluctuations between two one-dimensional superfluids, which until now eluded direct measurements. Applying methods from signal processing, we show that we can reconstruct the relative density fluctuations from non-equilibrium data of the relative phase fluctuations. We employ the method to investigate equilibrium states, the dynamics of phonon occupation numbers and even to predict recurrences. The method opens a new window for quantum simulations with one-dimensional superfluids, enabling a deeper analysis of their equilibration and thermalization dynamics

    On the climatic impact of CO2 ice particles in atmospheres of terrestrial exoplanets

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Clouds play a significant role for the energy budget in planetary atmospheres. They can scatter incident stellar radiation back to space, effectively cooling the surface of terrestrial planets. On the other hand, they may contribute to the atmospheric greenhouse effect by trapping outgoing thermal radiation. For exoplanets near the outer boundary of the habitable zone, condensation of CO2 can occur due to the low atmospheric temperatures. These CO2 ice clouds may play an important role for the surface temperature and, therefore, for the question of habitability of those planets. However, the optical properties of CO2 ice crystals differ significantly from those of water droplets or water ice particles. Except for a small number of strong absorption bands, they are almost transparent with respect to absorption. Instead, they are highly effective scatterers at long and short wavelengths. Therefore, the climatic effect of a CO2 ice cloud will depend on how much incident stellar radiation is scattered to space in comparison to the amount of thermal radiation scattered back towards the planetary surface. This contribution aims at the potential greenhouse effect of CO2 ice particles. Their scattering and absorption properties are calculated for assumed particle size distributions with different effective radii and particle densities. An accurate radiative transfer model is used to determine the atmospheric radiation field affected by such CO2 particles. These results are compared to less detailed radiative transfer schemes employed in previous studies

    The extrasolar planet Gliese 581 d: a potentially habitable planet? (Corrigendum to arXiv:1009.5814)

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    We report here that the equation for H2O Rayleigh scattering was incorrectly stated in the original paper [arXiv:1009.5814]. Instead of a quadratic dependence on refractivity r, we accidentally quoted an r^4 dependence. Since the correct form of the equation was implemented into the model, scientific results are not affected.Comment: accepted to Astronomy&Astrophysic

    Nonlinear Polariton Fluids in a Flatband Reveal Discrete Gap Solitons

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    Phase frustration in periodic lattices is responsible for the formation of dispersionless flat bands. The absence of any kinetic energy scale makes flat band physics critically sensitive to perturbations and interactions. We report here on the experimental investigation of the nonlinear dynamics of cavity polaritons in the gapped flat band of a one-dimensional Lieb lattice. We observe the formation of gap solitons with quantized size and very abrupt edges, signature of the frozen propagation of switching fronts. This type of gap solitons belongs to the class of truncated Bloch waves, and had only been observed in closed systems up to now. Here the driven-dissipative character of the system gives rise to a complex multistability of the nonlinear domains generated in the flat band. These results open up interesting perspective regarding more complex 2D lattices and the generation of correlated photon phases.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures + supplemental material (6 pages, 6 figures

    Experimental observation of the crystallization of a paired holon state

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    A new excitation is observed at 201 meV in the doped-hole ladder cuprate Sr14_{14}Cu24_{24}O41_{41}, using ultraviolet resonance Raman scattering with incident light at 3.7 eV polarized along the direction of the rungs. The excitation is found to be of charge nature, with a temperature independent excitation energy, and can be understood via an intra-ladder pair-breaking process. The intensity tracks closely the order parameter of the charge density wave in the ladder (CDWL_L), but persists above the CDWL_L transition temperature (TCDWLT_{CDW_L}), indicating a strong local pairing above TCDWLT_{CDW_L}. The 201 meV excitation vanishes in La6_{6}Ca8_{8}Cu24_{24}O41+δ_{41+\delta}, and La5_{5}Ca9_{9}Cu24_{24}O41_{41} which are samples with no holes in the ladders. Our results suggest that the doped holes in the ladder are composite bosons consisting of paired holons that order below TCDWT_{CDW}.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters (4 figures