29 research outputs found

    The impact of flipped classroom andragogy on student assessment performance and perception of learning experience in two advanced physiology subjects

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    Flipped classroom teaching has been used by many educators to promote active learning in higher education. This andragogy is thought to increase student engagement by making them more accountable for their learning and increase time on task in the classroom. While there are several systematic reviews that point to improved student results, it remains unclear if flipped classrooms have positive learning effects in physiology education. Flipped classroom teaching was introduced in two advanced physiology subjects (advanced neuroscience, semester 1, and cardiorespiratory and renal physiology, semester 2). Changing the mode of content delivery reduced the time students needed to spend listening to lectures by one-third, without sacrificing either learning content or academic standards. Higher pass rates were observed with larger number of students earning distinction and high-distinction grades. Statistically significant improvements in final grades were observed from both subjects (semester 1: 2017, 49.28 ± 20.16; 2018, 53.29 ± 19.77, t268 = 2.058, P = 0.0405; semester 2: 2017, 58.87 ± 21.19; 2018, 67.91 ± 20.40, t111 = 2.306, P = 0.023). Finally, students' perception of their learning experience remained at or above the university benchmarks (median score of >80% for all iterations of the subjects). While the most frequent and persistent area that students suggested could be improved was reduction of content, equal numbers of students commented that no improvement in the subjects was required. Despite the generally positive attitude to recorded didactic teaching content, classroom attendance remained very low, and students did not engage with the active learning content. This suggest that more emphasis needs to be placed on promoting class attendance by developing better active learning content

    Innervation of supraclavicular adipose tissue: A human cadaveric study

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    Functional brown adipose tissue (BAT) was identified in adult humans only in 2007 with the use of fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography imaging. Previous studies have demonstrated a negative correlation between obesity and BAT presence in humans. It is proposed that BAT possesses the capacity to increase metabolism and aid weight loss. In rodents it is well established that BAT is stimulated by the sympathetic nervous system with the interscapular BAT being innervated via branches of intercostal nerves. Whilst there is evidence to suggest that BAT possesses beta-3 adrenoceptors, no studies have identified the specific nerve branch that carries sympathetic innervation to BAT in humans. The aim of this study was to identify and trace the peripheral nerve or nerves that innervate human BAT in the supraclavicular region. The posterior triangle region of the neck of cadaveric specimens were dissected in order to identify any peripheral nerve branches piercing and/or terminating in supraclavicular BAT. A previously undescribed branch of the cervical plexus terminating in a supraclavicular adipose depot was identified in all specimens. This was typically an independent branch of the plexus, from the third cervical spinal nerve, but in one specimen was a branch of the supraclavicular nerve. Histological analysis revealed the supraclavicular adipose depot contained tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive structures, which likely represent sympathetic axons. This is the first study that identifies a nerve branch to supraclavicular BAT-like tissue. This finding opens new avenues for the investigation of neural regulation of fat metabolism in humans

    Effects of Caffeine on Brown Adipose Tissue Thermogenesis and Metabolic Homeostasis: A Review

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    The impact of brown adipose tissue (BAT) metabolism on understanding energy balance in humans is a relatively new and exciting field of research. The pathogenesis of obesity can be largely explained by an imbalance between caloric intake and energy expenditure, but the underlying mechanisms are far more complex. Traditional non-selective sympathetic activators have been used to artificially elevate energy utilization, or suppress appetite, however undesirable side effects are apparent with the use of these pharmacological interventions. Understanding the role of BAT, in relation to human energy homeostasis has the potential to dramatically offset the energy imbalance associated with obesity. This review discusses paradoxical effects of caffeine on peripheral adenosine receptors and the possible role of adenosine in increasing metabolism is highlighted, with consideration to the potential of central rather than peripheral mechanisms for caffeine mediated BAT thermogenesis and energy expenditure. Research on the complex physiology of adipose tissue, the embryonic lineage and function of the different types of adipocytes is summarized. In addition, the effect of BAT on overall human metabolism and the extent of the associated increase in energy expenditure are discussed. The controversy surrounding the primary β-adrenoceptor involved in human BAT activation is examined, and suggestions as to the lack of translational findings from animal to human physiology and human in vitro to in vivo models are provided. This review compares and distinguishes human and rodent BAT effects, thus developing an understanding of human BAT thermogenesis to aid lifestyle interventions targeting obesity and metabolic syndrome. The focus of this review is on the effect of BAT thermogenesis on overall metabolism, and the potential therapeutic effects of caffeine in increasing metabolism via its effects on BAT

    The capacity for oestrogen to influence obesity through brown adipose tissue thermogenesis in animal models: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Pharmacological interventions to aid weight loss have historically targeted either appetite suppression or increased metabolic rate. Brown adipose tissue (BAT) possesses the capacity to expend energy in a futile cycle, thus increasing basal metabolic rate. In animal models, oestrogen has been implicated in the regulation of body weight, and it is hypothesized that oestrogen is acting by modulating BAT metabolism. A systematic search was performed, to identify research articles implementing in vivo oestrogen-related interventions and reporting outcome measures that provide direct or indirect measures of BAT metabolism. Meta-analyses were conducted where sufficient data were available. The final library of 67 articles were predominantly in rodent models and provided mostly indirect measures of BAT metabolism. Results of this review found that oestrogen's effects on body weight, in rats and possibly mice, are likely facilitated by both metabolic and appetitive mechanisms but are largely only found in ovariectomized models. There is a need for further studies to clarify the potential effects of oestrogen on BAT metabolism in gonad-intact and castrated male animal models

    Stimulatory, but not anxiogenic, doses of caffeine act centrally to activate interscapular brown adipose tissue thermogenesis in anesthetized male rats

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    The role of central orexin in the sympathetic control of interscapular brown adipose tissue (iBAT) thermogenesis has been established in rodents. Stimulatory doses of caffeine activate orexin positive neurons in the lateral hypothalamus, a region of the brain implicated in stimulating BAT thermogenesis. This study tests the hypothesis that central administration of caffeine is sufficient to activate BAT. Low doses of caffeine administered either systemically (intravenous [IV]; 10 mg/kg) and centrally (intracerebroventricular [ICV]; 5-10 μg) increases BAT thermogenesis, in anaesthetised (1.5 g/kg urethane, IV) free breathing male rats. Cardiovascular function was monitored via an indwelling intra-arterial cannula and exhibited no response to the caffeine. Core temperature did not significantly differ after administration of caffeine via either route of administration. Caffeine administered both IV and ICV increased neuronal activity, as measured by c-Fos-immunoreactivity within subregions of the hypothalamic area, previously implicated in regulating BAT thermogenesis. Significantly, there appears to be no neural anxiety response to the low dose of caffeine as indicated by no change in activity in the basolateral amygdala. Having measured the physiological correlate of thermogenesis (heat production) we have not measured indirect molecular correlates of BAT activation. Nevertheless, our results demonstrate that caffeine, at stimulatory doses, acting via the central nervous system can increase thermogenesis, without adverse cardio-dynamic impact