422 research outputs found

    A system to enrich for primitive streak-derivatives, definitive endoderm and mesoderm, from pluripotent cells in culture

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    Two lineages of endoderm develop during mammalian embryogenesis, the primitive endoderm in the pre-implantation blastocyst and the definitive endoderm at gastrulation. This complexity of endoderm cell populations is mirrored during pluripotent cell differentiation in vitro and has hindered the identification and purification of the definitive endoderm for use as a substrate for further differentiation. The aggregation and differentiation of early primitive ectoderm-like (EPL) cells, resulting in the formation of EPL-cell derived embryoid bodies (EPLEBs), is a model of gastrulation that progresses through the sequential formation of primitive streak-like intermediates to nascent mesoderm and more differentiated mesoderm populations. EPL cell-derived EBs have been further analysed for the formation of definitive endoderm by detailed morphological studies, gene expression and a protein uptake assay. In comparison to embryoid bodies derived from ES cells, which form primitive and definitive endoderm, the endoderm compartment of embryoid bodies formed from EPL cells was comprised almost exclusively of definitive endoderm. Definitive endoderm was defined as a population of squamous cells that expressed Sox17, CXCR4 and Trh, which formed without the prior formation of primitive endoderm and was unable to endocytose horseradish peroxidase from the medium. Definitive endoderm formed in EPLEBs provides a substrate for further differentiation into specific endoderm lineages; these lineages can be used as research tools for understanding the mechanisms controlling lineage establishment and the nature of the transient intermediates formed. The similarity between mouse EPL cells and human ES cells suggests EPLEBs can be used as a model system for the development of technologies to enrich for the formation of human ES cell-derived definitive endoderm in the future.Sveltana Vassilieva, Hweee Ngee Goh, Kevin X. Lau, James N. Hughes, Mary Familari, Peter D. Rathjen and Joy Rathje

    Strategies for wheat stripe rust pathogenicity identified by transcriptome sequencing

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    Stripe rust caused by the fungus Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici (Pst) is a major constraint to wheat production worldwide. The molecular events that underlie Pst pathogenicity are largely unknown. Like all rusts, Pst creates a specialized cellular structure within host cells called the haustorium to obtain nutrients from wheat, and to secrete pathogenicity factors called effector proteins. We purified Pst haustoria and used next-generation sequencing platforms to assemble the haustorial transcriptome as well as the transcriptome of germinated spores. 12,282 transcripts were assembled from 454-pyrosequencing data and used as reference for digital gene expression analysis to compare the germinated uredinospores and haustoria transcriptomes based on Illumina RNAseq data. More than 400 genes encoding secreted proteins which constitute candidate effectors were identified from the haustorial transcriptome, with two thirds of these up-regulated in this tissue compared to germinated spores. RT-PCR analysis confirmed the expression patterns of 94 effector candidates. The analysis also revealed that spores rely mainly on stored energy reserves for growth and development, while haustoria take up host nutrients for massive energy production for biosynthetic pathways and the ultimate production of spores. Together, these studies substantially increase our knowledge of potential Pst effectors and provide new insights into the pathogenic strategies of this important organism.J.P.R. is an ARC Future Fellow (FT0992129). This project has been supported by Bioplatforms Australia through funding from the Commonwealth Government NCRIS and Education Investment Fund Super Science programs

    Formation of a primitive ectoderm like cell population, EPL cells, from ES cells in response to biologically derived factors

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    The primitive ectoderm of the mouse embryo arises from the inner cell mass between 4.75 and 5.25 days post coitum, around the time of implantation. Positioned at a pivotal time in development, just prior to formation of the three germ layers of the embryo proper, the primitive ectoderm responds directly to the signals generated during gastrulation. We have identified a conditioned medium, MEDII, which caused the homogeneous conversion of ES cells to a morphologically distinct cell population, termed early primitive ectoderm-like (EPL) cells. EPL cells expressed the pluripotent cell markers Oct4, SSEA1 and alkaline phosphatase. However, the formation of EPL cells was accompanied by alterations in Fgf5, Gbx2 and Rex1 expression, a loss in chimaera forming ability, changes in factor responsiveness and modified differentiation capabilities, all consistent with the identification of EPL cells as equivalent to the primitive ectoderm population of the 5.5 to 6.0 days post coitum embryo. EPL cell formation could be reversed in the presence of LIF and withdrawal of MEDII, which suggested that EPL cell formation was not a terminal differentiation event but reflected the ability of pluripotent cells to adopt distinct cell states in response to specific factors. Partial purification of MEDII revealed the presence of two separable biological activities, both of which were required for the induction and maintenance of EPL cells. We show here the first demonstration of uniform differentiation of ES cells in response to biological factors. The formation of primitive ectoderm, both in vivo and in vitro, appears to be an obligatory step in the differentiation of the inner cell mass or ES cells into cell lineages of the embryonic germ layers. EPL cells potentially represent a model for the development of lineage specific differentiation protocols and analysis of gastrulation at a molecular level. An understanding of the active components of MEDII may provide a route for the identification of factors which induce primitive ectoderm formation in vivo.Joy Rathjen, Julie-Anne Lake, Michael D. Bettess, Jenny M. Washington, Gavin Chapman and Peter D. Rathje

    Interpresonal Effectiveness: Stereotypes, Myths, and Data

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    Paper by Diana P. Rathjen and Alice A. Hinike

    Targeted ablation of NrCAM or ankyrin-B results in disorganized lens fibers leading to cataract formation

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    The NgCAM-related cell adhesion molecule (NrCAM) is an immunoglobulin superfamily member of the L1 subgroup that interacts intracellularly with ankyrins. We reveal that the absence of NrCAM causes the formation of mature cataracts in the mouse, whereas significant pathfinding errors of commissural axons at the midline of the spinal cord or of proprioceptive axon collaterals are not detected. Cataracts, the most common cause of visual impairment, are generated in NrCAM-deficient mice by a disorganization of lens fibers, followed by cellular disintegration and accumulation of cellular debris. The disorganization of fiber cells becomes histologically distinct during late embryonic development and includes abnormalities of the cytoskeleton and of connexin50-containing gap junctions. Furthermore, analysis of lenses of ankyrin-B mutant mice also reveals a disorganization of lens fibers at postnatal day 1, indistinguishable from that generated by the absence of NrCAM, indicating that NrCAM and ankyrin-B are required to maintain contact between lens fiber cells. Also, these studies provide genetic evidence of an interaction between NrCAM and ankyrin-B

    Currents in, Forces on and Deformations/Displacements of the LHC Beam Screen Expected during a Magnet Quench

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    Due to the field asymmetry of the LHC dipoles, the magnetic field integral calculated from the centre of the aperture to the outside of the cold mass does not vanish. During a magnet quench this asymmetry generates an electromotive force and thus a current with a resultant lateral force on the beam screen. This induced force was observed indirectly when measuring the deformation of the beam screen cross-section during a quench using a precision displacement transducer, which will be described. The transducer (based on optical gratings) was developed specially to study the beam screen deformation in cryogenic environments and high magnetic fields. The results of the measurements are compared to calculations and to direct measurements of the induced voltage along the current path. An estimation of the forces exerted on the cold bore by the beam screen and of the actual current induced in the beam screen will be given

    The Receptor-Like Kinase SERK3/BAK1 Is Required for Basal Resistance against the Late Blight Pathogen Phytophthora infestans in Nicotiana benthamiana

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    BACKGROUND The filamentous oomycete plant pathogen Phytophthora infestans causes late blight, an economically important disease, on members of the nightshade family (Solanaceae), such as the crop plants potato and tomato. The related plant Nicotiana benthamiana is a model system to study plant-pathogen interactions, and the susceptibility of N. benthamiana to Phytophthora species varies from susceptible to resistant. Little is known about the extent to which plant basal immunity, mediated by membrane receptors that recognise conserved pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), contributes to P. infestans resistance. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS We found that different species of Phytophthora have varying degrees of virulence on N. benthamiana ranging from avirulence (incompatible interaction) to moderate virulence through to full aggressiveness. The leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase (LRR-RLK) BAK1/SERK3 is a major modulator of PAMP-triggered immunity (PTI) in Arabidopsis thaliana and N. benthamiana. We cloned two NbSerk3 homologs, NbSerk3A and NbSerk3B, from N. benthamiana based on sequence similarity to the A. thaliana gene. N. benthamiana plants silenced for NbSerk3 showed markedly enhanced susceptibility to P. infestans infection but were not altered in resistance to Phytophthora mirabilis, a sister species of P. infestans that specializes on a different host plant. Furthermore, silencing of NbSerk3 reduced the cell death response triggered by the INF1, a secreted P. infestans protein with features of PAMPs. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE We demonstrated that N. benthamiana NbSERK3 significantly contributes to resistance to P. infestans and regulates the immune responses triggered by the P. infestans PAMP protein INF1. In the future, the identification of novel surface receptors that associate with NbSERK3A and/or NbSERK3B should lead to the identification of new receptors that mediate recognition of oomycete PAMPs, such as INF1.This work was supported by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, BBSRC, Nuffield Foundation and the German Research Foundation (DFG). SS was supported by a personal research fellowship (SCHO1347/1-1). JPR is an Australian Research Council Future Fellow (FT0992129). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    The ins and outs of rust haustoria

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    Rust diseases caused by fungi of the order Pucciniales afflict a wide range of plants, including cereals, legumes, ornamentals, and fruit trees, and pose a serious threat to cropping systems and global food security. The obligate parasitic lifestyle of these fungi and their complex life cycles, often involving alternate hosts for the sexual and asexual stages, also make this group of pathogens of great biological interest. One of the most remarkable adaptations of rust fungi is the specialized infection structure that underpins the sustained biotrophic association with hosts; the haustorium.This work has been supported by grants from the TwoBlades corporation and the Australian research council

    Comparative genomics of Australian isolates of the wheat stem rust pathogen Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici reveals extensive polymorphism in candidate effector genes

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    The wheat stem rust fungus Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici (Pgt) is one of the most destructive pathogens of wheat. In this study, a draft genome was built for a founder Australian Pgt isolate of pathotype (pt.) 21-0 (collected in 1954) by next generation DNA sequencing. A combination of reference-based assembly using the genome of the previously sequenced American Pgt isolate CDL 75-36-700-3 (p7a) and de novo assembly were performed resulting in a 92 Mbp reference genome for Pgt isolate 21-0. Approximately 13 Mbp of de novo assembled sequence in this genome is not present in the p7a reference assembly. This novel sequence is not specific to 21-0 as it is also present in three other Pgt rust isolates of independent origin. The new reference genome was subsequently used to build a pan-genome based on five Australian Pgt isolates. Transcriptomes from germinated urediniospores and haustoria were separately assembled for pt. 21-0 and comparison of gene expression profiles showed differential expression in ∼10% of the genes each in germinated spores and haustoria. A total of 1,924 secreted proteins were predicted from the 21-0 transcriptome, of which 520 were classified as haustorial secreted proteins (HSPs). Comparison of 21-0 with two presumed clonal field derivatives of this lineage (collected in 1982 and 1984) that had evolved virulence on four additional resistance genes (Sr5, Sr11, Sr27, SrSatu) identified mutations in 25 HSP effector candidates. Some of these mutations could explain their novel virulence phenotypes.Authors wish to thank the Two Blades Foundation for financial support. Part of this work was supported through access to facilities managed by Bioplatforms Australia and funded by the Australian Government National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy and Education Investment Fund Super Science Initiative