202 research outputs found

    Strategi Pemasaran Tahu Tuna di Kabupaten Pacitan

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    : This study aims to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, formulating alternative marketing strategies, and deciding the priority strategies that can be applied in agroindustries of tuna tofu in the Pacitan Regency. The basic method used in this research is descriptive analytic. Data analysis has been used is Internal External (IE) matrix, Strenght, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat (SWOT) matrix, and Quantitative Strategic Planning (QSP) matrix. The results showed that marketing of tuna tofu in agroindustries have the greatest power in the resulting product has a good quality, , the greatest weaknesses is not maximized of promotion in agroindustries, whereas the biggest opportunity is the increased demand in certain seasons, and the biggest threat is the fluctuation of raw material price. Some alternative strategies from this study are take advantage of the holiday season, cultural events , and various visits in a government agency with the cooperation between tuna tofu agroindustries to meet market demand, the provision of facilities from government to increase sales tuna tofu especially in tourist area, diversifying products and packaging, improve marketing management related workforce marketing professionals to help increase sales and market expansion, to maintain product quality and improve services to consumers, performing pricing strategies to maintain consumer loyalty, expansion of product marketing through online media to increase profitability of agroindustries, and agroindustries should update the concept of sales to attract interest consumer. The priority strategy that can be applied in tuna tofu agroindustries related workforce marketing professionals to help increase sales and market expansion

    Mobile Phone Dependency among High School Students in Rural Area, Central Java

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    BACKGROUND : Studies have shown that frequent use of mobile phone, either smartphone or non-smartphone, may cause at least 16 inadvertent health-related effects: serious addiction, painful withdrawal, back pro-blems, nerve damage, anxiety and depression, stress, weight problem and fitness level, disrupted sleep, source of bacteria, attention span, social effect, text claw, indirect injuries, eyesight, hearing, and radiation. This study aimed to compare level of dependency between use of smartphone and non-smartphone, as indicator by duration of use. SUBJECT AND METHODS: This was a cross sectional study conducted in Sukoharjo, Central Java. A sample of 219 high school students from a rural area, Sukoharjo, Central Java, was selected for this study. The dependent variable was duration use of smartphone or non-smartphone, as an indicator of dependency. The independent variable was type of mobile phone, i.e. smartphone or non-smartphone. A questionnaire was used to collect data. The data were analyzed using Mann-Whitney test. RESULTS: Mean duration use of smartphone (mean=5.50; SD=1.10) was longer than non-smartphone (mean=4.39; SD=0.90), and it was statistically significant (p=0.038). CONCLUSION: The dependency is stronger among the smartphone users than non-smartphone users among high school students, as it is indicated by the longer duration of use. Keywords: mobile phone, smartphone, side effect, dependency, rural, high school student

    Influence of Exposing Root Canal Dentin to Calcium Hydroxide on Its Flexural Strength

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    Calcium hydroxide has been used extensively in endodontic treatments, for instance as an intra-canal dressing; however, the exposure of root canal dentin to calcium hydroxide may affect its flexural strength and could have important clinical implications for endodontic treatment. The purpose of this in vitro study was to investigate the influence of calcium hydroxide on the flexural strength of root canal dentin.Seventy-two extracted single-rooted human mandibular premolars were used in this study. Each tooth was instrumented using crown-down technique and was irrigated using sterile saline. The teeth were assigned into three groups of 24 each. The prepared root canal system of each tooth was filled with calcium hydroxide mixed with sterile saline (group 1), a calcium hydroxide commercially available product (UltraCal®) (group 2) or saline solution (group 3, as control). The apices and access opening were sealed using composite resin, and the teeth were immersed in artificial saliva. After 7, 14 and 30 days of immersion, the inner root canal dentin of 8 teeth respectively from each group were sectioned to create dentin bars (1 X 1 mm, with 7 mm in length). Each dentin bar then was subjected to a three-point bending flexural test using MTS (Universal Testing Machine). Data gathered were then analyzed using two-way ANOVA, followed by Tukey's test with the level of significance of 95%. The results showed that exposure to calcium hydroxide either using calcium hydroxide mixed with sterile saline or UltraCal® for 14 and 30 days can reduce flexural strength of root canal dentin compared to control group (p0.05). It can be concluded that calcium hydroxide reduced the flexural strength of root canal dentin. The longer the exposure to calcium hydroxide would produce a greater effect on flexural strength of root canal dentin

    Pengiriman Paket Menggunakan Grab Express Beserta dengan Bentuk Pertanggungjawabannya

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    Seperti yang diatur dalam Peraturan Pemerintah No 74 Tahun 2014 Tentang Angkutan Jalan (PP No. 74/2014, sepeda motor dapat digunakan sebagai alat angkut barang dengan catatan harus memenuhi syarat teknis. Selain itu penggunaan sepeda motor juga dirasa lebih efektif dan efisien untuk pengiriman barang karena dapat menjangkau tempat tujuan dengan lebih cepat. Seiring dengan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan teknologi, akhirnya memunculkan suatu inovasi baru berupa penggabungan teknologi dengan pengadaan jasa pengangkutan. Inovasi tersebut berupa layanan pemesanan kendaraan melalui aplikasi pada ponsel pintar. Kemunculan inovasi ini di Indonesia cukup disukai oleh masyarakat karena lebih efektif dan efisien. Melihat permintaan masyarakat yang cukup banyak, hal ini membuat suatu peluang bisnis yang cukup menjanjikan. Sehingga sampai saat ini banyak bermunculan Perusahaan aplikasi penyedia layanan transportasi yakni Go-Jek Indonesia, Uber Indonesia dan Grab Indonesia. Permasalahan yang timbul dengan adanya transportasi online ini adalah bentuk tanggung jawabnya dalam hal melakukan pengangkutan. Sehingga perlu kiranya diketahui lebih jauh agar pengguna transportasi online dapat lebih aman dan nyaman ketika menggunakan jasa yang ditawarkan terutama untuk aplikasi Grab Express. Artikel ini mengambil sampel Grab Indonesia sebagai bahan penelitian. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum yang bersifat normative artinya semua yang dikaji adalah berdasar peraturan Perundang-undangan. Selain itu pendekatan yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah conseptual approach dan research approach. KataKunci: Transportasi Online; Grab Indonesia; Grab Express; Pengangkutan; Tanggung Jawab

    Pedofilia dan Kekerasan Seksual: Masalah dan Perlindungan terhadap Anak

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    Maraknya kasus kekerasan seksual terhadap anak, khususnya pedofilia telah menyedot perhatian masyarakat yangakhirnya membuat pemerintah menyatakan bahwa pada tahun 2014 merupakan Tahun Darurat Kekerasan Seksualterhadap Anak. Tulisan ini dimaksudkan memberikan gambaran dan juga pemikiran mengenai pedofilia sebagaikekerasan seksual terhadap anak, serta diharapkan mampu menjadi titik tolak pembuatan kebijakan perlindungan anakdari kekerasan seksual. Tulisan ini merupakan studi literatur yang menempatkan pedofilia sebagai masalah serius yangharus segera ditangani oleh seluruh aspek pemerintahan yaitu masyarakat, dunia usaha, dan pemerintah itu sendiri baikitu pemerintah pusat maupun daerah. Langkah penyelamatan anak dari kejahatan seksual mulai dari jaminan hukumyang ketat dan tegas sampai dukungan sosial dari masyarakat. Kementerian Sosial RI melalui LKSA berkomitmenmenjadi garda terdepan dalam pencegahan kekerasan dan perlindungan anak. Perlu kerjasama yang simultan danmenyeluruh dari orangtua, masyarakat sekitar, dan aparat pemerintah untuk menjamin berhasilnya perlindungan anak


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    This research is socio-legal research with an ethnographic approach regarding the resolution of maritime resource conflicts in the Kei Islands and the conditions of current state laws and regulations. This article discusses how the overlapping of laws and regulations occurs in law enforcement on marine resource management and how customary law is an alternative for resolving conflicts over marine resources in the Kei Islands. This study found that so many laws and regulations besides helping to create legal order can also have an impact in the form of overlapping authorities between state agencies. On the other hand, the resolution of maritime resource conflicts in practice does not always depend on the positive law of the state alone. Another fact is often found that the community and even the state apparatus also accommodate customary law in resolving conflicts that occur. However, this form of settlement developed into a hybrid form.Keywords: the overlapping regulations, Kei customary law, hybrid legal systems

    Kecemasan Tokoh Icih Prihatini dalam Naskah Drama Monolog Wanci Karya Imas Sobariah: Analisis Psikologi Sastra

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    Abstrack : This study discusses the anxiety of Icih Prihatini figures in the script of monologue Wanci works Imas Sobariah based on the approach to psychology literature analyzed. In this study examines the problem formulation what the anxiety experienced by Icih Prihatini figures in the script monologue drama Wanci works from Imas Sobariah. The data source is the goal of this study is the monologue drama script Wanci Imas Sobariah work. The research data I look in form of sentences and dialogue excerpts relating to anxiety figure consists of realistic anxiety, neurotic anxiety and moral anxiety. The research method used is a qualitative method which describes the description data. Technique of collecting data in this research is documentation techniques. Data analysis technique is used, the data reduction, data representation and conclusions must be terminated. The data of this study amounted to 38 data that consists of 12 data realistic anxiety, neurotic anxiety data 12 and 14, the data of the moral by the signs experienced fear in the script monologue Prihatini Icih Wanci Sobariah Imas work

    Effect of Serving Factors of Milk Powder in Sachet Packaging on Total Microbial

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    The aim of this research was to study the microbial quality of milk powder based on the serving factors during milk powder serving process. The method used in this research was Total Plate Count (TPC). Nine sachets (400 g/sachet) of milk powder was used as many as This experiments used Split Plot Design, comprised three factors, storage factor (P1, P2 and P3), time of serving factor (morning and evening), and shelf life factor (day of 1st-7th). Each treatment consisted of three sachets of milk powder. Storage factors comprised P1 (sachets packaging contained of milk powder were placed into the glass bottle container), P2 (sachets packaging contained of milk powder were placed into glass botlle with spoon inside, and P3 (sachets packaging contained of milk powder with spoon inside were not placed into the glass bottle container). The results of this research showed that storage factors and time of serving did not sifnificantly (P>0,05) affect on the microbial count of milk powder, but shelf life factor significanly (P<0,01) affected on microbial count of milk powder at day of 1th and 7th. Milk powder in sachet packs (400 grams) has been opened, with or without spoon in the sachet and more than five days of shelf life can increase the total number of microbes, which was exceed TPC decision at 5x104 CFU/grams of milk powder

    Peran Perempuan dalam Industri Kecil(studi Kasus Perempuan Bekerja pada Industri Kecil Pengrajin Manik-manik di Desa Plumbon Gambang Kecamatan Gudo Kabupaten Malang

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    This research is based on phenomenon of women worker on small industry of Beads Artwork at Plumbon Village Gambang Gudo Sub district Jombang District which is considered as social reality which is a frequently seen in Indonesia. The problems of this research are how the gender deferential work in small industry of Beads Artwork and how women\u27s role in this small industry. The aims of this research to know women role in small industry of Beads Artwork which is observed through the women involvement, time allocation, and the decision making pattern.The research uses study case method with qualitative approach. This research uses purposive sampling and the technic of data collecting such as indepth interview with respondens, observation, and documentation.The result of this research shows that in unit industry of Beads Artwork, women workers are very identical with simple jobs, unrisky jobs, jobs which are not far from home and jobs which requiring patience. Mean while the men workers get the jobs which are contrast to the women workers. The men workers are very identical with jobs requiring strength which need physical force with high risk and high skill. The men workers are mostly being involved in production process such as frying pan, cleaning, colloring, smelting, obstruction making and making of Beads. While the women workers are mostly being involved in choosing material process, cleaning asbes, choosing and making the Beads\u27 structure. Men and women have nearly same time allocation in the small industry that is about 8 hours everyday.In the task of decision making such as in the activities of buying raw materials, deciding the amount of raw materials as well as deciding the place to buy the materials, not women and men are involved together. However, the women are more dominant in the activity of buying materials. While men are more dominant in selling and marketing the products