14 research outputs found

    Analisis tingkat kesehatan keuangan perusahaan : Studi kasus pada PT. Industri Sandang II Unit Patal Secang 1994-1998

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    漏 2014, Postgraduate Medical Institute. All rights reserved. The deficit and excess of vitamin A causes birth defects affecting different organ systems. The objectives of this study are to determine the effect caused by the administration of different doses of retinoic acid on bone morphogenesis of the axial skeleton in embryonic mouse Mus musculus. By simple randomization newly pregnant females were distributed into 4 categories: A, B, C and D. On day 8 post fertilization, 40 mg/kg was administered by weight of retinoic acid to the group A, 20 mg/kg body weight of the group B solution 1 ml/kg body weight of dimethyl sulfoxide and group C. Group D is the control group. On day 17 of gestation the females and their fetuses were anesthetized and euthanized with an overdose of intraperitoneal sodium pentothal. Fetuses from each litter were processed using diaphanization and Alcian blue staining to hyaline cartilage and alizarin to observe bone tissue. The results are expressed as percenta

    Estudio Morfol贸gico y An谩lisis de Minerales de la Mand铆bula Inferior de Salmones del Atl谩ntico (Salmo salar) Adultos con Deformaci贸n Mandibular, Provenientes de Escocia

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    Mandibular deformity is a condition that affects the jaw bone of adult salmon and has been observed in Norway and Chile, causing weight loss, poor quality of farmed fish and increased mortality. The causes range from high temperatures of the state of eggs, to poor nutrition phosphorus or vitamin C. This work aims to analyze this deformity by histochemical and mineral analysis technique during an episode presented in centers of the Scotia Sea. Jaw and spinal segments of 21 Atlantic salmon in Scotland were used. These samples were classified into three groups: Group 1: Severely deformed. Group 2: Mildly affected. Group 3: Normal controls. Four jaws per group were fixed in 10 % formalin and embedded in Paraplast, sections of 5 microns were performed using a Microm((R)) microtome histochemical technique Von Kossa was used for the detection of calcium deposits, which highlights the calcium osteoid black and red color. For proximate analysis, and in order to obtain and compare levels of calcium, phosphorus, zinc and magnesium in total 9 bone jaws (6 affected with DM and 3 controls) and 9 body sections the Mann-Whitney test was used to compare these values between misshapen salmon and controls. To correlate values, jaw and body segment a Spearman corrrelation was applied. Fish group 1 presented a ventral deviation of the alveolar bone body. In fish group 2 prominence of the visible joint on both sides or unilaterally was observed. Comparing the values of % Ca, % P, % Mg and Zn jaws with DM and healthy ones with Mann Witney method it was found that the values of these minerals vary between salmon and controls affected. There was a significant difference in the percentage of P, which indicates that there is less P in affected fish vertebrae. Spearman correlation noted that the percentages of the minerals studied in dental bone and vertebral segments are uncorrelated. Rather, Von Kossa distribution indicates that Ca/P is not homogeneous in the dental bone, as a result of mineral resorption from the skeleton including the operculum, articular bone and dental towards kype. This paper states that Von Kossa histochemical technique showed significant differences between deformed fish and controls and also showed differences between the various segments of the dental bone. The alveolar bone is a dynamic structure adapted to continuous histological changes may be involved in MD, phosphorus deficient diets, coupled with the initial formation of Kippe

    Vertebral Column Deformity and hypoxia in Salmo salar Hipoxia relacionada a deformidad de columna vertebral en Salmo salar

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    Vertebral Column Deformity (VCD) is a common pathology in Chilean salmon farms, lowering the quality and commercialization of the product. Hypoxia has been related to other musculoskeletal deformities, but not to VCD. This work analyzes the morphology of the vertebral column of Salmo salar alevins, cultured under hypoxic conditions (60% O2 saturation in the water tanks) for different time periods after hatching (2, 4, 6 and 8 days). They are compared with their normoxic controls (100% O2 saturation). Using histological (H/E), and morphometric techniques, it was found that the time of exposure to hypoxia is inversely proportional to the body length, notochordal diameter and thickness of its sheath. The organic response to hypoxia was quantified by immunohistochemistry for HIF-1a as the sensor of hypoxia. Its expression increased significantly (p<0.05) in the experimental groups that exhibit VCD. Although etiology for VCD is probably multifactorial, this study allows for the conclusion

    Histological characteristics of the skin of the volar side of the thumb in chilean individualswith vanishing dactylogram

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    En forma caracter铆stica, la piel de manos y de pies presenta un dise帽o morfol贸gico particular denominado dactilograma. Este patr贸n es caracter铆stico de la piel gruesa de d铆gitos, palma de manos y plantas de pies y sus propiedades le permiten cumplir un rol protag贸nico en la identificaci贸n humana. No se han descrito los cambios que ocurren en la cara volar de pulgar debido al proceso de envejecimiento. Es por esta raz贸n que el objetivo del presente trabajo fue evidenciar los cambios en la bioestructura de la piel de la cara volar del primer d铆gito de la mano derecha en individuos de edad avanzada. Para este estudio se utilizaron muestras de piel de pulgar derecho de individuos chilenos de ambos sexos y de edad avanzada. Estas muestras fueron sometidas a estudio histol贸gico con HE, Tricromico de Mallory, Rojo Sirio de Junquiera, Reaccion de PAS y tinci贸n de Orceina. Las observaciones y registros se realizaron con Microscopio Zeiss Axiostar Plus, c谩mara fotogr谩fica Canon modelo PowerShot A 640 y software Image Tool 3.0 UTHSCSA, 2002. Los resultados evidenciaron cambios significativos en el grosor de la epidermis, en la morfolog铆a de la membrana basal, en la forma y cantidad de vasos sangu铆neos, en la distribuci贸n y patr贸n de ordenamiento de las fibras el谩sticas y col谩genas y en el aumento de corp煤sculos t谩ctiles. Estos cambios confirman la existencia de cambios histol贸gicos importantes debido al proceso de envejecimiento, lo que podr铆a ser determinante en el paulatino desvanecimiento de las caracter铆sticas morfol贸gicas del dactilograma, dificultando observar, evidenciar y registrar el dactilograma en individuos de edad avanzada, disminuyendo la posibilidad de identificaci贸n de estos individuos, acarreando posibles consecuencias m茅dico-legales.Characteristically the skin of hands and feet shows a particular morphological design called dactylogram. This pattern is typically on the thick skin of the digits, the palm of the hands and the soles of the feet, and its properties have a leading role in human identification. The changes that take place on the volar side of the thumb due to the aging process have not yet been described. It is for this reason that the objective of the present work is to show the variation of the biostructure on the skin of the volar side of the first digit of the right hand in elderly individuals. For this research, skin samples of the right thumb from elderly Chilean subjects of both sexes were used. These samples underwent histological studies with H&E, Mallory's trichrome, Sirio of Junqueira Red, PAS Reaction and Orcein staining. The observation and records were made with Zeiss Axiostar Plus Microscope, a Canon PowerShot A 640 camera, and Image Tool 3.0 software UTHSCSA, 2002. The results showed significant changes on the epidermis thickness, in the basement membrane morphology, in the shape and quantity of blood vessels, the distribution and arrangement pattern of the collagen and elastic fibers, and in the increase of tactile corpuscles. These changes confirm the existence of significant histological changes due to the aging process, which could be decisive in the gradual fading of the morphological characteristics of the dactylogram, making it difficult to observe, demonstrate and record the dactylogram on individuals of advanced age which reduces the possibility of identification of those individuals, leading to possible medical-legal consequences

    Immunolocalization of sonic hedgehog in embryo-fetal mouse (mus musculus) development

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    Sonic hedgehog (Shh) es un morf贸geno esencial para el desarrollo de diversas estructuras, tales como notocorda, placa del piso del tubo neural, miembros, entre otros. Se busc贸 determinar la inmunolocalizaci贸n de Shh en embriones y fetos de rat贸n. Para ello, se eutanasiaron 10 ratones gestantes (Mus musculus) BALB/c, un grupo de 5 animales a los 12,5 d铆as post-coito (dpc), y otro grupo a los 17,5 dpc. Los embriones y fetos obtenidos fueron fijados en formalina al 10 % tamponada en PBS e incluidos en paraplast. Se realizaron cortes transversales seriados. Se utiliz贸 anticuerpo policlonal Shh (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, H-160, conejo), diluci贸n 1:100. Se identific贸 y describi贸 la inmunolocalizaci贸n de las muestras marcadas positivamente. La expresi贸n de Shh en los embriones de 12,5 dpc fue inmunopositiva en notocorda, placa del piso del tubo neural, precart铆lago de radio y ulna, y pr谩cticamente todos los epitelios: bronquial, intestinal, vejiga y uretra. En la etapa fetal, a los 17,5 dpc la inmunopositividad desaparece en el cart铆lago a excepci贸n de zonas de osificaci贸n, disminuye en la epidermis pero aparece en fol铆culos pilosos. La mucosa intestinal se ha diferenciado en segmentos, mostrando una inmunotinci贸n mayor a nivel de las vellosidades intestinales. Shh act煤a en distintos estadios del periodo gestacional, siendo clave en la diferenciaci贸n de distintas estructuras. En etapas embrionaria, es vital en la formaci贸n del sistema nervioso, organog茅nesis y formaci贸n de miembros, por lo que su expresi贸n se encuentra en estas zonas. Sin embargo, en la etapa fetal la expresi贸n cambia a estructuras de mayor especializaci贸n como fol铆culo piloso y vellosidades intestinales.Sonic hedgehog (Shh) is an essential morphogen for the development of various structures, such as notochord, neural tube floor plate, limbs, among others. We sought to determine the immunolocalization of Shh in embryos and mouse fetuses. To do this, 10 pregnant mice (Mus musculus)BALB/c were euthanized, a group of 5 animals at 12.5 days postcoitus (dpc), and another group at 17.5 dpc. Embryos and fetuses obtained were fixed in 10 % formalin buffered in PBS and embedded in paraplast. Serial cross sections were made. Polyclonal antibody Shh (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, H-160, rabbit), dilution 1:100 was used. The immunolocalization of the positively labeled samples was identified and described. Shh expression in 12.5 dpc embryos was immunopositive in notochord, neural tube floor plate, radius precartilage and ulna, and practically all epithelia: bronchial, intestinal, bladder and urethra. In the fetal stage, at 17.5 dpc the immunopositivity disappears in the cartilage except for areas of ossification, decreases in the epidermis but appears in hair follicles. The intestinal mucosa has differentiated into segments, showing greater immunostaining at the level of the intestinal villi. Shh acts in different stages of the gestational period, being key in the differentiation of different structures. In embryonic stages, it is vital in the formation of the nervous system, organogenesis and formation of limbs, so its expression is found in these areas. However, in the fetal stage the expression changes to more specialized structures such as hair follicles and intestinal villi

    Role of Vitamin E in Neural Tube of Mouse (Mus musculus) Embryos and Fetuses treated with Valproic Acid: Immunohistochemical Study of Sonic Hedgehog

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    Sonic hedgehog (SHH) is an essential morphogen for the development of neural tube, members and somites. Variations in expression can cause abnormalities in the nervous system. This will produce teratogens, such as valproic acid (VPA), which increases the reactive oxygen species and can be counteracted with the administration of vitamin E (VE). We sought to determine the expression of SHH in the neural tube and spinal cord in mice embryos and fetuses exposed to VPA, VPA + VE and VE. For the study we used 8 groups of female mice (Mus musculus). At day 8 post-coitus (p.c.) the groups were administered as follows: groups 1 and 5, 0.3ml saline; groups 2 and 6, VPA 600 mg/kg; groups 3 and 7, VPA 600 mg/kg + VE 200 IU/kg; groups 4 and 8, VE 200 IU/kg, all treatments were given orally. On the 12th day p.c., groups 1, 2, 3 and 4 were euthanized and the remaining groups at day 17. They were fixed in Bouin solution and included in paraplast; thoracic cross sections were performed, anti-SHH polyclonal antibody (Santa Cruz, H-160, rabbit) dilution 1:100 was used. We described morphology of the positively labeled samples and measured integrated optic density and percentage of immunoreactive area. SHH expression was immunopositive in notochord and floor plate of the neural tube in embryos only 12 day p.c. In the groups treated with VPA + VE and VE immunohistochemistry showed greater intensity and percentage of immunoreactive area compared to those in the group treated with VPA (p <= 0.0001) in the floor plate, being similar to the control group. In the notochord, immunoreaction intensity was similar to that shown in the floor plate, with significant differences (p <= 0.0001), but the percentage of area showed no differences. The groups at day 17 of gestation were negative for the expression of SHH. VE regulates expression of SHH in neural tube, thus attenuating the effects of VPA

    Histological evaluation of bone regeneration means freeze dried bone allograft (FDBA) in post exodontia sockets Evaluaci贸n histol贸gica de la regeneraci贸n 贸sea en alv茅olos post exodoncia mediante uso de freeze dried bone allograft (FDBA)

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    Within oral rehabilitation alveolar ridge preservation following extraction is important. This research study shows a histological, histochemical and histomorphometrical evaluation in two cases of post extraction ridge-socket preservation performed with FDBA. In two patients dental extraction procedures were performed and sockets were immediately filled with FDBA. Six months later a biopsy of grafted area was obtained and rehabilitated through dental implant. Grafted bone samples were treated for histological and histochemical analysis. Bone tissue area was measured. Laboratory analysis of three samples showed inactive bone surfaces, neither osteoblasts nor osteoclasts were found, only osteocyte and osteogenous cells were observed. These findings do not mean that tissue is metabolically inactive, rather bone genesis develop from a tissue matrix with the potential to generate undifferentiated osteocytes, and a micro environment with proteins such as bone morphogenetic proteins (BPM). I

    Effects of Treatment with Vitamin E in the Neural Tube and Spinal Cord Mus musculus Mouse Embryos Exposed to the use of Valproic Acid

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    El 谩cido valproico (VPA) es el principal anticonvulsivante utilizado contra la epilepsia durante la gestaci贸n. Sin embargo, en etapas iniciales del embarazo act煤a como terat贸geno y ocasiona malformaciones como fisura labio-palatina, alteraciones en el desarrollo genital y espina b铆fida, siendo esta 煤ltima la m谩s frecuente. Esto se produce debido al aumento de especies reactivas de ox铆geno, pudiendo contrarrestarse administrando vitamina E. El objetivo fue determinar si la vitamina E disminuye el da帽o en tubo neural y m茅dula espinal de embriones y fetos de ratonas expuestas a VPA. Se conformaron 8 grupos de animales. A los 8 d铆as postfecundaci贸n se les administr贸 a los grupos 1 y 5 suero fisiol贸gico 0,3 mL; grupos 2 y 6 VPA 600 mg/Kg; grupos 3 y 7 VPA 600 mg/Kg y vitamina E 200 UI/Kg; grupos 4 y 8 vitamina E 200 UI/kg. A los 12 d铆as post-fecundaci贸n, se sacrificaron los grupos 1, 2, 3 y 4, y a los 17 d铆as los restantes grupos. Los embriones fueron procesados y te帽idos con cresil violeta, observ谩ndose cortes histol贸gicos a nivel cervical, tor谩cico y lumbar. Los grupos tratados con vitamina E presentaron menor cantidad de neuroblastos y motoneuronas, pero de tama帽o mayor en comparaci贸n al grupo tratado con VPA (p<0,05), siendo similares a los grupos controles. Al comparar el tubo neural y m茅dula espinal en los distintos niveles (cervical, tor谩cico y lumbar), no hubo diferencias estad铆sticamente significativas. La administraci贸n prenatal de vitamina E disminuye los defectos en tubo neural y m茅dula espinal de embriones de 12 y 17 d铆as de gestaci贸n sometidos a VPA