66 research outputs found

    Electromyographical Analysis of The Thigh Muscle During Four Yogasana

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    The goal of the study was to examine the peak EMG at four lower body muscles during four different yoga poses performed by yoga practitioners. Materials and methods: Male Yoga practitioners (n= 11) were assessed for peak electromyography (EMG) of VM-Vastus Medialis, VL- Vastus lateralis, BF- Biceps femoris, ST- Semitendinosus, while performing four Yogasana: UK- Utkatasana, VB- Virabhadrasana II, UPE- Urdhva prasarita ekapadasana six, DOL- Dolasana (pendulum pose). Results: The UK induced the highest EMG for VM (124.5000 ± 25.36088), VL(124.2364 ± 27.35410), ST (106.6091 ± 32.77619),BF (96.6909 ± 29.34824),The VB II induced the highest EMG for the VL (102.0727 ± 32.96262), VM (100.4091± 16.30960), BF (84.5727 ± 28.63844), ST (86.2818 ± 26.07239).The UPE-Six induced the highest EMG for the VM (42.4364 ± 17.09025), BF (45.0636 ± 21.33440),ST (39.3727 ± 17.03315),VL (38.3636 ± 20.73612).The DOL induced the highest EMG for the VM (88.7455 ± 56.13069), BF (65.2545 ± 36.53172), ST (62.6455 ± 19.28302),VL (43.2545 ± 24.14255). However, between Yogasana, only the VM showed a significant (P < .000) * different EMG. Specifically, the UK induced greater VM EMG compared to UPE (82.064, P < .000), VB (57.973, P < .000) * Conclusions: Peak muscular activation in the four lowerbody muscles can change depending on how the yoga players treat the four differences. A declining pattern of peak EMG for the UK > VB II > DOL and UPE six Yogasana, however, indicates that variations between poses appear to be minimal, with the exception of the VM muscle

    Effect of Early versus Delayed Cord Clamping on Hematological Parameters of Term Neonates: Pengaruh Penjepitan Tali Pusat Dini Dibandingkan dengan Tertunda pada Parameter Hematologi Neonatus Aterm

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    Objectives : To compare the serum bilirubin, hemoglobin, and hematocrit in term infants undergoing delayed cord clamping with early cord clamping after normal and caesarean delivery.Methods : This is a prospective observational study. The neonates in which cord clamping was done within 15 seconds were considered in early cord clamping (ECC) group and where cord clamping was done after 1 minute was considered in delayed cord clamping (DCC) group. The PCV, Hb, serum bilirubin were observed after 48 hours in both the groups and compared.Results : There was statistically significant difference in means of Hb level (p = 0.001) and PCV level (p = 0.001) between DCC and ECC group whereas no statistically significant difference was present in total serum bilirubin level (p = 0.359).Conclusion: There was no significant increase in risk of polycythaemia and hyperbilirubinemia between delayed cord clamping and early cord clamping group rather has beneficial effects in increasing the haemoglobin and haematocrit in the infants.Keywords : delayed cord clamping, early cord clamping, hematocrit, hemoglobin, serum bilirubin, hyperbilirubinemia. Abstrak Tujuan: Untuk membandingkan bilirubin serum, hemoglobin, dan hematoklit pada bayi aterm yang dilakukan delayed cord clamping dan early cord clamping setelah persalinan normal dan seksio sesarea.Metode: Studi ini merupakan studi prospektif. Neonatus yang dilakukan cord clamping dalam 15 detik dikelompokkan pada delayed cord clamping (DCC). PCV, Hb, bilirubin serum diobservasi dalam 48 jam pada kedua kelompok, kemudian dibandingkan.Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara kadar Hb (p = 0,001) dan PCV (p = 0,0010 antara kelompok DCC dan ECC, sedangkan tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan pada kadar bilirubin serum total (p = 0,3590Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat peningkatan signifikan polisitemia dan hyperbilirubinemia antara DCC dan ECC.Kata kunci: delayed cord clamping, early cord clapming, hematokrit, hemoglobin, serum bilirubin, hyperbilirubinemi

    Dissociative Autoionization in (1+2)-photon Above Threshold Excitation of H2 Molecules

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    We have theoretically studied the effect of dissociative autoionization on the photoelectron energy spectrum in (1+2)-photon above threshold ionization(ATI) of H2 molecules. We have considered excitation from the ground state X-singlet-Sigma-g+(v=0,j) to the doubly excited autoionizing states of singlet-Sigma-u+ and singlet-Pi-u+ symmetry, via the intermediate resonant B-singlet-Sigma-u+(v=5,j) states. We have shown that the photoelectron energy spectrum is oscillatory in nature and shows three distinct peaks above the photoelectron energy 0.7 eV. This feature has been observed in a recent experiment by Rottke et al, J. Phys. B, Vol. 30, p-4049 (1997).Comment: 11 pages and 4 figure