167 research outputs found

    Insulated conducting cantilevered nanotips and two-chamber recording system for high resolution ion sensing AFM.

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    Biological membranes contain ion channels, which are nanoscale pores allowing controlled ionic transport and mediating key biological functions underlying normal/abnormal living. Synthetic membranes with defined pores are being developed to control various processes, including filtration of pollutants, charge transport for energy storage, and separation of fluids and molecules. Although ionic transport (currents) can be measured with single channel resolution, imaging their structure and ionic currents simultaneously is difficult. Atomic force microscopy enables high resolution imaging of nanoscale structures and can be modified to measure ionic currents simultaneously. Moreover, the ionic currents can also be used to image structures. A simple method for fabricating conducting AFM cantilevers to image pore structures at high resolution is reported. Tungsten microwires with nanoscale tips are insulated except at the apex. This allows simultaneous imaging via cantilever deflections in normal AFM force feedback mode as well as measuring localized ionic currents. These novel probes measure ionic currents as small as picoampere while providing nanoscale spatial resolution surface topography and is suitable for measuring ionic currents and conductance of biological ion channels

    High performance, LED powered, waveguide based total internal reflection microscopy.

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    Total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy is a rapidly expanding optical technique with excellent surface sensitivity and limited background fluorescence. Commercially available TIRF systems are either objective based that employ expensive special high numerical aperture (NA) objectives or prism based that restrict integrating other modalities of investigation for structure-function analysis. Both techniques result in uneven illumination of the field of view and require training and experience in optics. Here we describe a novel, inexpensive, LED powered, waveguide based TIRF system that could be used as an add-on module to any standard fluorescence microscope even with low NA objectives. This system requires no alignment, illuminates the entire field evenly, and allows switching between epifluorescence/TIRF/bright field modes without adjustments or objective replacements. The simple design allows integration with other imaging systems, including atomic force microscopy (AFM), for probing complex biological systems at their native nanoscale regimes

    Structure and permeability of ion-channels by integrated AFM and waveguide TIRF microscopy.

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    Membrane ion channels regulate key cellular functions and their activity is dependent on their 3D structure. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) images 3D structure of membrane channels placed on a solid substrate. Solid substrate prevents molecular transport through ion channels thus hindering any direct structure-function relationship analysis. Here we designed a ~70 nm nanopore to suspend a membrane, allowing fluidic access to both sides. We used these nanopores with AFM and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM) for high resolution imaging and molecular transport measurement. Significantly, membranes over the nanopore were stable for repeated AFM imaging. We studied structure-activity relationship of gap junction hemichannels reconstituted in lipid bilayers. Individual hemichannels in the membrane overlying the nanopore were resolved and transport of hemichannel-permeant LY dye was visualized when the hemichannel was opened by lowering calcium in the medium. This integrated technique will allow direct structure-permeability relationship of many ion channels and receptors

    Extremely sharp carbon nanocone probes for atomic force microscopy imaging

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    A simple and reliable catalyst patterning technique combined with electric-field-guided growth is utilized to synthesize a sharp and high-aspect-ratio carbon nanocone probe on a tipless cantilever for atomic force microscopy. A single carbon nanodot produced by an electron-beam-induced deposition serves as a convenient chemical etch mask for catalyst patterning, thus eliminating the need for complicated, resist-based, electron-beam lithography for a nanoprobe fabrication. A gradual, sputtering-induced size reduction and eventual removal of the catalyst particle at the probe tip during electric-field-guided growth creates a sharp probe with a tip radius of only a few nanometers. These fabrication processes are amenable for the wafer-scale synthesis of multiple probes. High resolution imaging of three-dimensional features and deep trenches, and mechanical durability enabling continuous operation for many hours without noticeable image deterioration have been demonstrated

    Structural Convergence Among Diverse, Toxic β-Sheet Ion Channels

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    Recent studies show that an array of -sheet peptides, including N-terminally truncated A peptides (A11-42/17-42), K3 (a 2-microglobulin fragment), and protegrin-1 (PG-1) peptides form ion channel-like structures and elicit single channel ion conductance when reconstituted in lipid bilayers and induce cell damage through cell calcium overload. Striking similarities are observed in the dimensions of these toxic channels irrespective of their amino acid sequences. However, the intriguing question of preferred channel sizes is still unresolved. Here, exploiting ssNMR-based, U-shaped, -strand-turn--strand coordinates, we modeled truncated A peptide (p3) channels with different sizes (12- to 36-mer). Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations show that optimal channel sizes of the ion channels presenting toxic ionic flux range between 16- and 24-mer. This observation is in good agreement with channel dimensions imaged by AFM for A9-42, K3 fragment, and PG-1 channels and highlights the bilayer-supported preferred toxic -channel sizes and organization, regardless of the peptide sequence
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